SimplyE User Reviews

The New York Library Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations

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  • What my bones know.

    This book was poignant and insightful. Although I did not have the same type of trauma as the author, I still 100% related with her story and journey. I totally appreciate the fact that she narrated it herself. I really think that that helped with the authenticity and understanding of her story. If I were a better writer and storyteller I feel like this book would have been something that could be written about me. That’s how relevant it was. Two thumbs up
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  • Big fan, but…

    I’m a huge fan of the audiobook functionality of this app, and recommend it constantly, but one feature has annoyed me immensely: with random titles that I have reserved, the app gives a notification that “the chapter has not finished downloading,” and I can’t listen to the book. I haven’t found a solution for this issue, and it’s especially annoying with titles that might have a one month lead time on reservations.
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  • Lacks Some Functionality

    I would much prefer being able to read the content library in another reader application. It’s crazy no one has sold this kind of solution more readily to libraries. Or if they have, it’s crazy the NYPL seems to have their own. I’m highly suspicious that they should be in the business of creating their own ereader. Can’t they hire someone to do that with a more modern design?

    That being said, in a constructive idea, the UX needs help on the actual reading experience. I bet enough UX designers and software engineers living in NYC would care enough about this to improve it pro-bono… has that ever been tried?
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  • Perfect when it works

    I love that I can borrow ebooks from the comfort of my home on my phone. However, I’ve noticed that whenever a book’s loan period expires and I don’t physically click the “Return” button, the ebook remains in my “My Books” with only the “Download” button available for clicking. When I click on it, it gives me an error.
    It never used to be an issue until maybe a year ago? It’s bothersome because I can no longer re-borrow an ebook that may be available for borrowing.

    I kept hoping that it’ll get fixed eventually but I think I’ve waited long enough, and it might not get resolved any time soon, so I thought I should let others know. );
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  • Almost perfect!

    Been using this app recently to read on my commute, and I love how seamless everything is! The experience is five stars, but I docked one for a couple features that would be nice:

    1) a way to add books to a list/favorite books without checking them out. I thought this would be available via the “my books” tab but it’s not. Sometimes I see a couple of books I want to read, but I don’t want to reserve them both at the same time because I don’t want to hold them up while someone else might want them. Unfortunately there’s no way to keep a “to read” list in the app. Being able to create a list or backlog of items that I can refer to when it’s time to pick up a new book would be amazing.
    2) echoing checkout history - it would be nice to be able to access a record of what I’ve already checked out, so at least if I did have to return something without reading it, I can come back to it later.
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  • Sometimes unusable but great selection because of NYPL

    The idea is great, however there are glitches and features present in other apps which would be greatly appreciated.
    Often it says a book is available but once you go to check it out it puts the book on the waitlist and sometimes does this several times making it impossible to check out a book even when a. A notification comes in saying that the book is now available and b. The app has been deleted and redownloaded. When this glitch is happening, it makes the app effectively unusable.
    There are also sometimes glitches with the download process.

    Also, Audiobooks can only be sped up to 2x speed which is still painfully slow because of the reading speed of some audiobooks. Making 3-4x speed would be greatly appreciated as well as a space to request that books be added to the catalogue.
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  • Frustrating.

    So difficult to read a book in this app! It won’t save my place in the book, seems to always start at the beginning of the current chapter I’m on. It’s difficult to open a book if the phone isn’t connected to the internet, so it’s rough trying to open a book on the subway. Just download the book to my phone please. Also, impossible to read the time when in dark mode. Black font on a black background doesn’t work. I wish you could just download the books to kindle like Libby lets you do.
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  • Love it, but lotsa major glitches lately

    I love the idea of this app, and the few books I have been able to download have been so wonderful and enjoyable. BUT, lately I am growing more and more frustrated that, after waiting days and weeks for reserved books to be available, 9 out of 10 of them I cannot actually “get” from the reservation tab, and those that do make it into my list of books, the majority just won’t download. I will get a note that my book is available to “get”, but then when I press on “get”, it goes right back to my reserved list. And, then for the books that make it to my list of available books to read or listen to, it’s so incredibly disappointing that when I press on listen, I just get an error message or a repeated message that the chapter isn’t finished downloading. I’ve waited days and weeks, still not finished. It’s not downloading. I have reported these problems repeatedly and keep looking for updates for this app… and nothing. I love this app so much and I love to read and listen to books, but lately the app is more of a joy kill than anything.
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  • Great audiobook selection, some glitches

    Perhaps because of connection issues, the audiobook app sometimes jumps back a lot and you end up realizing you are listening to the same chapter over again. This could be easily solved by a function that lets you manually mark where you left off — a bookmark function for audio, basically — then you’d know straight away if the app has jumped back from where you were
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  • iOS 15 crashes every time. This is such a bush league app So buggy. High school project?

    I need and depend on this app. That is why it’s so frustrating that bugs they know about don’t get fixed for months. 1. Frequently when I GET a book but do not download right away, when I go to the book, it’ll say “something went wrong” (brilliantly helpful) or “download expired” or “ this chapter hasn’t downloaded yet, wait….” And yet the title does not retry a download automatically. Oh you say, just hit the download button? No such feature! 2. Downloads stop if the app is in the background, even if you’ve given the app background permission. 3. Your last listening point is not saved reliably unless you force quit the app. If you leave for more than a few minutes, it will restart somewhere before you were last. 4. I could go on…. Maybe I’ll amend later.
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