User Reviews: Rocketbook App

Rocketbook App
Rocketbook App
Rocket Innovations, Inc.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Write away!

    I love this little unlimited notepad!

    I’m using the Rocketbook Fusion and it is fantastic. For years, I’ve been typing notes and reminders on phone/ tablet apps, but there are limits to that. I like to sketch out ideas and doodle as I think, so I have been missing “putting pen to paper” as I go through the day. With this notepad, I can do that, scan what is worth keeping, save it to my device, and quickly erase the sheet of paper. No more paper clutter and notepads all over the place. I have a never ending supply of fresh paper with just this one little notepad. The side benefits are that it is helping me spend less time on my devices, decreasing my electronic “distractions” and helping me stay focused.

    Rocketbook brings the best of “Old School” and Technology together to increase productivity and decrease clutter and waste. Well done!
  • Nice idea but needs to be developed a little more

    I like were the developers are going with the general idea of the software, but to me it doesn’t feel fully flushed out. I can think of at least half a dozen things I’d personally choose to examine. Some quick examples off the top of my head might start with the following: taking a picture of a page (scanning it), it does so automatically. I’d love to know a way to make this be a manual picture snap. The app does this so quickly that I can’t even get the images into focus. Another thing I’d love, just love to talk about is when sending my notes somewhere, Rocketbook uses all these symbols to indicate were I’m supposedly sending them. Be it apple, evernote, wherever, (I’m totally guessing here)…. As a consumer/user of this product, I’d love some sort of key or description telling me what each of these icons means. Because I’ve been using this for over 6 months and I still don’t have a clue. My wife’s been using it for more than 3 times that long and she doesn’t know what they mean either.

    Like I said, this is a short list. I do hope the devs are still actually developing this thing and not resting on their bums with it. It could be really great. It just needs a little help.
  • Many features missing

    Great core functionality. Unfortunately the pace of app development feels very, very lacking. No way to tag multiple items at once, no way to set scan optimization type per document (you have to dig through a nearly hidden UI to find the settings and manually change from color to B/W every. single. time you change), doesn’t remember your scroll position when trying to rename or edit documents, no duplicate detection, can get stuck perpetually trying to resend documents if the destination changes, the list of missing features is a mile long. And it never feels like they add anything significant. It took two years just to get the ability to merge documents — and no, there’s no way to split so the feature isn’t even fully baked. This is only one example of many. You can’t save files to your local device either for… well, no reason. Really poorly reflects on an otherwise amazing ecosystem.

    Did I mention there’s not even a clear indication that your upload was successful???
  • Honestly life changing

    I can’t put into words how useful this product is! I have always struggled with taking notes or capturing important information down, and then using it when needed or not loosing it. Phones and digital media have always been easy to organise and keep on me at all times. However opening my phone, then finding my app to type out a note, then choosing the correct location I would like to store, etc causing a lot of friction to just get the information down. Now I can take the note quickly, not loosing the thought or information and keep moving and later I can just snap a pic and it is where I need it and searchable with the option to have a text file made. Allowing me to quickly reference or access it when needed. Keep up the good work, also would love to see a notion integration with the ability to use markdown for formatting
  • Worst App In Mankind

    I recently downloaded this app a week ago and already have major problems with it. The functions of this app are exactly the same as modern phones. Which means it’s basically useless. Also, it is really not user friendly (unless you want to scan, which you can already do with your notes app in iPhone) since I had to spend literally about 30 MINUTES to merge a file, which was not even in the multiple “guides” in the first place. The most critical is the scanning function. You scan it, and, yes, it works, but not to a result you expected it to be. For example, say you want to make file, a very bundled up file at that. However, when you finish scanning the files, you have to see the abomination the app tries to do: making your bundled up file into little sections, which are mostly all out of order. The biggest issue of this is that you can’t change the order; you can only change the folder’s order once you merge, which means that all the file’s order can’t be changed at all. I have no doubt in mind that this app’s ratings were made by bots. Otherwise, everyone would be rating this down to a 3 star or less because of these “services”. This is a scam.
  • Absolutely the BEST!!

    This product is an absolute must have for those who suffer from ADHD, memory loss or forgetfulness, environmentally conscious, etc (as I am all of those I have just listed…and then some….lol😀) I’ve purchased more planners and notebooks- thinking I must have them, when I didn’t, and just never actually used them upon the first ten minutes of “newness” and then I forget I even have it, or forget to actually add anything of importance to said stuff.
    Well not anymore- I have purchased many Rocketbook products including the Panda Planner as well as the mini (pocket) notebook and executive notebook- and honestly I have never looked back nor purchased another planner since! I have gotten a few of my friends hooked on this product as well, and couldn’t be more happy with the overall experience of use and ease of using these notebooks with many different entry set ups, etc.
    I highly recommend this product to everyone, you won’t be disappointed! Promise! 😀
  • Pros and Cons

    I have a Rocketbook, so obviously I had to get the app. It takes a while sometimes for the scanner to realize that it is looking at a page, and it’s a little annoying that my Rocketbook itself doesn’t have a cleaner way to write. When I try to wipe my Rocketbook (the way it says in the instructions, with water and the cloth), it ends up smearing or smudging color onto the rest of the page. It gives the pages an uncomfortable tint. Other than those I think my Rocketbook is amazing, I suggest it to anyone who fills up their notebooks quick and needs something more reusable. It’s also great for studying, especially in the older grades (upper high school, university, and college). They can last for years, and they are just great in general.
  • Getting a bit stale

    Generally I’m a fan of the Rocketbook reusable notebook concept and the app. It’s easy to use, quick to capture pages, OCR works reasonably well, page labels and hash tags work without too much of a challenge.
    However, storing the scans locally instead of a cloud account (making them vulnerable to loss), and not being able to scan random style documents, magazine pages, white boards, business cards, etc. without the use of either the beacons or other tricks to simulate the border the app is searching for is starting to make the app feel outdated. There are other document scanning solutions out there that do a better job, their only downside is the need to flag a scan being sent this way or that after scanning, while Rocketbook uses the destination markers to automate the target of the scan. That’s a very low gain really over more capable scanning apps. Rocketbook needs to look at the competition and work on the app functionality ASAP.
  • Where has this been my whole life!

    I started with a fusion and now have panda planner, everyday planner, legal pads and note cards. I love to be organized and write daily, for work daily journaling, bible study and more. Worth every penny and the loads I will spend on them! The app is fast and easy to learn. Tons of tips and tricks. I can store all my different writings in separate places and search for things by key words! The team is fun to watch on TikTok and have always responded with any questions. They always ask for feed back and truly want to make a product for people that they want and how they want it! Amazing! Looking forward to future products!
  • There’s always something wrong

    I took a long break from Rocketbook, but now that I am back I’m still experiencing issues with adding/changing my destinations.

    When I first started using the app, it took a bunch of attempts to get my OneDrive connected to Rocketbook. The app would constantly freeze at the stage where I was asked to input my OneDrive credentials. This time around, I am able to choose my OneDrive account since it is saved, but it still gets stuck at the stage where I should be able to choose my folders. I get the spinning wheel of death, aka the loading circle, that just keeps going and going and going without actually doing anything. I am also unable to simply go back to the previous screen/page. It freezes and I am forced to close the app and try again.

    I’m glad all my set destinations are still there (I’ve read some reviews from those who were logged out of the app and their destinations were deleted), but struggling JUST to add a destination is a massive deterrent. I was excited to use my rocketbook again, but holy cow is this app still garbage YEARS into its life. The company is out here developing new products, but what’s the point if you’re not investing in working out app kinks before users lose their data?

    (Granted, I know nothing about app developing and running a company. I mean no offense, I’m just really frustrated so I sound like a jerk.)

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