Tempest User Reviews

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  • All this time

    I’ve been playing for a long time now I’ve purchased both dlcs and 100,000 gold because I like this game the only problem right now is that there’s this bug when when I open my missions tab the game just crashes please fix this

    I’ve tried to download the game again but the bug is still there
  • Love the game but...

    I love play the game and I love the new add on to it where you walk on land and stuff... but
    The lost Provence mission with the princess is IMPOSSIBLE idk if it’s you saying it’s not ready yes or you haven’t completed the rest of the story but you expect me to believe that your character is able to walk into that hoard of pirates with flint locks all aimed at you some how defeat them and bring back the princess. I can’t manage to kill one before I’m dead to possibly 13 other pirates . I highly suggest making it so you can bring your crew on land with you. Without them it’s just impossible

    Been quite a while
    Nothing is changing
    And ya still impossible
    You need to be really lucky
    Cmon developers
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  • Easy, Repetitive, and Boring.

    The game on the hardest difficulty is rather easy. As long as you have ammunition you can’t really lose the fights, other than the beasts which seem broken or are designed to be too hard. The Ghost Captives quest allows you to easily get the Battleship II (Best Ship) with the starter ship. After you get the Battleship II which only takes about 30 minutes you just travel around and kill ships that are easily outmatched, such as killing 6 other ships solo and taking no damage. Most of the game is sailing in the world map and doing the same quests while the other half of the game is following enemy ships and just staying out of their cannon range. Objectives do not need to be read as the quests give you waypoints on exactly where to go. Never figured out how or where the multiplayer was after about 4 hours of gameplay, but I assume its part of the DLC which I did not buy. Not worth the money for the game.
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    Developer Response

    We are sorry to see that you dislike our app, but we respect your opinion.
  • Great game with one issue

    Definitely the best pirate-themed game for the iPad (by a large margin). Picture it as a very polished Sid Meier’s Pirates! but with 25x the missions, stronger graphics, a fantastic score and 100% less redundant ballroom dancing.

    So why only 4 stars instead of 5?

    In a word: land. This game has about a half dozen land quest types (they rotate randomly). And its during these quests where the polish is tarnished. A prime example: on a mission to save an Emperor’s daughter, you run to a pirate haven to save her. Often, the haven doesn’t render until you’re in the middle of town where you promptly get blown apart or trapped in geography. Likewise, some trees don’t render and you’ll get stuck on them. Perhaps the most common issue is the camera panning 180 degrees in the opposite direction of a fight because of some object behind you that you’re stuck on. Additionally, your pirate will move a bit oddly through the land missions as if on rails (randomly). If the developers could fix the issues with land quests (giving them the same polish as the vibrant sea battles), this game would be an easy 5 star winner and one of the best games on the iPad.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for the feedback!
  • Loved the game but now it quits during loading every time.

    Any word on a fix? Using iPhone 8

    Developer Response

    Please wait for an update.
  • Some bugs and things to add

    I absolutely love this game and i have been playing it a lot and managed to notice some annoying bugs which would be awaome if it got changed.
    - it crushes when taking loot (sometimes from ships u have destroyed and always on loot laying around near islands).
    - ships shoot the ship u have boarded and won it but they still keep shooting it even after u have control over it.
    Wanted changes:
    - it would be awsome if you could add feature where u could just press it and u will be directed to the location your chosen mission is.
    - would also be awsome to add more situational quests which would be up to u to decide. For example in mission of the “old pirates secrates” u must give them 10k to stop chasing and there is no option for u to not to and end it by force.
    - also adding more states of the relationships between u and other kingdoms would be good because it gets boring just going around the map in every location freely. For example if u have really bad relation ship in specific kingdom u will be chased and will have to fight them or escape using some kinds of artifacts (which i hope will be added).
    - and lastly i would love if u could attack ports and be able to capture them making it ur investment and defend it from attackers. Which than u could supply with guns and ammos and materials which would be late game but still possible.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thank you so much for the feedback and your suggestions! Have a nice day!
  • Great

    I’m a console gamer but when I’m travelling this is the game I always turn to to kill time so thanks.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for the feedback.
  • What is even is this!

    Where has this game been in my life. The world is immersive and beautiful, the factions add a challenge and an advantage, and the dlc is worth buying.

    I’ve boarded so many ships and each one has a different set of enemies and loot, truly splendid content.

    My only issue is that it crashes and low-res. water looks weird.
    I know I could change it but it’s so out of place. Otherwise 10//10
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  • Être remboursé

    Le jeu plante toujours le jeu quitte toute seul quand je veut ramasser du stock ou pendant une quête iPhone XR tanner jouer pour rien

    Developer Response

    We are fixing this issue, please wait for an update.
  • Quite good but...

    Overall, the game is ok. It needs some improvements (for example my game crashes every time I try to pick up treasure found by random rocks etc..) and we definitely need more freedom when upgrading/modifying our ships, let each one be unique (mixture of sails, cannons, even rudders?) and I would also like to follow treasure maps that lead to a specific island where you must leave your ship and explore on foot (get to shore using a controllable rowing boat and have exploration teams of men like when you are boarding an enemy. Plus ONLINE MULTIPLAYER!!
    DEVS PLEASE READ: I logged on yesterday to find my battleship 2 and all of my progress, LITERALLY ALL OF IT, including map discovery and artefacts was gone. Please sort this out. I did not pay £5 to continuously sweat at a game that deletes its own data.
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    Developer Response

    We answered you via email.

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