User Reviews: Pixel Plex

Pixel Plex
Pixel Plex
Toast - Apps and Software LLC

Top reviews

  • Good!

    Surprisingly great game once you give it a couple days to get used to it. I recommend this game. Give it a chance. Surprisingly well made. Hope they add more depth. Designed to be slooowww but if you join more cities you’ll find yourself opening the game very often in a day
  • Bug with leaving first city

    Just wanted to report a bug where when I left my first city I joined, it would immediately put me back in it once i opened the app again. So i was unable to join one of my friends cities, or be forced to pay $3. I had already started a new city so I was at 2 cities but tried to leave first one and it wouldn’t let me.
  • Would give 5 stars but…

    Okay, here’s the thing. Pixel Plex is a five star game. It’s simple, fun, collaborative, and just mildly infuriating enough to keep you playing. I personally love this game so much.

    HOWEVER, it has quickly become the most used app on my iPhone by MILES. It’s so gosh dang addicting. I’m playing with roughly 39 other people on my college campus and most of us have emptied our souls into this game over the past 2-3 weeks. It has taken up a good chunk of our conversation too.

    I’m well aware that this is a ME problem, not a pixel Plex problem. So but this game, but know what you’re getting yourself into :)
  • Honestly the best free game in a long while

    There are no ads that randomly play, they only play if you want them. The people I’ve played with are nice. The game is simple and really quite fun.
  • This was something truly special

    I really miss this game. It created a sense of community I haven’t experienced in any other game. My entire family played this together. Even my parents who never play video games ended up loving it. We also met a nice group of people and all worked together to play the stock market, help trade resources, coordinate policies, etc.

    There is nothing like this game. It is a shame it was abandoned. All the good memories with family and the friends we made. Can’t believe something like this can make me so emotional but somehow it does.
  • Glitched

    So i love the game in general with the concept and the look of it. But literally whenever it glitches, it’s the worst. The last time it glitched, my storage capacity went down to square one when i have 3 level 4 warehouses? Sometimes I would collect resources from the boat and my resources would go DOWN by the amount I was supposed to get. So it’s always like going back to the same spot even though you’ve gone very far. Please fix this
  • Creating a New City Bug

    I have come across the issue where I cannot create a new city after purchasing the $2.99 micro-transaction that allows you to do so. After attempting to create a new city, I am greeted with an error message that tells me that there was an “error when creating the city”. I hope this is addressed soon as I would like to start a city with my friends. I love this game and find it intriguing in its approach to incorporating multiplayer into a city development game.
  • Good I guess

    I have a Plex with 2 of my friends and we all really liked it. One of my friends is obsessed with it and so she’s trying to get her third block. The only problem is she can’t because she needs to upgrade the warehouse to get more money but the upgrade of the warehouse costs more than she can hold. She can only hold $4,000, the new block costs $7,200 and to upgrade the warehouse she needs $5,600! This needs to be fixed.
  • Need To Fix This Game!!!!!!

    I played for months, reached level 560 then out of no where my plex market crashes and now any time I open it my whole game crashes and my screen goes black!! Need to fix this in an update. This kills all fun in the game and makes it pointless to continue playing or starting over... will not suggest playing until these changes are made!!!
  • Great, but could be better

    This is one of the most simple, but greatest games I have played in a very long time. When I first got the game, I thought it was just going to be kind of a clash of clans game, but I was in for a big surprise. The game is all about making an amazing city, as if it is real life with actual city donations. It’s also very realistic because it’s hard to start a company but after a while, it gets easier, and this game hit it nailed it right in the head. One of the things I want added to the game to make it more realistic and harder to succeed, is natural disasters. So at least every month or so, a natural disaster would occur and you’ll have to fix some, not all, buildings. I also want more monthly updates with more levels and buildings, making basically impossible to ever win, although you can also expand. But otherwise, your game is great and keep up the work, and check in more with your game of Mafia :)

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