User Reviews: Harvest Moon

Top reviews

  • Amazing but...

    I love this game overall and would give it a five star except for the crashing. It seems like I need to save every five seconds to make sure I don’t lose progress. I’ve lost days of work because of these crashes and it would be nice if it gets fix.
  • Too many issues

    The weather destruction on crops you grow is extremely annoying. Especially when you are growing a special crop that are seeds that came from request gift. Too many destroyed to make you keep farming. I plan to switch to orchards. Mining is super irritating with touch screens. Not consistent with Fishing is not really possible. Even with bait. Why make a game that frustrating? The point of games is to have fun, not get mad. Please fix. The sprites are cute, but get in the way constantly even if you give them gifts, and too many movies! Thank you fixing the crashes, particularly during mining! Loading screens are too long, longer than it should be for a saved game. There needs to be more explanation on the requests, because you need to use mailbox to view it first, not just use the menu. If you do not view from mailbox then you cannot give item to person requesting it. Personally too many requests for me. Very frustrating until you figure it out. The bookshelf is not even needed other than hours of shops. I could keep going with fixes suggested...but i think you get it, just the game is more irritating than fun! I have always liked this series but you are losing fans. One thing that you have gotten perfect is the growing of crops and trees. Easy. Characters are usual ones from previous games, wish more suitors for girl but overall improvements made on previous games. Thank you.
  • Constant Crashing and Terrible Loading Times

    I’ve been a HUGE harvest moon fan from the moment I popped in the GameCube disc for A Wonderful Life. However, I’m greatly disappoint in this new game. The graphics are wonderful, there are a lot of new challenges with crops as far as terrain, and I LOVE that your mine progress gets saved every 5 floors. I am truly tired of being in constant fear of the game crashing. I am tired of putting in the time to complete quests in the storyline multiple times, for a glitch and crash. Also, why such long loading times? It reminds me of the PlayStation 2 version of A Wonderful Life (the only game I played but didn’t finish because of the loading). If this game was free, I wouldn’t gripe, but I did and I’m quite upset. Please address and fix these bug issues. It’s clear I’m not the only one annoyed with this.

    There are constant loading screens. Read these words and understand that this game is a rip off. When an NPC hands you something? Loading screen. When you move from one room to another? Loading screen. When you open up an interface? Loading screen. It doesn’t matter what you do there’s a loading screen. This wouldn’t be so bad but the loading screen takes at least five seconds. I AM NOT EXAGGERATING. Within five minutes of playing, at least half of it was spent watching a black screen with a spinning brown loading icon.

    This game isn’t worth the money. If they couldn’t figure out how to make a game that doesn’t have so much long loading then they shouldn’t be taking out money. I wish I could get a refund. I can’t play the game like this!

    By the way I have an iPhone X. So this isn’t some problem with the age of my phone. This is very very bad game development. The game is unplayable like this. It’s weird that so many people have so much free time to waste by waiting for all this loading. I honestly want my money back.

    I am desperately trying to catch only ONE “fish” to move onto the next part of the game and I can not for the life of me catch it because the amount I need to tap the screen is like humanly impossible. I so badly want to rate this game a 5 for everything else. But how am I supposed to enjoy a game that I can’t move forward in?? If you guys fix this whole fishing thing I will gladly rate a 5. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX!!!
  • Promising, but...

    There are a few things, first. The moving system is kinda annoying, a simple joystick would be easier. Also, I wish you could skip the character talking cut screen. Another thing. The repetitive loading screens are reeeeeeaally aggravating, so less of those would be nice. Clicking on things is also difficult, (mailbox, collectible items, etc.) otherwise, the graphics are great! Another thing that would be cool, is if you could visit other towns for money, maybe 100 coins, and make others multiplayer friends. Thanks! And keep up the good work!
  • Very fun game!

    First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ANOTHER HARVEST MOON GAME ON THE APP STORE! I have always loved your games and each one never disappoints. This game only crashed once for me coming out of the mine, but it wasn't a big deal and hasn't happened since. Other than that I have no complaints. Definitely worth every cent😊
  • Fishing impossible.

    Second Edit. Fishing has been fixed. Before when I got the exclamation mark, I would catch one fish out of ten. Now I catch 80% of the time.

    Edit. Game no longer crashes. Fishing still impossible though.

    Fish bites and the !exclamation appears. I tap and get the progress bar. I tap my phone furiously. No fish. iPhone doesn’t have a button like the PS4 or Switch. How are we supposed to catch fish? Game also crashes quite often.
  • Great......if it didn't crash

    These games are my favorite. I have been a loyal follower since I was 8 and now I am 24. I know Harvest Moon. The issue is it crashes all the time. I can never get past a main big event scene without it crashing, mind you I am now permanently stuck on day 4...if you can't fix this issue I demand a refund. Willing to change my review completely if you are able to fix this serious issue. Otherwise, people, do not waste your money. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️

    I love the game, but it crashes SO much!!! I get so frustrated once it crashes that I won’t play for several days at a time because I am upset with how much was lost! I try to save every time my person goes to sleep, but a LOT can happen in one game day!!
    Please! Please!! Update and add an autosave feature for every 10 minutes or so!

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