Tempest Weather User Reviews

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  • Great Weather Station, App Not So Much...

    I love the Tempest weather station, but the point of the exercise here is to rate the app, not the weather station. I’ve had the station and the app for three months and, up to now, the two have worked flawlessly in tandem. Today however, the app decided that it would no longer open. The station is still online, because, if I go to the website, I can access it, but the app will not open. When I click on it, I will get the opening blue screen and the app will close. I’v restarted the hub, but again, the issue is not with the weather station itself. I uninstalled/reinstalled the app... Same problem. I tried it on another of my IOS devices... Same problem. I tried it on my wife’s IOS device... Same problem.

    Something has dramatically (and recently) gone wrong with the IOS app and no amount of fussing will help.

    EDIT: The app developers got back to me and there was a fix put in place that rectified the crashing-on-opening issue. App working just fine across all iOS devices.
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    Developer Response

    Hi OregonTrails! Thank you for the report. Version 4.09 should fix this issue! Please get in touch with our customer support team if you're still having any trouble.
  • Best Comprehensive Weather Station Available

    This brilliantly-designed, sturdy, compact, wireless weather station using sonic, haptic, and computer technology provides not only instantaneous but also historical data of all meteorological parameters. Particularly noteworthy is the Tempest’s comparative data access to multiple other local/regional Tempest stations coupled with experiential learning and AI to produce truly local (“micro”) and regional (“macro”) forecasting that always equals or beats the NWS. The personal Tempest webpage that comes with the station is accessible by cell phone or computer anywhere in the world with Internet as well as to multiple family members. Moreover, at an individual owner’s discretion the data can be shared with The Weather Underground’s network!!
    I live right on the North Atlantic coastline and have been fascinated by its ever-changing weather conditions, for decades using analog wireless instruments: namely Maximum’s Criterion Maestro Anemometer/Mini-Max Temperature together with a Chelsea Professional Shipstrike aneroid barometer augmented by internet data out of Pease International Airport’s tower. I find my new Tempest unit tracks all this data precisely, but gives far more meteorological information AND historical trending.
    Perhaps the most amazing aspect of the Weatherflow Tempest is just how easy it is to get it set up and running!!
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  • Nice App

    Installation went smooth and found good info to help with locating the station. Found other features reading reviews. Thought the rain sensor was reading low, but noticed it seems to catch up to the yard rain gauge by the end of the day. Noticed in the fall season, that falling leaves hitting the sensor on a windy day will trigger a rain event and an alert when there is no rain. Station is 20 ft above the chimney cap so it is still in range of some leaves Will see what happens when it snows
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  • Super easy to setup

    Wow! Easiest setup ever! I was up and running in 5 minutes including downloading the app.

    Placing the sensor head is also super easy compared to the 2 other weather stations I have setup in the last 5 years.

    With NO moving parts, this system is a true game changer in terms of simplicity. It that eventually translates into good longevity, these guys have a home run on their hands!
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  • So much data, so underdeveloped a graphing interface.

    The app has nice front end main pages, but if you want to dive into the data, it’s severely lacking. The graphing UI is clunky, slow, and barely seems to support multitouch. I have a $30 Govee sensor that presents temp and humidity data in a far better fashion in its app. Honestly, it seems like a pretty unrefined port from another platform.

    Some suggestions:

    Leverage the powerful multitouch UI capabilities of iOS to make data exploration more seamless (eg live horizontal / time and vertical / scale pinch to zoom).

    Allow custom graphs overlaying any number of data features at a time, or stacking graphs to show multiple features in time sync.

    Build data graphing / trends into the main pages. Just check out a Bloomberg terminal or news show to see some very effective and compact text and graphical hybrid data presentation.

    I look forward to what the developers can do with all the data they have to share from a very nice piece of hardware.
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  • Happy weather nut

    I have this running alongside a few other stations (Davis VV2 and AmbientW). The hardware is accurate and far more compact than competitors. And however this happens, the local forecasts have been more accurate than some weather apps. We are on a high plateau and lighting detection works well. Set-up and WI-FI connection were effortless. The APP is stable - and finally found the historical graphing functions.
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  • Functionally fantastic, one flaw.

    The app is as good as I could have hoped for. Set up and use are extremely easy and clean. The only issue is the inability to schedule notifications or mute them for a select period of time. No need for 30 (very timely and accurate) lightning notifications at midnight as a storm rolls in. Would love to be able to force touch and mute a notification for a half hour OR select to mute notifications around bedtime. Another option would be to add a mileage range to notify within. Often get notifications as a storm rolls past us 20 miles away.

    All in all, fantastic work! Let’s tweak the notifications and we’d be a 5 star app.
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  • Fantastic weather station

    This is a fantastic weather station. The best one I’ve own! I would have given it a five star rating if it had one additional feature. More on that later. The unit was extremely simple to setup. It started sending data to the app as soon as the setup was complete. I had a thunderstorm the evening I received the unit. Lightning detection was accurate and timely. Rain onset, rate, and amount was accurate and notification was right on time. Highly recommend.

    Now what would it take for that 5th star? An Apple Watch app and complications. I rely on weather data on my Apple Watch more than my phone. I currently have complications from Carrot Weather on my watch but would love to have the data from the Tempest displayed. Any plans on creating an Apple Watch app? That would complete the system.
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  • Tempest Needs APRS Support DESPERATELY!!!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your product! As a licensed amateur radio operator, I am interested in being able to send WX updates via APRS (ideally via RF through the TNC in my TM-D710G but I wouldn’t be opposed to IP-based APRS updates either). If Tempest has some form of serial interface (Bluetooth maybe?) it would be a fairly trivial effort to incorporate what needs to be transmitted to the TNC. One of your biggest competitors (Davis Instruments) incorporated APRS in their WeatherLink for APRS. I’d be willing to bet you’d get a pretty hardcore group of ham radio followers that would jump on the Tempest bandwagon if you added APRS functionality to Tempest! Supposedly there’s a third party piece of software called Weather Display that people are using to make this happen with Tempest today but I’m still trying to track it down.
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    Developer Response

    Hi! While there is no direct integration for APRS or CWOP, you can use a third party app to share your data elsewhere. Check out the community forum for more info: https://community.weatherflow.com/t/smart-weather-station-third-party-applications/873
  • Would Appreciate Getting the Functionality From The Weather Flow App Restored

    Lowering the rating to one star due to the support staff in the app support forum deleting questions from long standing users as to why functionality was stripped from app the new app. The equipment is useless without the interface and the original purchasers and supporters of Weatherflow Smartweather purchased the product in good faith and trust.

    5 panels or detailed information on the stellar original app are missing in the new app.

    Since the equipment is totally dependent on the app to view the data, I would appreciate the original panels be restored as they have been condensed into one summary panel without the detail

    The new home page on the new app is way to busy and icon laden and the weather forecast shown is not the reason for buying a weather observation station.

    Forecasts are available from many other apps and sources however our home weather data is not. It’s all about our station data.
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