A Classic, Amazing Replayability -Possible Bug?
I know the next update is in the works. I hope this bug or question can be fixed in time for it. Posting it here because Discord is not letting me see Rocket Cat’s channel and I’ll figure that out later.
Specialist gets an extra weapon slot with the event Hand Upgrade (hand chainsaw) and is apparently supposed to with Cursed Treasure but doesn’t. This I found frustrating as it wiped out my Natural Shot and boxing training usefulness. I was hoping to get both in Endless if I had to, but now it seems it’s a moot point, or a bug that cropped up. Could even be for a new Cheevo. Man those Rare Events are well, Rare. It seems like there is a calendar progression for what is more or less like lt depending on the day of the month, similar to how Rare Characters seem to be.
Keep up the GREAT work. Sorry for contacting this way. I’ll be updating this review (again) once the new update is on iOS.