User Reviews: Fastprk, Find a Parking Space!

Fastprk, Find a Parking Space!
Fastprk, Find a Parking Space!
Barcelona Smart Technologies, S.L.

Top reviews

  • App

    I think the service is great and convenient but the app doesn’t work.
  • New member to FastPark

    This app is in need of a lot of work as navigation of any service is limited to say the least. HELP!!!
  • Does not work

    It’s stuck in the wrong state and won’t give me options to change it
  • Terrible

    Doesn’t work
    Not intuitive
    Always populates to North Carolina no matter where I am
  • Safe & extra great drivers & customer service

    Great folks, covered parking, safe & I use this lot EVERY time that I can! Thank you ladies & guys at FastPark!
  • Confusing app

    I love Fast Park, but find the app confusing.
    I want to put it in my wallet on my phone but haven’t been able to do so.

Alternatives to Fastprk, Find a Parking Space!