User Reviews: Milk for Us

Top reviews

  • Essential App for Groceries

    I’ve used this app for my grocery shopping for over four years now and it remains one of my favorite and most practical apps.

    I can easily arrange aisles based on the stores I’m visiting and the order I like to shop. Notes help me remember specifics, like the quantities I need for recipes or a particular requested brand. The watch app has been a game changer for pandemic shopping; I can quickly reference my list and cross off items without grabbing my phone.

    Overall, this app simply works and rarely fails, and does what it promises to do very well.
  • Perfect!

    One of the only apps I use that functions exactly how you would hope. There’s not a single feature lacking. I’ve used this app almost daily for over 4 years and still no complaints.
  • It was great a few years ago

    Loved this app back when it was being developed but it seems to be abandoned now with no updates for years. The sync was pretty good at one time but it’s now causing a lot of problems. List items disappear, don’t get synced, duplicate, etc. I’m going to find a new list app for the store. It’s great to have the aisles set up correctly so you can walk through and pick things like a warehouse, wish it still worked.
  • Awesome!!

    Love this app! I have been using it for a couple years and is so user friendly!
  • What a Great App!

    Milk for Us is such a great app. I’ve been using it for years, and it’s always reliably here on my phone and watch to help.

    Setting up and revising a shopping list is so easy. When I need to get groceries, I simply scroll through my list and select what I want. By choosing from my set list, I don’t need to worry about remembering things - it prompts me instead. Once my list is set, I head to the store and mark items off from my watch as I shop.

    This is the only 3rd party app I use on my watch. It works flawlessly like the native Apple watch apps. Thanks to the developer for your great work!
  • Just Right!

    I feel like Goldilocks who just found Mama Bear’s bed. And I’ve tried a lot of “beds”. Milk for Us is just the right mix of features and simplicity. It is visually simple and easy on the eyes, as an iOS app should be. The name is odd in my opinion but the app is GREAT.

    Grocery Gadget was too complex, replete with prices, taxes, pictures, etc. I used it faithfully for years patiently waiting for an Apple Watch app that never came. It got old shopping with my phone in one hand, repeatedly retrieving it from my holster. And sometimes leaving it unattended in the cart or on a shelf somewhere while reading nutrition labels.

    Wanting an Apple Watch app, I next tried the Grocery app (lemon icon). It was simple to use but with confusing settings. Their Apple Watch app is tied to the Reminders app which has limitations such as no aisles. So I added the aisles to the note for every item but my notes randomly disappeared after each shopping trip. And it wasn’t so good at “learning” my shopping order in the store as it claimed. I still had to manually order the list before each trip to the store especially after adding new items.

    NOTE: I purposely waited to review Milk for Us until after I added all my groceries to this app and did my first shopping trip with it.

    I love this app for 3 main reasons:
    1. I like ability to create/edit my own aisles. But if you know your store layouts well, you can just use the default aisles instead of creating new ones like I do. (I’m just a little OC about this.) I only shop at Target but if you shop at more than one store for groceries, it would get cumbersome creating custom aisles for each store as you’d have to have duplicate products, one for each store. I guess you could indicate the store by editing the products with a symbol or letter to differentiate them.
    2. I like the ability to default sort the aisles .. my grocery list is ALWAYS in order when I shop.
    3. I like the Apple Watch app! It works flawlessly, just tap the items as you put them in your cart.

    Adjust a watch setting so Milk for Us appears when your watch wakes, so you don’t have to keep opening the app on it while shopping. To do this, open the watch app on your phone and select General > Wake Screen > On Screen Wake Show Last App > then choose either “Within 2 Minutes of Use” or “Always“.

    If you want a simple grocery app that works the way we shop in the real world, TRY THIS APP!
  • Sharing sync is terrible

    My wife and I have been using this for shared shopping lists. Works pretty well EXCEPT the syncing between our devices is terrible. Almost every trip to the store items don’t get purchased because they don’t show up in the other’s list. It can take hours or days to update. We’ve tried closing the app and reopening, ever restarting phones and there is no reliable solution. Might be fine for 1 user lists with no need to share. Worthless and frustrating for sharing.
  • Never syncs (even though we pay for sync) and no support

    I’ve reached out for support and never get an email back. Although we pay for the sync between our two phones, even when my wife and I sit next to each other, it never syncs the list. We have logged out and back in and the lists aren’t updated. Very frustrated their isn’t a manual sync option or a way to get this to sync between the phones. Also frustrating to pay for something that doesn’t work as designed.
  • Slow Sync

    With a shopping app you have to commit to putting all you items in the lists. It takes a long time so you’re then stuck with some features you don’t like. This one seems to be the best in the bunch but here are the down sides:

    1) syncing with another family member is extremely slow and random, even though you have to pay for it.
    2) there is no option to turn off screen lock while using the app so while you’re walking up and down aisles, your phone will turn off.

    I’ve tried contacting the developer on these issues to no avail.
  • Terrific app!

    I’ve used this app for a couple of years and love it. It syncs with my phone, desktop computer and tablet. I can’t go shopping unless I have this app handy.

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