User Reviews: Pixel Plex

Pixel Plex
Pixel Plex
Toast - Apps and Software LLC

Top reviews

  • Needs work... a lot of work

    The voting system doesn’t work for mayor, the in app purchases are pretty high (mostly to play in more than one town), and AFK people in each city ruin the game. Makes everything hard on everyone. This game needs to be updated or something big. Maybe a vote to kick process from a city
  • Is this only me?

    Great game and concept, but whenever I move around buildings it gets wonky and two building merge onto the same spot. And I don’t really know how to move building correctly. Is there something I’m missing or is this a bug?
  • Just needs a some fine tuning.

    This is a great concept and I like the base game, but it does need a little tuning to the economy system. It takes too long to gain resources at the moment. It also would be nice if they had something for those city tiles that are next to water. I’m on an island and now I can’t trade workers with people. Maybe be able to build a dock or something?

    It would also be nice to see the shares market in more detail, such as how many total shares are sold and when the most active time of day is.

    Otherwise, fun game, just needs some improvement and polishing.
  • Awesome concept ruined by FTP mechanic

    After a day with Pixel Plex I’m updating my review.

    First - this game is an great concept. It could be an awesome economy sim built around a city builder framework. I love how everyone builds their own blocks, but also contributes to the entire city. The idea that we can vote for mayors and the mayors themselves have the opportunity to change policies within the world we all work in is great.

    However the game progress is frustratingly slow. Don’t get me wrong I expect there to be timers in a FTP game, however the current experience really prohibits progress because everyone in the city is resource starved which basically means the economy is stalled out. Maybe in time this changes, but as building a become more expensive to build and revenue generating doesn’t seem to scale properly I feel like the game progress will stall out forcing people to abandon the game.

    I really want to like this game. It’s well designed and has a unique concept with a huge potential to be addicting. I wish the devs could figure out a way to make the basic gameplay fun and engaging while still being able to offer iap to line their pockets.

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