User Reviews: Rocketbook App

Rocketbook App
Rocketbook App
Rocket Innovations, Inc.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Mixed Feelings

    This app along with the Rocketbook I currently have were really good when I first had them. I scanned the stuff I wrote and was looking forward to not having to use so much paper for my notes and being able to scan it so I can have it all together online. Now the app won’t open for me at all. I tried deleting the app and redownloading it but that just led to my old scans being removed and it unlinked with my google drive (I have no idea why or how this happened but the Rocketbook file I had in my google drive disappeared so I lost old notes). When I redownloaded it it worked for a bit and I was even able to do a new scan but the second I exited out of the app and tried to get back into it I was back at square one. Been trying to get this app open for awhile now and was hoping an app update would help things but it hasn’t. In fairness though I haven’t contacted support and that’s on me. Personally I’ve just been too busy but I’m hoping this problem gets fixed soon but for now I back to regular paper. :/
  • Rocketbook makes the difficult quite simple

    Rocketbook has helped me keep my notes organized. I’m a techie and as such, I’ve tried every major digital version of note taking, iOS apps, Apple Pencil 1&2, LiveScribe digital pens…. You name it. Everything just didn’t feel natural and I’d end up scraps of paper again as after decades of hard copy note taking and the tangible experience of it, it was my comfort zone.

    On a whim, a good price on Woot, I decided to try a Rocketbook kit. I was hooked. I could keep my comfortable method of note taking yet still experience the convenience of digitally stored notes. I find it easy to customize templates and using different colored pens I could continue with my tried and true note taking. I also find that when working in the field with clients, writing notes in a normal notebook isn’t obtrusive or distracting to them during meetings. Whenever someone starts using the iPad, inevitably someone thinks that person is zoning out and checking headlines.

    Rocketbook is easy. It’s economical. It’s convenient. It’s a workflow and organization tool that is transparent to allowing me to implement my classic method into a digital space.
  • I want to like this…

    but the bundling feature does not work. Theoretically when you take a series of pictures the app is supposed to combine them into one PDF to be sent to the cloud location you choose if you have the “Bundle” feature turned on. In reality the app does not bundle the pages but randomly selects different cloud locations for each, or combines some but not ask of them with different destinations even if you have chosen only one destination. Very frustrating! I don’t want to waste time combining PDFs manually. If the app is not convenient I might as well be writing on paper and scanning it to a PDF with Apple notes.

    One other minor frustration is that once you have clicked the Send button there is no back button. If you want to go back you have to close the app then reopen it.

    I’m not very happy with the time I have waisted trying to get this to work. It’s a really cool concept but until the kinks are worked out might be more frustration than it’s worth.
  • Next generation notebook

    My wife got me a Rocketbook after I sent her a post saying “check this out, looks cool!”. Lo and behold she got me one for Christmas. At first, I wasn’t sure if I needed it because it looked and felt like a regular notebook, with some minor differences. After a short while, I learn how to use it better. Started by erasing and reusing the pages. Then by scanning my notes and saving them to the cloud; then automatically emailing myself an OCR transcript of my notes after a scan; etc.

    Rocketbook is so easy to use that I didn’t realize how different and valuable this notebook is until it hit me after sending me a month worth of notes in around 10 minutes. For context, I have stacks of notebooks that never got digitalized because of how long it would take me to transcribe them all. But now I can edit, search, and share my notes. I can also write and create to-do lists for my phone.

    Another thing, the OCR transcript understands my handwritten notes better than myself.

    I'd only wish I could sync my Smart Lists with Reminders to access them from the Apple Watch. Or maybe a watch version of the Rocketbook app with Smart List.

    Nevertheless, this is a great product and I highly recommend it to anyone.
  • Versatile, environmentally sustainable and long term financially sound

    Love the Rocketbook experience. I started out with the Fusion and have since purchased the small notebook that I can carry in my purse, the notecards that I’ve found great for studying, the beacons so I can share ideas professionally from any whiteboard, and the Panda Planner to keep me on track with where I’m supposed to be and creating goals. I’ll never have to buy a paper planner again!

    There are so many pros to using Rocketbook products. Way lighter to carry around, easy to store digitally in several locations so you never loose anything, and environmentally friendly.

    I’ve used mine for research, scheduling, nite taking, meal prep, lists, and so much more. Extremely versatile and with the pens, markers, and highlighters finding your favorite Frixion writing instrument isn’t difficult either. I find myself using them all the time!
  • Thank you from authors

    Sometimes as an author I need that pen to pen feel to help the creative juices flow, sometimes there is a mental block when starting at a blank screen and trying to type. Also, sometimes you have an idea and need to get it down in a flash and your not next to your computer, your mini Bluetooth keyboard isn't charged and your mind is working too fast for texting your idea, Rocketbook makes it easy. There are more expensive options with no middle step of having to take a scan that you can get BUT, for the price, what this does and how effective it is you are in the best hsnfs with Rocketbook. I am soooo happy that I found them now just as they have implement OCR transcription that I REALLY, REALLY WANTED in this product, now I can upload into Google docs and edit from there. I don't care that's it's not 100% accurate, its at around 85-90% which is fine for an author as you know the story comes to life during edits, so I give this 5stars, I'm happy this far-you'll need to buy more pens dependent on how much you write but small price to pay, figuratively and literally.
  • It’s great when it works

    For my studies, I am required to upload single PDFs. For 3 years now this product has performed the task effortlessly. However, in recent months, anytime I scan multiple pages to be uploaded as one pdf file, it is not doing so. Instead each page is being scanned individually and I’m having to turn in 5 PDFs as opposed to one. I have looked through FAQs to see if this is a common issue but I can’t find any answers. I would also love to see an option to combine individual PDFs into one single pdf from the review menu that pops up before each scan is sent to its destination. This might also be helpful from the history menu as well and would resolve the issues I’m having. Otherwise, I love this product. It keeps my notes organized and clean.
  • OCR Doesn’t Work w/ iCloud

    I so wanted to give this app/book combo a 5 star review. It does so so much, but the one thing I was really looking forward to was the OCR Handwriting Recognition that converts handwriting to text. Unfortunately this feature doesn’t work when sending your notes to iCloud Drive. It works when sending to email and google drive which is frustrating. iCloud Drive is my main source of file syncing so it’s a pain that I have to send an email or send the file to Google Drive first if I want a text version of my notes. Other than that I absolutely love this notebook. I’m so happy I get to save trees but using less paper and I really enjoy that I can use other colored pens as well. Absolutely great idea. I would love to come back and give this app a 5 star review once I am able to use OCR to covert my handwriting to text when sending my notes to iCloud.
  • Good alternative to an iPad

    I am a pre-medical student and have found that I retain information from lectures much for effectively if I hand write notes, but then the issue is getting those notes into an electronically archivable format. I was seriously considering getting an iPad so I could use something like Notability, but the cost was prohibitive - I’m a non-trad student so I don’t get a lot of the grants etc to pay for school supplies, so it has to come out of pocket. Anyway, I decided to give Rocketbook Everlast a try, and I’ve loved it so far! The app will scan my Rocketbook pages and save them in a PDF and editable Google Doc format in my GDrive. The transcription is very good, but not perfect, which provides the excellent opportunity to revise the notes once they are inside the google document. I’m glad I decided to give this a try and save myself several hundred dollars! Definitely recommend for other University students!
  • Good Concept But...

    I love the concept but two major issues: Poor OCR and no synch between devices. Apparently my handwriting is too difficult for the OCR to work effectively as so far it has yet to pick up more that about 50% of my scribbles accurately. Another issue is that pages scanned with my iphone will not show up in my ipad (Other than Smart Lists). So my plan to use a small note book and phone in the field to capture notes and then update on my ipad or mac is not possible without forwarding from my phone to my other devices. Would be nice if they automatically synched over icloud. Lastly, would prefer to be able to use any writing device other than the rocket pen. Will keep coming back in hopes they improve the system but until then - good old pencil and paper and finalizing notes once a week is still my go-to method.

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