User Reviews: Good On You

Top reviews

  • Good concept, needs more work

    I like the idea just needs more work. I wish the stores would automatically filter better by country. Sometimes I will click on a store only to find out it's in Russian. Categories are a bit confused. There is no actual swimwear in the swimwear section, just baby clothes. I also don't like how you are not able to click into stores that have a lower rating. You should be able to open any store that is displayed. If it's not sustainable, Why is it included in the app at all? My rating will go up once these elements are fixed.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. It has been shared with the team for consideration as we continue to improve our app. Please contact us at if you have any additional suggestions or questions.
  • Makes it easy to make ethical shopping choices

    This is my most recommended app whenever anyone asks for advice on where to find clothes. Makes it easy to make ethical shopping choices by clearly outlining strengths and weaknesses of businesses and offering alternatives. Promotes small, sustainable business. Also makes it difficult to justify shopping at fast fashion places. Could be some improvements to UI - for example - allowing you to search by clothing item (Linen Trousers, underwear, etc.) but overall love this app and what it aims to accomplish.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for the review and for supporting ethical fashion. Reach out to if you have any more feedback or improvements to share!
  • A Must-Have

    I absolutely love this app. I have been using it to make a serious change in my clothing purchases for summer. I have been telling anyone I possibly can about it. It’s really impactful to see the companies’ stats on environmental and human rights violations, and I’m glad Good On You is digging to find that information.

    A few tips:
    -Sometimes all the “suggested brands” will default to one $, but they are actually not. If you type in that brand directly into the search bar, the dollar signs rectify themselves. In other words, If you’re trying to follow the trail of “brands similar to the one you’re currently looking at, but less heinous,” the dollar signs might be wrong.
    -I tried to find a suggestion feature where we can input a brand to be added to the app. I couldn’t find one, but I’d love stats on Joe’s Jeans!
    -if you’re a new buyer or on a budget, I suggest thrifting and ThredUp to make an impact while you’re looking for new staple brands.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for the review, we really value your feedback. It has been shared with the rest of our team and we welcome any other suggestions you have as you use the app!
  • Great idea. Bad execution

    I love the idea for this app. The way that they rate things is amazing and they’re super transparent about everything. However, their system us way off when it comes to price. When I think $ (cheap) I think like $5 for a tee shirt and $20-30 for some jeans. Any brand that’s in that’s in that price range is ranked poorly. Honestly I understand that sustainable brands tend to be more expensive but they should have that adjusted in their system. A brand that sells jeans for $20 shouldn’t be in the same price bracket as a brand that sells them for $50.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback. I have shared it with the team for consideration as we continue to improve our app.
  • Bad user interface

    This app comes from a wonderful website. The idea behind it is amazing. However, the user interface is not good. The filters only partially work. For example, if I want to search for affordable men’s activewear, only some of the filters work for this. The app will show me clothing that is within my price range, but that’s it. Activewear? No. Men’s clothing? Maybe. The app will offer me plenty of clothing companies that only make women’s clothing. This is very frustrating.
  • Love it, but…

    I love having the ability to see which brands are more sustainable and ethical. This part of the app is great, and I have no problems with it. However there is a huge problem with how prices are rated.
    Many of the stores that are listed as cheap are pretty expensive for the average person in my opinion. In a lot of stores, t-shirts are $30 and sweatshirts can go up to $60. Some will sell a singular scrunchie or hairband for $15+. These prices are not at all cheap and should not be listed as such. For reference, I would consider $10-15 for a shirt to be cheap, maybe even less. Please take this into consideration.
  • Best, and Only, App of It's Kind

    My go-to app for quick audits of sustainable, ethical fashion brands and advice. I have been using this on a weekly basis for years. They give you the breakdown of manyyy fashion brands by rating them based on labour statistics, use of animal products, and environmentally sustainable policies. I am able to perform my own in depth research based off of their findings. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this database. They also post articles on various topics within the fashion industry, from which I've learned a great deal. It's difficult to filter through all of the information (and misinformation) out there, making a site like this absolutely necessary.
  • BoopBop for clothing

    This is essentially boop bop for clothing. If you’ve never seen American Pickle, then you won’t know what I’m talking about. I hope this app takes off and creates apps for other items like foods, equipment, etc
  • Wonderful But There Should Be Some Fixes

    Hi I am a newly found well not so newly found
    13 year old Climate Advocate and Activist!
    I am also coming in to other activist areas in my life🙂🌍🌎🌏🪱🐝🦋🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️✌️✊🏿

    So this app has been very helpful to me in so many different ways it is made me feel strong and informed and it’s an amazing place/app to start and get more informed and then branch out.

    Another thing that is so wonderful about this app is it there are so many wonderful articles that I have read that are amazingly really informational and great suggestions I do love that aspect of the app almost more than some of the others.💜

    One of the things that does bother me though is that there is not more specific place filters for instants I live near North Carolina and more specifically in the Virginia area I cannot find many things that are actually in my area which is kind of hard for me I do have places in my area that I’ve already found but it would be nice to be able to find more.

    I love what you were doing with it and the amount of time that you take into this but I would love to see some improvement and some range in the more specific places allow in the filters.

    Thank you so much for hearing me out and have a lovely day.💜💙💚💛🧡❤️💖

    thank you Emma Watson
  • I never write reviews & this app is worth one.

    I've had a smartphone for a decade and have never written an app review until now. As someone who seeks out vegan and fair trade clothing, this app is so useful. The fashion industry is traditionally notorious for is questionable labor practices and environmental ethics. But this app shows that there are so, so many clothing companies that do right by the planet, people, and animals.

    Yes, the brands in this app leans heavily towards "womenswear" (I wrote that word in quotes, since I believe people of all genders can wear whatever they want.) However, people of all genders can use this app and find a store, label, brand with a style that suits them!

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