Agenda User Reviews

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  • Meetings and Management Tasks

    As an IT consultant leader with back to back meetings, I love the idea if tying notes to meetings. Only Agenda and Noteplan have this setup. Noteplan is really good, but needs some quality control and usability cleanup.
    My only two “issues” with Agenda is real estate/screen space management. Too much white space, especially on a small screen laptops. Perhaps option to tile notes? The second one is tagging is a bit behind time as you can’t tag a specific portion of the paragraph or page.
    Otherwise, great application with live syncing with Reminders and calendars.
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  • I’ve been looking for this app for years!

    I can’t believe someone took everything I always wanted from personal time and info management and put it in one single application.
    The description they give about managing the past, present and future is very spot on! (Although a bit too philosophical though lol)
    I used Dynalist for info management but was very annoyed at how you can add dates but no calendar entries. I was looking for an app that could be as easy to use as Dynalist but with that capability. That search ended with Agenda! You not only delivered what I wanted, but even more. Agenda definitely makes life easier!
    I use this app with Fantastical 2 since both connect seamlessly to Calendar and Reminders. It’s just crazy how much order I can get with almost no effort...

    The app is so good sometimes I catch myself spending my free time looking at my agenda notes just for pleasure lol.
    Thanks Agenda!
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  • No timestamp

    Of all the things they did, they overlooked auto timestamp. The notes automatically set the date but not time. So you will have multiple notes for each meeting with the same date but not sorted with time. Doh! And it was supposed to help with daily task journaling (like the Franklin Covey system). You can do a workaround however, by linking your notes to your calendar events. But that is bothersome and time-consuming especially if you need to create the calendar events to do this (e.g., you received an impromptu phone call which you need to log notes for, to refer back.)
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  • Timeblocking + Notes = Awesome

    I’ve always found time blocking to be the most practical way to organize and manage tasks (for me, at least; YMMV), and the ability to create and attach detailed and flexible notes to those events in my calendar supercharged this approach for me. Plus, the ability to keep all the premium features released during my active subscription period is an awesome idea. You never feel shortchanged, forced to maintain your subscription because you need some of the premium features for your workflow.
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  • The Solution to My Day Planner Problem

    I’ve never been able to use traditional paper planners well. While I’ve always seen how they could, in theory, be useful, I’ve tried many times to incorporate them into how I do things, and they always end up abandoned. This app offers some adjustments in just the right areas for me - it has enough structure to help keep me organized, but enough flexibility to rearrange things more easily than trying to constantly rewrite a paper planner.

    The ability to toggle things “on” and “off” the main list, as well as the ability to link notes to the Apple calendar app are a huge pluses as well for me in keeping the most important things handy at any given time. I also like that other things can be kept a little more tucked away, but still accessible as needed.

    Long story short, I’m a HUGE fan of this app, and have used it pretty much daily now for about three years. It’s perfect for my needs.
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  • Must Have App!! Especially for

    I can’t say enough great accolades for this app. I use it for taking meeting notes and organizing it to the respected meeting. You can link notes together and create reminders within your meeting notes. It does a great job syncing between my phone, iPad and work computer. I have my notes available at all times and I’m able to have forefront all the projects that are priority. Adding documents, images and links is a snap. Also minimizing agenda items that are complete, but there to review if need be. You won’t be disappointed!
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  • No Other App Like This One

    There are still rough edges here and there. I like the tagging system but auto completion of tags would have been nice. There are some typing errors with tags sometimes where you have to go back and rewrite the tag as mouse moves unexpectedly. URL links are little too sensitive sometimes so that it makes it difficult to edit the notes. Apart from all these negatives, there is no other app like this one in the App Store. Agenda is a note app that can completely replace your note and todo app. It has become my go to organization tool. Agenda is where all my information goes by default including todos. It integrates with Apple reminders and calendar app nicely. It’s still a 5 star app for me and totally worth the premium it charges. Any updates and bug fixes would be icing on cake as it’s already pretty good app..
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  • Loving It!

    This is definitely the missing link for me :-). I like it much better than the calendar app alone where I had to remember which items went together or forgot things when I made a note and forgot to put them in my calendar. This just makes it it easy for me to make sure I’m ready for each Doctor’s appt. or vacation by doing a quick rundown of the scheduled items or reminders leading up to it with the written notes to remind me why I put them on the schedule in the first place! Lol.
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  • Great App, but be Careful - UPDATE

    This company is very impressive and I’m very satisfied with the measures they’ve taken for my concerns. They added extra measures to ensure you don’t lose the notes you’ve written when you are working across two devices. Very exceptional customer service.

    I’m hoping this will help myself and others whenever using this awesome app.

    I’ve been really enjoying this app for a couple months already. This has an amazing interface and great features. Dark mode looks clean and you’re able to organize your notes differently and much better than what comes with your phone.

    Unfortunately, their syncing is terrible. Think about it, you poor your heart and soul into the thoughts and ideas you’re typing. You finish it up and look at a pretty solid idea. Close the app, you go about your day then you come back to right before you started to flow. BS. No way to retrieve your previous thoughts. Might as well speak it.

    I was super excited to even pay the premium because they’re kind enough to let you own it than subscribe when I first downloaded this, but another round of lost ideas just killed it for me.

    I’m hoping they can fix how these notes can be backed up. Perhaps an offline mode and then it syncs back when you’re online. Idk, something so you don’t lose these great ideas. I personally wouldn’t want to use Dropbox Paper, but they’re syncing is immaculate. I want to love this app. Please fix this.
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    Developer Response

    If you haven't done so already can you contact us through We can help you restore any content that has gone lost. We have also addressed a rare issue that could have caused this in the 9.1.3 and added extra security measures to eliminate any chance of sync causing changes to be overwritten.
  • I was seduced by the graphics.

    Agenda is a nice app. Beautiful graphics, lovely interface, well organized company, terrific marketing. I bought it for a year. Using Agenda, for me, has been a trial. I want to do simple things. Agenda can do them, but it’s not simple. Best I can tell, I cannot ignore the calendar altogether. It’s always there, asking to be turned on. I bought it expressly because I like the idea of notes inherently organized by date, like my notebooks. In the end, Agenda, while seductively attractive, is too complicated and trying to do too many things for me that’s find difficult to control. If I have to ask how to accomplish something fundamental, it’s not simple. Maybe in a couple of years I’ll check back. If the app looks like it suits you, give it a good long try, attempting everything you want before you commit. I found Agenda to be in the way of my agenda.
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