User Reviews: Morphite

Top reviews

  • Unfinished game

    This game seems to aim to be a clone of No Mans Sky with a lot of elements of Metroid, but it falls pretty short.

    I would have given this game more stars, but the whole thing just feels unfinished. There are a ton of bugs, terrible AI, bad voice acting, and terrible animations. There have been multiple times where I have gotten stuck trying to play through the main story. I don’t mean I couldn’t solve a puzzle when I say that, I mean that the game can be aimless and you can find yourself stuck in easily accessible locations. So you’ll either have to die or reload a checkpoint.
  • Amazing but...

    This game is great I never had a single complaint playing it works great and u never really experienced bugs
    Until I finished the game, don’t get me wrong there are still countless of galaxies with planets to explore but it all feels the same
    I wish there was a multiplayer mode to play online with more players with challenges and quests for you to complete that keep getting updated regularly so this game doesn’t die it’s a really great game but I’d love to see this or at least something close before I can really give it a 5 star rating.
  • Simply Amazing

    This game is great. The controls are great, the gameplay premise is on point, the audio is perfectly fitting, the gunplay is engaging. The planets are a little repetitive and could use a revamp with the procedural generation, but I’m not even going to let that affect my rating. All of it is just a stunning piece of artwork. 5-Star rating, well deserved.

    Yes, if you want to get this game, then definitely get it (I loved it) it’s worth it, but I’m here to tell everyone that the app developer Bending Spoons has made a “free version” that is stolen from the developers and made this unplayable for a while! Thankfully crescent moon games fixed the error, but the fake game is still out there! DO NOT BUY THE “FREE” VERSION! It stole the game from these people and made you have to pay a subscription to play it! I hope that anyone looking to buy this (or already has this) reads this!
  • Possibly the best mobile game I’ve played but...

    Morphite is probably the best mobile game I’ve played, I recently just bought it and I’m already in love with it so hats off to the developers. I have one problem though, in the game description it says there is full controller support and for the most part that is true but there is a problem while using a controller in the ship, I’m able to move forward but I’m not able to look around, I hope this gets fixed in the future so I can continue to enjoy this game. Once this gets fixed I will happily change my 4 star to a 5 star review.

    I love space travel and anything that involves space, and this game fuels it! It’s awesome exploring and traveling to different planets. And the soundtrack is amazing! Fits perfectly with the hex-like style. It’s a lot like No Man’s Sky and gave off a Metroid Prime feel, and I love it! Would give five stars if the controls would be easier and gameplay was more engaging. Dogfighting is great, but it’s too simple. It would be great if you can actually control the ship like when you fly through a field of asteroids. Speaking of flying through the asteroids, the up and down on the joystick should be inverted to make it feel more comfortable when piloting. Besides that’s it’s a great game and it’s worth the money!
  • Fantastic!

    It’s about time a game like this comes along. 1st person action / space shooter/ RPG/ Exploration/ and story line to go with it. Even with the pixel graphics, it makes up for it with the pure open world sandbox experience. True sci fi gaming at its highest peak!
    What’s up with the so called free flight mode? It doesn’t do anything? 🤷‍♂️
  • Awesome!

    Morphite is just as I expected and more. I hope the developer and come out with a sequel. I have only been playing for 20 minutes and I'm already wrapped up in the old school graphics and futuristic setting.
    It might seem costly for just a game but I assure you it's worth it!
  • Not Worth What I bought it for

    The game, is not bad by any means. It’s just that it’s very boring and monotone at times. The ammo thing could be better, and either there could be a melee weapon, or a faster recharge on the pistol. The scanning range is too close for comfort when it comes to hostile enemies. Also, that one boot augmentation in the swamp level didn’t work. Not worth the 8 dollars I spent on it. Maybe four dollars, tops.
  • Improvements

    Huge fan and supporter but some improvements include different choices of weopons,more costomization,more animals,more resources and I mean much more this game has so much potential to be beside no man's sky and I still play that game along with this one in school it's so great that these developers have created such an amazing game. THUMBS UP

Alternatives to Morphite