Smart Family Companion User Reviews

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  • Helps GREATLY with brain impaired when it works

    I have a brain impaired son, who also has a diagnosis of autism. There have been people tricking him and pretending to be someone they are not, and others trying to groom him to get to take him to Mexico for personal male sexual purposes, trying to open Social Security accounts for him when he was already on it, & getting those mail and items directed to his home, he also worked very deliberately over time trying to isolate him from his family and support system. He must have something detailed in many features & aspects, secure to keep him alive & SAFE, and when smart family works you pretty much have something to help with that. It can save a life for the brain impaired. The problem is this app for years has been having trouble pairing with the child app to control the phone, and there are safety issues that need this kind of an app not only to exist, but to work. Look on Verizon message boards, people I’ve been having trouble for years getting the app to pair, which should be a very simple matter. Now please resolve that but public you must know that there are situations & the life of youth & some adults that absolutely need something like this application!
    It is literally a very, very, serious matter; but the app and pairing must work easily for it to be a working program.
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  • My phone broke bc of this….

    Okay hey, hello I am a 12 year old. Yes I get that my fam wanted to protect me. Thanks I guess. But the think is where they set it up they played around with it. Fine whatever, but THEN! one day I when to text my best friend and it said “Lulu💜💜 has blocked you”. Like girl what?!?! Then when I went got school I told her “ GIRLY WHY DID YOU BLOCK ME?” And she said “no Brooke I never blocked you “ And then she told me I have to go. I respected that. Like any kid would I was mad. 😡 my family basically ruined my entire friendship. I told my best friend that my family put the app on and she forgived me. But my thing is like why does this app ruin everything? Another thing it broke my phone!!!! It keep saying “iPhone storage full” but it wasn’t. And then my phone would lag like crazy! I am not pleased with this app. It’s useless,the only thing it does is hurt children. I am aware that something did happen before my fam put this o. My phone it’s good my trust wasn’t the best back then. I was heartbroken when FIRST IT RUINED MY FRIENDSHIP THEN BROKE MY PHONE! I am sorry I am being honest. I am normally sweet and kind but no. Luckily my fam took it off and yeah thank the gods! I am 12 now in the year 2023 and I am still insecure, sensitive, and sad constantly. It’s not funny. That’s my review. 1 start that’s all
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  • hate this app

    i had this app for a year last year but when i got a new phone my parents decided to take it off, i wasn’t able to text people at certain times of the day, and i was only allowed a certain amount of contacts which sucked because when new friends asked for my number i said i have restrictions on my phone and it ends up never working, i can’t call a new number so if my friend needed to use my phone to call someone they weren’t able too, i couldn’t call people unless my parents allowed to me to which was extremely annoying, you have ZERO privacy. parents should learn to talk with their kid and try to reason with them instead of fully invading their privacy and ruining their social life. my parents decided to put it back on my phone but this time with even more restrictions, the times that they want to put limits on my phone are times that friends ask to hangout or do stuff, it’s insane that you get no privacy from this app. i’m sure our parents wouldn’t like it if we could see their texts and their browsing history and limit their contacts and apps and see when we’re on our phone. i get the intentions are good but the app is horrible for anyone who wants to have trust with their kids. so parents, try to reason with your kid instead of invading their privacy and ruining their social life.
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  • Comment readers

    I used to have this one my phone for a while. Fought my parents enough until they got tired of fighting me over this app that they just let it go. Graduated a few years ago and I’m looking back at this, remembering how bad this app made things. There are people that need to get off their devices, I’m not here to argue that. But it really made me have trust issues with my parents. Can’t work on late night homework without asking for permission, can’t play a game on a no school day or even listen to music to sleep after 9-10pm, not being able to communicate with almost anyone until after school and only having and hour time frame where it worked during school (and lets hope it matched with the lunch time). Getting older, we want more privacy. More freedom and trust from the people that brought us up and this app does the exact opposite, and makes simple things more complicated than they need to be. For any that read this far, there’s how to get rid of it. Go to “general” in settings, go to “VPN” and it should say something for the “family configuration”. It will disable most, if not all the restrictions. Parents will be alerted though that they don’t have a connection to your phone anymore and can spam send you a message to reinstall it.
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  • This app ruined everything

    The first time my parents mentioned the app is so they could track me, and I was chill about it, until they made it to be the thing I hate! I know why they did this but I’m not the kid I was, I can sometimes misbehave but that’s what kids do. They can also close my messages for different people. What if I need to talk to a friend ,but this dumb thing that says “You can’t talk to this person”, it makes me sick! Now, I can’t even get an app I want because “They can’t trust me.” As well as I’m not close to my parents anymore because of this app it also got severe anger issues. I put more of an attitude down on others than before. Again I understand why they did it, but I have been trying to limit myself on my phone. One time I asked for an app and they said NO, I’m about to snap at this point how am I supposed to be kind if they are controlling MY phone!!! They got me a phone for a reason so let me have privacy on it. If you are reading this, and if you are a parent I think you should talk to your kids instead of doing this or you might make a BIG mistake trust me on this one. (If I have spelling mistakes or punctuation errors I’m only 11.)
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  • This app made me mad

    When I first got the app I was okay, but then my mom just started turning my wifi off for no reason. Over the time I stopped talking to her and now I know how to turn my vpn off so she can’t do anything but it’s still irritating because it’s always texting me saying “your location services have been turned off” I did black the number but if you delete the app they get notifications saying that the child isn’t connected anymore and that makes me mad because my mom just put it on my phone and I don’t need or want it so parents don’t get this app if you have a good relationship with your kids this app will make them feel untrustworthy and untrusted and it will give them anxiety and depression it’s not good for them so please don’t get this app if you want to keep a good relationship with your kids. They want privacy. I get it if they are untrustworthy but if they are trustworthy and they have a good relationship with you why would you do this? Saying stuff like “more family time is needed” or “I don’t want you in your phone in class/school” talk to them about this first don’t just make them download this app or don’t sneak it on their phone. Please talk to them first. I wish I could give this app a zero but I can’t so I give it a one.
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  • Garbage app. Absolutely horrible

    Ok so my parents made me get this trash app this morning because they want to track my activity and location. They said that they trust me but then they do this. This app is the most annoying thing ever. It completely defeats the purpose of having a phone and I’m a mature person, and my parents know that, but now they can constantly track my activity and my location and they won’t leave me alone. It’s annoying as heck and now they can limit TEXTING AND CALLING. The main thing I do on my phone. I talk to my friends every single day for hours and now they have to take that away for no reason. If they trust me on the internet why would they make me get this garbage app? Whoever invented this app, WHY? It’s so incredibly annoying and I can’t do anything. Im not 9 years old or however old they think I am. I am 100% mature and careful enough to not have this app, yet here we are. I can’t stand it and they’re so overly careful about EVERYTHING. Just let me live my life without being helicoptered all the time! And they can also limit any app they want, block any app they want, and put a time limit on my phone. It completely defeats the purpose of even having one.
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  • goofy ahh app

    why was this even created bro, if ur a good parent you’d know to just talk with your kids so they feel open around you and can have conversations ab stuff without feeling weird. knowing my family put this on my phone WITHOUT ASKING OR TELLING ME trying to sugarcoat what it was just makes me sick. i'm not 5 anymore. i'm turning 15 in around 2 months. i know parenting is hard, but if i was the parent i would never invade my child's privacy without their permission like that. its just so dumb especially keeping tags on literal 15 year olds. people really be braindead. me personally i would never take that level of disrespect. i deleted the app, don't know if i should confront my family about it i'm just disappointed i actually started to get close with them and develop a healthy relationship then boom they do this. not cool man. get your kids a game tablet or something. but seriously giving parental control to teenagers who have no idea that their stuff is being monitored is just sick. it makes a little more sense with little kids since they’re like really young and you wanna keep them safe but 15 year olds, come on bro i think we’re old enough. i would prefer if my parents blocked social media apps on my phone or something and explained to me what it was in the beginning or something like that, rather than all my activity being watched constantly. i wouldn’t have known about the app if i hadn't been suspicious and clicked on it.
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    Okay this app is absolutely awful. I had a really old phone, an iphone 6+. BUT MY FRIENDS IPOD WORKED BETTER THAN MINE. Because of this app!!! It completely shut down my phone!! They couldn't get it fixed and me and my dad were at the Apple store or what ever for 2 HOURS. I couldn't call anyone, not even my dad or mom. All it said was a stupid 'welcome to verizon wireless' message. We deleted the app and I literally waited forever. Still wasn't fixed. Eventually was, but we did not risk it again. My phone couldn't even take software updates anymore. I was on I OS 12.5. Lord help me. I got the Iphone 11 Pro Max after that. Terrified me I thought i wasn't going to have me phone back. Also do not get the app if you want your child to love you back. No. They will hate you down inside. This app can see EVERYTHING. I get the trust issues. I get if you put this app on a 8 year old. But parents, putting this app on a tween or teen WILL RUIN THEIR LIVES. And yours. Can monitor every text, call, photo, post, video, FaceTime, Social media(which i get), screen time, contacts, downtime. GET A SCREEN TIME APP OKAY!!!!! BETTER THAN THIS GARBAGE. KIDS UNDERSTAND. BUT PARENTS DONT. EVERY REVIEW FROM A PARENT IT HOW IT DOESN'T WORK.!!!!YOU. DON'T. WANT. IT. TO. WORK!!! WE HAVE RIGHTS TO OURSELVES BUT WITH THIS APP, WE DON'T. DO NOT GET IT. IT WILL RUIN YOUR KIDS LIFE. WE NEED PRIVACY!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
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  • Ruining my WHOLE childhood!!!!

    I am only 12 about to turn 13 and this app has completely destroyed me. My mom has so much control over my private life it's not even funny!! She controls everything I do, but I can't do the same to her. Just because she's the adult doesn't mean she should be able to over power me that much. I am not aloud to have any apps that are 12+ or higher without any permission because this app is making parents not believe there children more and more everyday. And for me to like this app anytime soon it needs to give children a little more privacy, like: what you want to share with your parents, and parents should choose a couple of things for them to see IF there are trust issues. I think parents need to start trusting there kids more and not just giving them one time to do something wrong. Parents should never control there child's life like this app is letting them do. Children need more freedom than this. This app is also why so many parents and there child/children don't have strong relationships. If parents would realize that if they stop controlling us we'll stop testing them as much. Don't get this app unless you want to ruin relationships!!!
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