AudioKit FM Player 2 User Reviews

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  • Really miss the short-lived, but excellent Distortion knob

    This is a lovely app, which has the added bonus of being free; however! I really miss the very short-lived, but excellent Distortion knob. Why introduce it, only to completely remove it days later? If anyone doesn’t like the sound it makes, just don’t use it, no need to deny it to those of us who loved it! In addition, I don’t really care for the overdrive knob that replaced it today! PLEASE bring back the distortion knob. I loved the way it transformed the basic sounds, giving rise to some amazingly usable sounds. By all means the Overdrive knob if you have space for both.
    This is the first time I have been moved to write an app review, such is the strength of my feeling on the loss of this excellent Distortion control. Please take heed and bring it back.
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  • Amazed and Flabbergasted!

    I have had numerous FM synths over the years, and I was in the game when the DX7 and DX9 first came out in 1983. The first time I saw a DX7 in real life, a guy had one plugged into a Peavey TNT100 bass amp, running that fretless bass sound through it.

    Since then, I’ve had the original DX7 (which I still have, from ‘83), a DX7IIFD, a DX5, two TX816’s, a TX7, and several TX81Z’s. I know what FM sounds like.

    Guys, let me tell you, I am amazed at what you’ve got here. To make it free is a GIFT to the world. I would pay good money for this. The sample quality is stunningly good, and the effects and filters really, really sweeten the deal. The sounds that are here are the ones that most people want, and the original patches are all very, very sweet and useable. This is one of the very few patch sets I’ve come across in the last 40 years that literally EVERY sound is useable.

    Thanks so much guys. I’m looking forward to your next efforts.
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  • Joyous!

    I have spent a fair amount of cash on apps that don’t give me a fraction of the satisfaction this one does. My first keyboard was a DX7, so there's a little nostalgia at work. Not a lot, though, because this is better than my DX7. I can tweak it, and use some of the great effects apps out there. It shouldn’t be free. Please charge for the AU version and let us give you some dosh!
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  • Saying THANK YOU is a small price to pay. :) WOW. Amazing

    So incredibly comfy I’m finding reasons and excuses to use this sucker whenever I can. It’s awesome. Spot on! A joy to look at. The keyboard onscreen is way above par. Usable. & it’s free. No ads. No nothing. It’s not just that it’s free. It’s that it’s exceptional and superior to function than almost any other synth I’ve paid for. Get it right now. It’s so cool! And say thanks to these guys. A thank you is a small price to pay.
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  • A really well done FM keyboard

    I could never afford any of the DX synths back when they were out as hardware, but had a Yamaha Portasound VSS-100, whose organ sound I loved, and was a staple on many 4-track recordings. This instrument absolutely nails that sound, and everything else is the icing on the gold-leaf covered cake that I couldn't buy. Great app, thanks for being open source - my respects and gratitude to the musicians and developers involved in the project.
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  • Aural Aesthetics

    The DX7 was before my time, but if this app is any measure of the sonic sensibilities of that synth, I have no choice but to build a time machine and journey to this magical place they call...The “Eighties”. For real though, this baby sounds beautiful and is a joy to play. Great GUI and presets, easy to use yet complete. The love pouring into this project is so tangible, my iPad started to turn pink and flash little cherubs on the screen. Bravo and thank you! Can’t wait to get this into some projects :D
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  • It’s The Sound

    When you want the sounds from a DX synth but don’t want the weight and hassle of a 30 plus year old machine, look no further. Built in bread and butter effects and a resonant filter dress things up that much more. Shocking how good this free app sounds.
  • Great stuff, and free!

    Just exactly that, sounds awesome. (Update) Small bugs fixed promptly and features added too. Excellent work.

    Developer Response

    You are Awesome! Thanks so much!
  • Fm has its place

    I remember working with the first DX7s in a studio which I worked thinking "these emulations are terrible " not realizing the sounds are there own thing. Now I understand where I like to utilize FM.
    This is so well designed and loaded with features... there is nothing negative I can say about it.
    Thanks for this present. super.
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  • Totally nails “those” sounds

    I had a DX-7 and later a TX rack back in the day. Today I have FM synthesis apps that are great in their own right, and make 6-operator programming possible in a way the old DX interface never could. But when you want to call up those great classic sounds, nothing beats FM Player.

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