midiLFOs User Reviews

Top reviews

Awesome tool toy

I really love this app. The simplicity in the user interface makes using it easy and yet still reveals some fun complexities. The fact that it can handle clock inputs and CC control as well as modulate each other makes this app super flexible.

I wish the visual waveforms of the user-interface would more closely match the path of the output. I also wish that I could control the range values by pinching the waveform and sliding up and down to create an offset in the value range. I would also change the current feature named “offset” to “phase”.
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Elegant utility

I never needed this app. I had two other apps that did its job quite well (oscilab and different drummer) but neither did it with the grace of midilfos. It may lack Link which is a shame but it sits in the multitasking sidebar very nicely and interacts very nicely with all my favourite synth to take them to another level. Small foorprint, easy to use, great user interface and a host of extra functions that inspire you to modulate your knobs to your hearts content. Im happy with my purchase. Link would be nice though ;/
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Works great with TE OP-1!

The TE OP-1 does not have good LFO beat sync, so this app is a life-saver.

Tip: Disable USB charging on OP-1 if connecting directly to iPhone. Otherwise, stuttering occurs (due to hardware, not app).

Great when it works

Works great to control egoist running as an iaa instrument in cubasis or gadget on my ipad air. On my ipad mini though it crashes when cubasis is running. Glad it works on one as it is perfect for my process.

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