Hatch Baby User Reviews

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  • Almost Perfect!

    I really enjoy the ease of this app for tracking diapers, feeds and sleep (though we really only use this feature for tracking naps) with our now 9 week old. It really helps when you’re sleep deprived and cannot remember how long it’s been between feeds especially 😂. My one complaint is that for both myself and my husband if we try to delete a set of data (say we accidentally logged a 1 minute nap) the app always crashes for us and the data gets sent ever deleted when we reopen it. Happened with our old phones (IPhone 11 Pro Max) We both recently upgraded our phones to the IPhone 15 Pro Max and it still does it, so it must be a bug in the app (still happens if we log in or out and uninstall/reinstall the app). Other than that we really enjoy it!
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  • Great app for parents of newborns

    This app provided an excellent place for my wife and I to actually track our baby’s key activities so we could make data informed decisions for things like how to get baby to sleep and to track if we were feeding enough. This saved both of our minds from being completely sleep deprived AND helped us get our child on a regular sleeping/feeding pattern within a few weeks and then sleeping through the night after establishing the rhythm. We cannot recommend this app enough to friends and family who are either in the same stage or are thinking about having kids in the near future.

    That said, there are two areas of improvement for the app - (1) adding/syncing data while traveling on flights that cross time zones (or maybe even flights in general). Currently we needed to use screenshots to record our entries on the flight and then manually entered the data after turning off airplane mode. (2) Dark mode theme for nighttime entries. When opening the app in darkness, the white background is harsh on eyes that are used to the darkness of night.
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  • Good app- survey questions poor

    The app itself is fine/good. I used it with 3 kids so far and with my first and second when I was nursing it was helpful in knowing how much they were eating (obviously the main point of the product/app). With my third baby, I was only nursing about once to twice a day before switching to completely exclusively pumping because he has a painful latch and wasn’t really improving. We still use the pad as a scale when we want to weigh him. But these survey questions in the app are so dumb to be honest because even though I am 100% a breastfeeding mom exclusively pumping, the questions will say like is your baby biting you (yes/no/im not breastfeeding). There should be a 4th option of none of these. There are so many questions that come up that the answers do not apply to my situation. Not just breastfeeding related questions. But it just is so annoying how It acts like there’s no other options besides nursing or “not breastfeeding” like as if people can’t combo feed with formula or partially nurse and partially bottle feed pumped milk. The question/answer writers for their surveys just need to be more inclusive in general bc if they’re actually trying to get an accurate response and idea of what people’s answers are, they need to provide more choices than their narrow minded options currently. Rant over 🙃
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  • Okay for sharing information in the short term. Not reliable to keep data long term.

    The app was okay to use even when it worked but nothing groundbreaking. We just had our second child, almost 3 years after our first. We opened the app again to use it on this child, hoping to see our first child’s information again. His name still showed up but not any of the data we entered. My partner’s phone did show his data but there was mo option to share the data from her phone to mine. In a last ditch effort to retrieve the information I deleted him from my phone but that deleted him from my partner’s phone as well. We’ll try another company’s app for sharing information but document it in more reliable manners. I’m just glad we didn’t waste our money on any of the Hatch devices. If they function anything like the app, they’re not worth the high price tag.
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  • Love it! But would recommend one improvement

    I think this app is wonderful. I got it specifically for the feature of weighing my baby after each breast-feeding session. I was concerned with my first baby not knowing if he got enough milk at each session, so for the second baby, I bought this wonderful product. I use it multiple times a day and use all the features on it. However, I’d like to suggest an improvement, on one of your existing features. As a busy mom, with a two-year-old, scrolling through the time feature to enter time takes longer than necessary. So, I’d like to suggest adding a manual tap entry rather than a scroll entry. The tap entry is available when baby is sleeping, and you want to edit in the moment. I love the tap entry because it’s so much quicker and saves me lots of time. I have all tap entry on a different baby tracking app that I really love, but rather than using two baby apps at a time, I’m now just using the hatch app. Would really love your consideration to add the tap entry feature rather than the scroll entry. Thank you so much for a very special product for parents.
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  • Crashes often

    When logging sleeps that start before midnight and that go into the next day, the entirety of the sleep is logged for the first day. So if you start the sleep at 11:55pm on day 1 and it goes until 7am on day 2, the entire 6:55 is logged for the first day. There’s no easy way to get an accurate recording of how much you baby sleeps in a day without doing the math for each log. I suppose you could end the sleep at 11:59 and start another one at 12, but then not only is that extra work, you also aren’t keeping track of what is likely the longest sleep your baby has. Fix this issue and I would give this app 5 stars.

    Edit: now it keeps crashing every time I delete or change an entry. Since I’m editing the sleeps to end at midnight and start up again, it crashes on me every single day. I changed my rating from 4/5 to 2/5.
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  • Lifesaver!

    I could rave on and on about this app. As a first time mom, I felt like this covered all of my bases. It was basically my second brain. Especially in the beginning, there is so so much going on and so much to remember. Your body is running on fumes from the late nights with a newborn, and you can’t remember if you changed a diaper 2 hours ago or 5. lol It was so wonderful to look at my app and see how long it has been since a diaper change or feeding or sleep. It really helped me quickly hone in on exactly what my baby needed. It’s almost like a baby translator! lol Okay, I hope the developer’s see this, because if I could recommend any changes/requests it would number 1 be to have a “dark mode” on the app where all the background is black. My baby has been woke up several times by me inputting something in my app while I’m thinking of it. The dark mode would be AMAZING! Also, I would love to track baths. All I would want is to input a bath at 5:30pm and some notes (for example). If there were a food section to input when my baby tries a food for the first time, and also a medication/ temperature reading section for when my baby catches a bug. Having the dark mode and these other sections would make this app unbeatable! It’s still my top app rec to any mom, 1st time or not.
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    As a parent, I am already waking up ALL HOURS of the night for my newborn. Using an app to track sleep and feedings is helpful, since heaven knows I’m so tired I can’t remember a thing - however - in the middle of the night, looking at the bright white/blue colors of the app contributes to making it MORE DIFFICULT for me to fall back asleep after tending to my baby for the thousandth time in the middle of the night. I am already sleep deprived enough as it is!!! This app absolutely NEEDS to have a night mode to make the colors in a dark scheme for us ALREADY sleep deprived parents. This is such a basic concept for sleep improvement that it is honestly non negotiable - bright cell phone light reduces melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep. The opportunities I get for sleeping are so minimal and short as it is, I certainly don’t need ANOTHER thing keeping me awake. Especially not something designed to help parents.

    The tips for parents are helpful and I enjoy the information I get for filling out the surveys. It’s also SO wonderful to be able to weigh my baby before and after feedings to track milk intake. I use this app to keep track of wake windows and time between feeds. Very effective for those purposes.
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  • Good for a few weeks, then went haywire

    This app worked great for us with our newborn at first— we have a hatch rest+ lamp and though it doesn’t sync with this app we have been happy with the lamp and decided to continue to use hatch products for recording diaper changes, feedings, and pumping schedules.

    In the last week it’s become unusable. My husband and I can’t see each other’s entries and then entries started disappearing from our own phones— we know because some of them were showing up for the other spouse who did not enter them. As of this evening, I can’t even log into the app because it says I have no children set up on it, even though I have not changed any settings and my husband can see our child on his phone— but it looks like all the data I entered is lost and I can’t enter my child because I would lose all previous data and no longer be synced with my husband. I realize this app is free but we are hatch customers and this is a MESS. I’m very frustrated and worried about losing our data which we need for our pediatrician’s visit tomorrow to make sure baby is progressing. Extremely disappointing.
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  • Recent Bugs - Can’t Use/Access Account

    I have been using this app for 3 months and in the last week it has had so many errors that I can no longer access the app. When I open the app it says I have no babies to log info. I created a fake name just to bypass the screen, was able to access the app and switch to my actual child’s data, but the next day it happened again and now I can’t even get passed the “add a child” page. When I was able to access it, there were bugs with the timers and it saving my data accurately. Paused feeds would disappear, so I would log manually, then 12 hours later I would get an error alert that my feed had exceeded the limit of 12 hours. It also saved many feeds double so I’d have to manually delete one of them. Please fix this bug ASAP before I switch to another app completely and lose my 3 months of logged data!
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