User Reviews: Sweat Deck

Top reviews

  • My favorite work out app

    I have downloaded several fitness apps free and some I paid for. I have even done the Emily Skye and Anna Victoria apps. I don’t really feel the need for a meal plan and just wanted something easy for on the go fitness that gets my heart rate going! This app is perfect for keeping my workouts varied and (unlike the ES and AV apps) I don’t need to have service bc some gyms I’ve gone to are like bomb shelters lol. The free version is good but worth the one time $3.99 for the larger variety of exercises. I also love how the jokers are whatever exercise you chose.
  • Perfect

    If you enjoy designing your workouts this app will help you simplify (what in my case often become over thought) your workouts and intensify them.
    For me this has turned into a HIIT weight training app. I love it and would highly recommend.
  • Revised review.

    The first time I tried to use this app it gave me a king of hearts three times out of the first ten cards. I checked and the settings were correct for a single deck. I left a rather scathing review. I decided to try it again and deleted/reinstalled it. I’ve run ten decks in a row and that bug has NOT reappeared. So, I’m giving it a four star review instead. Looks like I jumped the gun on the negative review.

    I’d give five stars if I could use my Apple Watch to advance the cards. Dev, please consider adding that feature as many other fitness apps, including deck of card workouts like RipDeck and general workout apps like JEFIT have Apple Watch apps.
  • Easy versatile exercises anywhere you go

    I got this after seeing a pro wrestler use it. She had good things to say so I tried it. Even for free the app is solid. Pick four exercises and how many you want to do. Eventually I paid the small fee to unlock the full version. This adds little animations showing what the exercises look like, plus the ability to customize it. You can also save and load workouts in the full version.

    Cannot recommend this app enough.
  • A Winning Hand

    I’ve been wanting to try the “Deck of Pain/Deck of Death” exercise routine for sometime. I was excited to find “Sweat Deck” that offers personalization for your routine so it doesn’t become ritualistic. I appreciate the creators of this app and after just one day using it I’ve upgraded.

    Why spend money on a gym membership you’ll use only when your resolutions are new? Why drain your wallet for exercise equipment that will just gather dust? “Sweat Deck” gives you a winning hand in a game where too often the deck is stacked against you.

    “Sweat Deck” is worth the gamble!
  • Suggestion

    This app is really nice! But one suggestion I have is that when you click on the video demonstration of how the exercise looks, it should tell you what part(s) of the body it’s exercising.
  • Wish in was compatible with the Apple Watch

    I tried this today and felt it didn’t flow very well having to go back and tap the card after each exercise. I wish there were an better way to tap thru the cards. Maybe a watch app??? Maybe have a choice of how many cards are displayed at once....for example draw four cards then tap for the next four. I liked it though. It would be nice to customize the face cards as well so change them from the rest of the suit.
  • Love it but have small suggestions

    I really like this app and the in-app purchase is worth the upgrade. I also love that it speaks the rep count and exercise! I have a few ideas, all of which have to do with making it easier to advance to the next card. Hopefully some of these are already In the works.

    The problem is that during a workout I don’t want to be constantly stopping and picking up/putting down my phone to change cards. How about...

    1. Create a companion Apple Watch app who’s only purpose is to advance the cards with a tap on the screen.
    2. Build in a voice recognition feature so saying “next” will advance to the next card.
    3. Advance to the next card based on a set time that the user determines.
    4. Or at the very least make the entire screen tap-able to advance to the next card as opposed to a small green box.

    Other ideas...

    1. AirPlay so I can mirror app on my Apple TV. Or even better an Apple TV version of be app.
    2. Full screen mode
    3. Ability to select music from within app

    Thanks for the great work and I look forward to continued use and improvements 👍🏼
  • Have to download

    App is a creative way to get people to get moving and exercise and even has the theme to catch children attention and do it to. just wanted to let the world and others who want to find a good app to workout on that this is the one💪💪💪💪💪💪💪👍👍👍👍
  • Best deck of cards app once you pay

    It's slick if you like the included exercises but once you pay the small price you can add all of your favorite movements. I love this app. It has made it so I never have to search for a deck of cards again. I recommend it for anyone who likes deck of cards style workouts.

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