User Reviews: Harvest Moon

Top reviews

  • Love it, but..

    I love the game so so soooo much, which is why I’m super disappointed that I can’t rate it 5 stars. The plot is great, characters are fun, graphics are fantastic and I love the soundtrack.
    I can get past the occasional crash, you just have to make it a habit to save your progress often.
    I got all the way to Fall 6, then my progress couldn’t save anymore. I tried to just wait it out, close all my apps, restart my phone, connect to WiFi, use cellular data, save in a new memory slot- nothing has worked.
    Now I can’t even load my old progress or start a new game. The one thing I haven’t tried is deleting the app altogether and re downloading. I just don’t know if it’s worth it at this point to start a whole new game.
  • Too many crashes

    I really want to like this game and for the most part it’s an enjoyable experience. However, the crashing when exiting the mine is becoming extremely annoying. It’s especially frustrating when collecting specific types of ore needed to restore buildings. I can’t count how many times I’ve collected needed ores only to have the game crash when exiting the mine, losing all of my progress. Fix this issue and it could garner an extra star from me.
  • What is with the crashing?!

    I love the game, don’t get me wrong. But I’m giving it three stars because this is the FOURTH time that it has crashed after I did a TON of work on the farm AND mined up to level 53, only to have it crash and loose all of that progress that I made. I paid for the game, this shouldn’t be an issue that I have to worry about.
  • Can’t catch fish

    Update: i reached out to the developers and after going back and forth about this issue, they now will not reply back. It does not seem that they care enough about what they create. Apparently they only care about making a buck and not about people actually being able to enjoy their game. Because of this I have dropped my rating down to 1 star.

    I’ve been enjoying the game but it’s very frustrating that I can’t catch a single fish. I have tried over and over on multiple days with and without bate. I tap and the bar will start to go down but the fish always gets away. Very aggravating. Hopefully they will fix this issue and I can update my review.
  • Crashes Constantly

    Game crashes constantly and in turn you lose all progress since your last save. I try to make a habit of saving frequently but even that is super annoying....Would be nice to not have to save every time I enter a new area/house. The loading screens are a mild annoyance. Typically last between 3-5 seconds. Would I like them to be shorter? Of course, but I think the crashing needs priority here. Especially since I paid $15 for the darn game. Other than these two major issues it’s a cute, fun game. Just wish I knew I would need strawberries come I have to wait a whole year to be able to make the delicious animal feed for the blue bird 🙄 God help me....
  • Fun, But Lots of Long Loading Screens and Crashing

    This game is fun and feels very true to classic harvest moon gameplay, and I love having the game on my phone so I can play all the time. That being said, the loading screens make the game seems very clunky.

    I save often, so I don’t have a problem with the occasional crash that some other people have mentioned, but on more than one occasion, I have gotten stuck on the loading page that occurs when you sleep for the day.

    I will be stuck on this loading page for 5-10 minutes before I will give up and close the game, so I always make sure to select the ‘Save and Sleep’ option before going to sleep.

    I actually decided to write this review because I have closed and restarted the game 3 times now and I still can’t sleep and proceed on to the next day, I keep getting stuck at the loading screen.

    If Natsume could fix this issue, I would absolutely love this game. I am excited for any new updates, and I hope they do continue to update the app. $15 is more than I would usually pay for a phone app, so I hope the company will continue to look after and improve it.
  • Force close 🙃

    Its annoying that im paying for the app that just closed by itself, which obviously this game didnt have auto save, so please do some update about this problem to make auto save feature, i know you want to maintain the retro feel, so my suggestion is you can change to enable or disable the auto save
  • Nice

    I can't believe all the bad reviews. I was scared to get it because of all the bad reviews. I don't understand why there are so many bad reviews. I played the hell out of seeds of memories on iPad and I got this game and I'm glad I did. I like it so much better than SOM... I've played about an hour so far and still figuring things out. I know a lot of complaints are recycled characters but those are characters I've always loved so I'm glad to see them in the game. It really is a great game and a lot of fun although pricey. But I for one love the art style and I feel like the graphics look much better then SOM... the ONLY thing I am worried about is the fishing, that seems to be a major issues for all the reviews on here, I'm not at that part yet so I don't know, stardew Valley is a well known game but the fishing is really frustrating on that game too, SOM it was just tap tap tap it was easy to catch fish. I sure hope it's not like stardew valley. I love fishing in these games and I get a lot of income by fishing. Anyways I'm not sorry for my purchase as I am enjoying the game.
  • Crashing

    Some cute differences make for a nice change as I’ve played HM on every platform and they’ve all been basically identical. However I paid a bit more for this one and would like to see it updated to process or load a bit faster and definitely fix the very frustrating crashes. They’re very frequent and as a day takes so long to get through, (although the character’s health does not)... it’s really, really, really upsetting and causes me to walk away from the game. Please fix, please!!!!
  • Constant crashes kill any desire to keep playing

    Was excited for a harvest moon on my iPad and it started out well! Now that I am getting the hang of the game and trying to finish the first month the game keeps closing randomly and you can only save each evening. After repeating the same day over and over and continuously losing any progress I’ve grown tired of Groundhog Day. Pretty surprised this has not been fixed with how much this game cost to purchase - unlikely to fall for that again.

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