User Reviews: Milk for Us

Top reviews

  • Nice App - Milk for Us

    “Milk for Us” - I love it and use it daily. I’m a Groceries & Groceries4 convert (no longer available). I looked hard to find a good shopping app. After working with an App and tailoring the database it’s difficult to change. I’ve now used “Milk for Us” for 9+ months. It’s quick, basic and simple to use. It has all basic needs and abilities for shopping items, also easily modifiable. It also has a “note” field which can be used for various comments and/or item quantity wanted. It also allows you to strike through completed items as you shop, then delete when you want to declutter the list. Nice App for those who just want an easy app to use without all the pictures, prices and etc. Also shareable with family members or send via text or email.
  • Perfect!

    This is the grocery app you've been looking for. In one word; perfect.

    This app is so much better than every other grocery app out there. I've tried quite a few.

    Problems with all other apps:
    They are either laden with ads or "coupons", clunky and slow, too generic for effective grocery shopping, don't support sync, loaded with terrible UI that tries to simulate the look of a physical paper shopping list, no watch support, or various combinations of the above.

    This app fixes all of that!!!

    If this app doesn't become the #1 grocery shopping app, then the App Store is truly broken.

    I love that it’s been updated for the iPhone X!
  • Really handy for an iWatch

    I love using this for my iWatch. I make lists and can easily view them while at the store. Really my biggest complaint is that you have to click an isle or else it won’t get added to the list. I use this for more than just the grocery store so it’s annoying when most of the things I put on the list don’t have an isle. It makes adding things to the list take so much longer with this extra unneeded step. I think they should make it an option and not mandatory!
  • Loved until...

    Loved this app and how convenient it was. So I decided to pay to have it sync with other devices. Once I did that it erased all lists defeating the point of the app!
  • Great shopping list app!

    Has pretty much everything I need in a grocery list app. Watch app works great, communication between the app and the phone is flawless.
    The only item on my wishlist is iPhone X compatibility. Hopefully, developer will add it soon.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Exactly what I was looking for!

    Perfect, easy to use, so handy!
  • Good but needs a few things

    I really wish I could take pictures and attach them to items I add to the lists so that my husband will pick up the correct things when he goes shopping. Barcode scanning would be great too so I can quickly add things to the list when we're nearly out of something.
  • A little clunky but works as advertised...

    This review is based on the app without any subscription service use -- just downloaded and started using with my Apple Watch. Seems to work fairly well, but the adding list items is a bit too convoluted. For instance, when I tried to add 'charcoal' (for barbecuing) to the list, the app could not find the product. I click the + to add the item, then I'm taken to a screen to pick out an aisle. This step is really not necessary as we all most likely shop at the same stores and pretty much know where the desired items are. Marking that milk, for example, is in the 'Dairy' aisle is a no-brainer and not of any benefit. Back to 'charcoal' -- so, I just want to add this product to my list as quickly as possible. I see 'No Aisle' is already selected for me -- GREAT! So, what do I do here? It's already selected; there's no OK button, but I do see a big + right there at the top of the screen. Intuition tells me to click that -- NOPE, that's to add a NEW aisle name. Apparently I have to tap the already selected 'No Aisle' to actually choose it. Doing this takes me back to the previous screen where I'm entering in a new product. It's a little more obvious here what to do, but it's still not 100% clear that 'Done' is what I want to finally add 'Charcoal' to my grocery list.

    I think what's needed here, at least for me, is the option to turn off the 'Aisle' feature totally. Milk is always going to be in the dairy case. Toilet paper is always going to be in the paper products aisle. Bath soap is always going to be in the health and beauty section. Maybe add an option to skip or turn off the 'Aisle' feature.

    I can understand if one of these items is something not regularly purchased or a specialty item (kebob skewers..?) -- marking an item like this with a particular aisle (aisle #s vs. product type aisle would be more helpful) would then be beneficial. But, here's ultimately what I'd like to do with this app:

    • Quick list: Add items -- boom, boom, boom. Done. Skip the aisle stuff. A list of items is all I need and I want to compile it quickly and efficiently.
    • Add new items via Apple Watch. I could be on the way to the store and think of something else I need to pick up. I'd like to quickly add it on the fly by speech through my Apple Watch. I don't see that this is available presently.

    On the positive side, it does do what it says it will do and lists show up on my Apple Watch seamlessly. The app looks nice as well. I think this app is good and headed in the right direction, but throw in options to simplify the process of adding items to a list and some extra item added ability with Apple Watch and then it's a solid five star app.
  • Disappointing Apple Watch Experience

    I was really pleased when this new version came through with an all new rewritten native Apple Watch app. Previously, the Watch didn't sync with the iPhone while in the store shopping and I was sure this would finally solve it. Sadly, this is no better. I really don't understand how a can developer write a Watch app that simply doesn't talk in real time to its associated iPhone. What is the point? What I am looking for is to be able to mark something off the list on my watch and have it immediately sync to my phone, and my wife's, showing that the item is no longer on the list. Otherwise, we come back together having picked up two of everything. The Watch and iPhone do sync, but they do it so slowly as to be completely useless for actual shopping. I tested the speed of changes in either direction and it takes several minutes to sync. For example, I just added some items to my iPhone at 10:06 pm and the Watch didn't show the changes until 10:14. That is much too slow to be useful. It looks like my search for a good shopping list app that supports the Apple Watch is back on. In fairness, though, it syncs quickly between two iPhones. The large delays seem to be with the Apple Watch. So if you don't have an Apple Watch, this might still be a good option for you.
  • Nice app

    I was looking for a shopping app that I could use with the Apple Watch. I tried a couple others that didn't work well. Then I tried this one. This works very well with the watch. The app itself is pretty nice, easy to use, able to sort isles per store, able to apply your list to different stores. The sweep feature to clean up items purchased and leave unpurchased items is nice as I tend to split my shopping across multiple stores.

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