Google Assistant User Reviews

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  • Google assistant

    Indeed, the integration of Google Assistant on Apple devices offers certain advantages. However, it is important to note that the activation phrase "Hey Google" is not supported on these devices. To utilize Google Assistant, users must open the dedicated application and press the microphone button. Even with the addition of a shortcut to the action button, the application will still launch, and the microphone button must be pressed to access Google Assistant's functionality.
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  • App update has made the google nest unusable

    I understand that family bell has been discontinued (my family’s most used feature) but since a recent update, I can not even access the family bell to turn them off. Now, they are stuck playing bells no longer needed. As my google nests are also my wifi, I can’t even just turn the device off. Unless there is a fix soon, the hardware will be worthless. I have reached out to support already who have advised there is no current fix for this issue. With all the features being discontinued over the years, this purchase has been very regrettable.
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  • Google

  • The best ai

    To be honest this works a lot better on Google pixel why because it’s super fast and very creative and acts like a human she has the best thinking and skills if compared to ChatGPT pro google Assistant takes this one just because of the machine, learning detailed answers and just better overall very open minded but on the iPhone, it seems a little bad but on the Google pixel top gold actually move to the Google pixel seven Pro. It was cheap unlike iPhone but also gives a nice display and features but also if you compare iPhone to all the androids I say iPhone would win overall but Google Assistant on Google pixel 7 pro is probably the best assistant ever by the way, way better than character AI and signing up is just too easy and easier on the Google pixel 7 pro
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  • Not for me Cisco.

    Initially downloaded, along with some other AI apps, but this isn’t for me, and was deleted without any use.

    I wanted something similar to OpenAI ChatGPT which my accepts questions about any possible subject, can perform calculations, and is useful for brainstorming variations of scenarios.

    This doesn’t do any of that.

    Plus, I don’t like the idea of my speech being recorded and used for their own purposes, which includes human listeners.

    “But they don’t do that anymore”.

    Sure they don’t, and I have a bridge to sell at a bargain price.

    If this app is for the majority of people, then the standards have been rapidly declining.

    Are people really that inept that they can’t make a reminder, choose which music to play, or get the same weather forecast that can be found easily elsewhere? Lazy minds and idle hands.

    I am also not in favour of a few behemoth companies/individuals recording and controlling every aspect of one’s online presence.

    The other AI apps I use are completely free and don’t require access to anything.

    Goodbye Google Assistant.
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  • Search changes

    It would be much better if AI was incorporated into the search instead of just presenting a webpage that it actually bought up information that I was looking for.
    Having a webpage presented to me it’s not really providing me with an answer. Let’s hope technology improves with time.
  • The little things always forgotten

    Googles assistant to s a hot mess, making so many mistakes,like not catching on to small but daily idiosyncrasy s of mine , what I need it TO DO FOR ME. worse than in uncaring spouse that I almost don’t want it. It doesn’t listen ….oh let me sum it up. It’s taken on the personality’s of the creators I’ll bet. Talking back, not listening, refusing to cooperate with repeated SAME question, if it doesn’t LIKE the question , refusing to obey orders it’s spoiled and fussy and often falls asleep when I need to to wake up, won’t until I practically knock it off the table by accident touching the screen that hard. The Google Assistant , my first one has way less uncomputer like personalities. , like a wrongly picked partner who was nice at first and then it’s real personality comes out and it’s mean sloppy rude and not even that smart. I want a divorce.
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  • Encore faible

    Si tu poses une question tel que: que veut dire insulaire, il n’est pas capable de chercher dans son “petit” dictionnaire. Tu poses de dix fois différentes la question, il répond “isoler veut dire”. Incroyablement limité. Pour un produit google, euh, ça laisse à désirer. C’est quelque chose de très répétitif, il ne peut pas sortir de son rond-point. Dommage!
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  • Can’t delete linked device

    Hello Team,

    I try to unlink a device from google assistant , but I don’t find anyway to do it. Search the internet, it seems similar issue have be in there since 2020. Are there any clear instructions to do this?
  • No Apple Watch app

    Sure I can make shortcuts for Siri to ask google assistant to do things, but I have to unlock my phone to do that. Even more annoying is that is I asked Siri to use those shortcuts on my watch there’s no local app so again I need to pull out my phone to unlock it and open the app. I get that running commands in the background my not be fully compatible on an iPhone, but it could at least let me confirm things through my watch that’s tied around my wrist instead of needing to dig around to find my phone and unlock it.
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