Streaks User Reviews

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  • Great app, but not enough tasks

    I really like Streaks a lot. The interface is simple, and they have really nailed a lot of details. But there are a few simple issues holding it back that, if they fixed, would make it a five star app:
    1. Allow more than 12 total tasks. How many tasks I wanna do is my business. Having a limit of 12 feels arbitrary and insane. (Am I supposed to use a different app for tasks 13 and up? It should allow at least 24.
    2. Implement the swipe gesture between screens. Right now, you have to tap on the icon at the bottom of the page, which is very old fashioned. I find myself regularly trying to swipe to the next screen of tasks and getting frustrated.
    3. Would be great if there was an option to have tasks be one page that scrolls up and down, instead of only having them be discreet pages.
    4. Would be nice if the task icons could be made smaller, so that there could be 3 across and maybe 4-5 down per page. (I have an iPhone XS Max, so I’d like to be able to maximize screen real estate)
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  • Very motivating

    I love this app. They’ve focused on quality of features rather than quantity, so while it doesn’t do a million things, it gets what it does 100% right.

    What it does:
    -Lets you set up a dozen or so habits you want to track (though really you should set up no more than 3-4 if you really want to stick with them)
    -Choose a name, icon, and how often you want to complete each habit (daily, weekly, every Turs and Thurs, 3 times a week, etc.)
    -Reminds you with notifications that you should check off completion of each habit. Checking off a habit is satisfying because it has a nice animation and a triumphant sound plays
    -Lets you view your history for each habit and the total of your habits. This can be shown as a calendar, a graph or a percentage.

    This app has been more than worth the money because it’s really helping me build good habits.

    Some enhancements I’d like to see:
    1) Ability to mark a habit as missed. If I have a habit to wake up at 7am and I’m still in bed at 8:00, I want to be able to mark the habit missed and not get notifications later in the day

    2) it would be cool if there were more than one sound that plays and they were randomized. It would feel more rewarding to hear different sounds when you check off several habits in a row

    3) Another cool feature would be badges, such as “21 day streak “, “Bounced back after missing a week “, etc.

    Kudos to the developers!
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  • It works. Very easy to manage.

    I love this app, and it has helped me quit bad habits and start a lot of good ones. There are so many different options, and the UI is very friendly, which makes it worth the price. My favorite feature is the ability to edit your calendar. There have been some days in which I forgot to log or didn’t have WiFi or whatever and I lose the streak I gained. But the calendar will actually let me edit that day and mark it as complete, and it counts that previous day as another day towards your streak. I also love that you can pause tasks. This allows you to not complete that task(s) certain days, but it won’t kill your streak. This is useful if you have tasks such as “Don’t eat bad food”, and want to count days like Christmas or Thanksgiving out of that task. That way, you can eat bad food that day, and it won’t break your streak, but it also won’t add to it. I love how easy it is to get stuff done and I highly recommend this app!
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  • Love this app - been using for several years now

    This app has been great and I even use it in ways it’s not necessarily meant to be used, like tracking intake of food! I love it especially for tracking workouts and habits I truly want to keep and uphold. The only suggestion I have for it right now is to allow a “reset” setting per task. What I’ve been doing every year is to delete each task and to add it back on New Year’s Day to set a “clean slate” for myself for the new year. It’d be so much better if the app just allowed for this. Also - I’m always excited for new colors/backgrounds/icons to make the app more visually exciting. I love when they add new colors and icons and features. I esp appreciate that they now have monthly goals embedded - I was wanting that for awhile and am so pleased it’s here!
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  • Please Keep Going

    I love this app; it is very pleasant to use and personally validating. Every morning I wake up and recording those successes and failures from the previous day which I am tracking and (hoping to) build streaks of continuity. To be fair, this could easily be done on a calendar or paper for less than the cost of this app, but what makes it worth the money is the little autonomy it brings. When I wake up in the morning to engage with this app, there are *some* things which I am recording, but rather checking: I love that you do not need to guess whether you completed your goal of distance walked/ran or hours of sleep achieved because the app automatically pulls that information. The reassurance that you did so, motivates you that much more to continue. I pray the developers of this application continue to expand on the data automatically pulled in by this app; I would love to see a progress bar encircling my goal to “Decrease Screen Time” so that rather than have to check my previous days usage every morning to then mark as completed/failed, the application would automatically and accurately do that for me. Regardless the app is lovely, and well worth the fair price.
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  • Doesn’t track for me

    Got a message from streaks that I had not completed a task. I had but went in to check. Streaks said I had completed it as well. The next day streaks showed that I no longer had a streak. This has happened more than a few times. Checked the app on my phone and watch. Both said I had finished the task yet kept getting reminders and the next day it would say I had not completed the task. Sometimes both were in agreement, sometimes not. When not I would change the one that claimed I had not completed the task. Next morning, sometimes, the streak was zeroed out. Sometimes not.

    The app also does not track my watch well. I complete three rings and Streaks sometimes says I have not and the next day my streak is over.

    To a degree I don’t care if it keeps track of the streak. Part of my life is hard to predict and missing some tasks on certain days is necessary. That said, I like to reflect and and this glitch makes that impossible. I can’t know if it was the program or me.

    I do like how the app focuses my attention and helps to form habits. Entirely worth it for just that. Not sure what else is out there but Sreaks is far better than anything I have tried. That said I will keep looking while using this app or hope this issue stops for me.
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  • Great App

    Thanks for this app, I had been trying for long time others apps, and Streaks so far did fit my expectations.
    However there is a feature that i will like to see in the future. This is my recommendation, some of the habits that I’m trying to build are not in daily basis, sometimes I’m trying to build a habit by doing it three times a week, with that said, on the days that I not going to work on that habit, I still see the habit on Apple Watch or iPhone, as a result the total habits for that specific day are 11 not 12. So it is possible to have a truly 12 habits a day?, so I wont see the habit on screen that I don't have to accomplish today an instead the ones I want to accomplish during the day. A particular case, I’m trying to do Laundry on Wed and Sat. Those days I not trying to go Hiking but because I have Hiking as a Habit to build on Sun, I still see Hiking the rest of the days even is not an active option.
    I hope I was clear about the recommendation.
    Finally thank you very much for effort.
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  • Good, but...

    I've been looking for a good habit tracker for a while. Most of them out there are either setup as a to-do task manager or a basic timer. In fact, I used to use the Things 3 app not only for my daily tasks, but also for my habits. I was really glad when I came across this, and even went far enough as to buy the bundle (streaks and workout app). The workout app needs improvement too, but that's what this review is about.
    Overall, this app seems to be working great. There's a bit of a learning curve to it, and I still don't understand why you're only allowed two pages, but overall it's pretty good. My problem with it is that sometimes when I try to delete a task (which the delete button is in a super weird place), the task pops back up numerous times in the coming days post-deletion. I delete the task, and the next day it's back and in my face. This has been happening since I've gotten the app. There's also a glitch in where when I hold down the task for completion, the icon does the little circular motion to display the button being pressed, but after the animation, it does nothing. It works usually, but sometimes it glitches out and doesn't complete the task when I tell it to.
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  • Needs Improvement

    The concept of this app is good, however it falls short in several key areas. The first issue being that the interface is really not intuitive at all. Trying to figure out how to delete or edit a task shouldn’t take ten minutes trying to figure it out. The second thing that the app should offer is a larger selection of colors for the interface. All of the colors available are either blindly bright or just plain dull ( having full control of the palette would be optimal ). Lastly, the selection of icons for tasks is fairly weak. There needs to be more available or at least some fairly obvious generic ones. The devs of this app must not go to grocery stores because there’s no icon for one I could find. I believe if this app was updated with the few suggestions mentioned it could easily become a four or five star app.
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  • Rough Start

    I bought this app based on a rave review so I have the ‘pro’ version. While it is easy to get started for basic habit tracking, I remembered reading that it could be used like a Pomodoro task master which is what I now want it for because the existing ones are either too involved ‘to do’ type apps or simplistic timers. It took quite a while to wade through how to create tasks with adequate specificity because it takes numerous passes through editing a task because all the options are not present when you first set up a habit; you create a default habit and then edit the heck out of it to get to a scheduled habit of specific length with notification reminders. It also has weird language like when it specifies the number of times a day you want to perform a habit; instead of phrasing it that way, it says “number of days” when what it means is number of times during your specified time period (day, week, month), yet the previous three options are phrased correctly. I am pretty tech savvy and it took quite a bit of playing around with the app to figure things out, even with the help section. I guess I like words more than icons (hieroglyphics as we used to call them). This app could definitely benefit by on app instructions.
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