Hatch Baby User Reviews

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  • Worst app EVER!

    If you are looking for an app to track all your new babies feedings poopy diapers etc please don’t consider this app. It was good for the first 3 months then it randomly stopped working. At first it kept telling me to create a new profile for my baby because there was supposably not one for her. Everytime I opened the app I had to create a new one and delete one of the new ones made since I didn’t record any information in those. I kept having the problem and noticed that it wouldn’t happen only when I wouldn’t close the app completely. I reached out to customer service and they explained that there was no profile for my baby(even though I had clearly been recording everything since her birth) they recommended I delete the app and reinstall it but that I would loose all the information I had already put in(at this point it was 3 1/2 months worth of info) I didn’t want to do it but finally gave in. I deleted it re downloaded it and everything was fine(for about 3 weeks). Now it’s doing the same thing again but this time it wont even let me create new profiles. Now I can’t get to my babies profile or create any new ones and I don’t want to delete it again since all the information I’ve been putting in will delete again. Horrible app don’t go through what I went threw and save urself the disappointment choose another app.
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  • The perfect tracker, seriously stop looking elsewhere

    This app is nearly perfect! I’d actually pay for it if it wasn’t free, that’s how good it is. The ability to customize your layouts, the ability to edit, the absence of all advertising…it’s even got the ability to export all data into .csv files for spreadsheet applications like Numbers or Excel. The only missing things are Siri support, an iPad app and a watch app! After using this software I’m hooked, and really hope they gain Siri support at minimum, that would eliminate the need the other two apps in my opinion. I’d love to say Hey Siri, log a poopy diaper, which is doable with Alexa at the moment.
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  • I like it but wish for more

    I like this app. It does exactly what you need it to do, it gives tips, and let’s you add photos.

    Though, I wish it did more. Other tracking apps have ways to see data in different forms (ie. baby has fed on the left a total of X minutes today and right a total of X minutes today) and offer ways to help baby’s sleep schedule. I’d also like a usable “cancel” button on the sleep feature (right now the button is available before you start the sleep but not while timing it - that makes no practical sense). Same with feedings. It would be nice to be able to cancel those timers without submitting then deleting them.

    Otherwise this app is great and use it constantly. Would recommend if you want basic functions when tracking baby’s things.
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  • Everyday User

    Really love the functionality of the app helps me keep track of everything going on when I forget the last time I’ve fed my baby or changed him. Some changes I would really love to see for improvement is being able to update time manually rather than having to scroll through the numbers to input time. Another issue I’ve had is every now and then the last time fed won’t update to tell me right away when the last time I’ve fed the baby instead I’ll have to go and look at the last fed meal instead of the hourly update it gives you without having to look at the last meal. These issues are not horrible but would love to see these fixes.
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  • Great tracking app!

    I’ve used this app with 2 babies and it is very helpful and works great. Never had any bugs, the features all work as they are supposed to. Really helpful to track last side used with breastfeeding, sleep and the daily view gives you the whole picture. You can also see your statistics over time which helps for things like how many hours a day the baby is sleeping or eating.

    One suggestion I would give to the developers is that the timers be show. On your phone’s Lock Screen. When you use the app all the time it gets annoying to have to open your phone and go into the app to check time.

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  • Decent tracking app, missing important feature, and security concern

    This app generally works well.

    Our biggest issue is the timer “lives” on your local device until you hit the stop button. As such, two parents can’t look at/manipulate the same timer, which is a desire of ours for roughly half of all naps.

    The reason I have to give this app a negative rating due to the Universal Clipboard. My iPad or Mac can copy something and it can be pasted on another of my devices. Recently, it came to light apps were reading this data without users being aware so Apple, in iOS 14 introduced a message any time an app read your clipboard. To my surprise, Hatch Baby is triggering that. Why would Hatch Baby want to know what is in my clipboard when I’m looking at how long my baby has been asleep? What are they doing with that data? Very fishy and a large enough issue I cannot trust or recommend this app.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your review! We love hearing feedback from our users as we're constantly making improvements. We want to assure you that we aren't using that data and your privacy is one of our most important concerns. Our developers investigated the copy/paste issue you're reporting and they've found it's an outdated SDK who is responsible, our apologies! Our team is working on pushing out an update as soon as possible, we don't have an ETA but we do want to assure you this is a high priority concern for us. If you have any additional feedback or concerns, please shoot us an email at review@hatch.co. Thanks!
  • Lost EVERYTHING when switching devices

    *** Update: they had me log out and back in and the only day of stuff missing was the day I switched phones. Excuse my previous hormonal rage, this app is great👌🏼***

    I thought all of the information would be saved on the account, not on the device I was using! I really liked this for tracking, but I updated my phone and I lost all of the data I had been tracking for my son’s 2 mo appt at the end of November😭😭 plus, I lost all of the daily photos I had been using😭😭😭 if I could get them back, I’d do whatever needed to be done, but I honestly don’t know what to do. I’ve tried refreshing everything. It was a great app and super easy to track with, but I can’t believe it wouldn’t actually save my data well. Oh, and all his birth weight and height tracking stats!! Those are gone too and I had already gotten rid of my paperwork for those because I thought this digital platform was solid😭
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your review -- we can help with this!! Please reach out to our support team directly at review@hatch.co and they'll take care of you.
  • Good but please Make Night Sleep Easier to View

    I used the glow app suites for conceiving and tracking pregnancy but a couple months after my son was born I switched to Hatch Baby because I thought the interface was much easier to view. Now that we’re going through a night time sleep regression, I would love to be able to see the full night time in the daily schedule view to compare nights easier. It works pretty well for the size of a phone screen but I just want to, for example, see 7 or 8pm and scroll right to see all the way through to the morning, rather than having to scroll all the way left to see info after 2 am easily. I’d also like to have a solids tracker to keep track of which days we started new food items. Thank you for the all the other features though, it’s been so helpful to keep track in our sleep deprived haze!
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  • Best app for tracking everything!

    This app has been super helpful for tracking everything! My baby is 2 months old now, we just recently stopped nursing (slow let down, early bottle introduction) and I’m now exclusively pumping. It helps to see what her patterns are starting to be for eating and sleeping so we can prepare and to track my pumping times and amounts. I’ve had dips in supply and this has helped me to understand what I and the baby need. A couple helpful features: me and my husband have the app and can input data individually and data can be timed or manually entered.

    We also have the Hatch scale and sound machines (we have 2 because they’re the best). You do not need the products to find this app helpful at all, but that’s been nice for us too!
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  • Love this app, but could use some updates

    I LOVE this app! It’s so great to be able to track how long my baby eats when nursing as well as tracking her sleep. I love the daily schedule view to see how she’s meeting our parenting goals.
    However, I do wish the app would change a few things. I wish the nursing timer buttons were larger (Left/Right) & the save button was smaller or in a different place so I didn’t accidentally hit it while trying to switch sides.
    I also wish you could customize your “most used” features at the bottom of the dashboard. I don’t track diapers now that she’s older. I would, however, prefer if the pumping option were there instead.

    Thanks for such a great, app, though! I still highly recommend.
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