User Reviews: Contacts

Top reviews

  • Terrible - apple user since 1981

    Apple, are u making $ off of selling contacts apps? If so, which one do u recommend so I can buy it???

    I give up!!! A simple search does not return say a company name in contacts.

    Is this my first review?

    Frustrating. Please think quality not quantity and i will continue on the eco-system (ok i do not have much of a choice out there) so I will continue being a user for the next few years…
    But may I ask,

    Do you want me to be a fan? Or a hater of your products, one that is unhappy with quality etc and have this feeling that u are no longer what u used to be.

    Please keep me happy as an uaer that will not even consider another platform.

    Can we have less crash? Slow? (My ipad 9.5 pro is unusable as sooo slowww…)

    Please so a better job on quality.

    Can the contacts app just do a simple search and return every results? Or how about bolean?

    And what is the point of the whole iphone swarch ability if it does not return all results ?
  • Single tap calling is a bug not a feature

    Everywhere you tap on this app makes a call! Cleaning up phone numbers? Don’t forget to press edit or you called someone!

    Would be nice to have a “don’t ever call anyone in this app ever under any circumstances” feature. Like seriously, we have another app for that called Phone.
  • Hostage to i

    This app stinks, I have several Apple devices that all share the contacts in the cloud and the stupid up can’t delete duplicate without me going through 7000 contacts and doing it myself. Also there’s no way to separate the contacts into groups. Like work group. Friend group. Family group. Being able to divide the contact list would help a lot during focus. If I didn’t want work to call me I could just hit the only allow friends and family to call me.

    Apple contacts; it’s a dinosaur!
  • UPDATE- Contact Lock!

    I have an idea for an update. The ability to lock a contact. Need a password before calls out. So i can lock somebody from accidentally pocket dialing. Probation officers may not like this idea… but i do!
  • I don’t know what you did…

    The last update is awful. I do a search, it finds the contact, but when I touch cancel, the name in the list (on the left part of the screen) reverts to wherever it was before the search, instead of staying on the name I searched for.

    Also, when I want to add or change the notes in a contact, it’s very hard to put my cursor where I want it. If I’m able to put my cursor where I want to type, it sometimes automatically scrolls up and out of the area I need to adjust. Very annoying.
  • Pronouns?


    I don’t know where else to reach the developers, so here’s my suggestion: Have you ever considered adding a place for pronouns in the app?

    Around one in ten of the people I know go by different pronouns. So, somewhere to easily log them would be wonderful, said place being most obviously in their contacts. There’s already a place for “Company” which I love. Perhaps “Pronouns” could operate similarly (open-ended response; drop-down also works but would probably be subject to frequent updates). It doesn’t have to be big, but it would be a wonderful and helpful way to show support for the LGBTQIA+ community.

    I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now and never leave “Reviews” on apps. This is my sole exception because it’s important to me and the few I’ve mentioned it to thus far.

    In any case, the Contacts app is great. It’s just that adding a place for pronouns would make it even better.

  • 🤯 Low rate for Missing too many basic features

    🤯 Low rate for Missing too many basic features for over a decade 🔴 Add age automatically next to birthday data and to any other dates in contact cards 🔴 Permanently show emoji flags next to each international phone numbers inside each contact card 🔴 Permanently show emoji flags next to each country name addresses inside each contact card 🔴 Show contacts in CoverFlow when iPhone is horizontal (Show Photos in Contacts List) 🔴 Create, manage, edit and permanently show GROUPS in every contact card 🔴 Create, manage, edit and show SMART GROUPS in Contact app and synchronize SMART groups (criterias) to iCloud 🔴 Let me set different Ringtones for each Group (individual contact ringtone override the group ringtone) 🔴 Bigger Contacts Photos 🔴 Up-to-Date Contacts (show me when one of my contact change phone number same as WhatsApp of course only available to iCloud users) 🔴 Open a contact’s card from another related contact’s card by clicking on a related name 🔴 Suggest City names in Contacts’ addresses editing as we type. (Sourced from  Map) 🔴 STATE/PROVINCE and COUNTRY names from a menu in Contacts’ addresses editing. (Sourced from  Map) 🔴 Option route specific contacts or unknown contacts calls directly to voicemail without ringing the iPhone 🔴 NFC contact sharing to any OS or platform brand
  • Good but…

    This is a great apple app. I would like to suggest something small that will make a big difference. A select option!!! I would like you to add a select tool so you can manage/delete your contacts! It’s would be very useful and i would give you 5 stars if you add the select tool. Thank you :D
  • Contacts goes blank

    Every since my iPad was upgraded to iOS 15, my Contacts has had problems. Usually, it goes blank after a few uses. I delete the app and reinstall it. No help - it looks blank. I change the default gmail account. No help, that goes blank. I delete various gmail accounts, reinstall Contact. After a day or two, it goes blank. What to do? Wait for iOS 16?
    I downgraded my previous two star to one star. Not only does the app freeze (as stated above), but the ‘notes’ feature is unstable. When I’m in edit mode and add text, if I forget to save, the text disappears when I return. To copy text from it, sometimes I have to go into edit, sometimes not. And when there’s lots of text — and isn’t that what the note section is for — when I scroll down reading the text, it often jumps to the top. Anyone got a better recommendation?
    I will also mention that I’ve had an I touch, 2 iPhones and 3 iPads. This is the only device that Contacts stopped working.
  • Not Working Properly

    This app has “lost” or deleted most of my contacts! And I just tried adding a contact, but after I typed in all of the info, the contact doesn’t show up in the app!! This app USED to work beautifully! But several months ago (after an iPhone OS update (before 15.0), I noticed most of my contacts missing when I click on the app. Oddly, if I click on the info icon next to a phone number in my Phone app, it will show a “missing” contact (if it’s not a NEW contact). But that contact WILL NOT SHOW UP when I click on the Contacts app!!


Alternatives to Contacts