Agenda User Reviews

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  • Tried a bunch, this is the best yet

    I have tried a bunch of different note taking apps and had mixed success with most. Agenda finds the right balance of being really simple to use but still offering good features. Easy to keep organized if you like to plan it out or to move notes or projects around if you want after the fact.
    I don’t use linking to events at all but I like using the reminders for action items after meetings. On the Agenda is great for meeting preparation: make your notes ahead of time, assign it to the right date and it’s there when you need it.

    Excellent works folks, keep it up!
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  • stop saying non-trivial

    Every time I look at the list of feedback that seems to build up very quickly, I see a ton of complaints from the developers of this app about how non-trivial it is to ask for....anything. A constant excuse based on how few employees they have, even though they charge you for a year of meh updates. seems to be snarky or passive aggressive suggestions to valid frustrations, and the troubleshooting is painful. They seem really tired of people (as is evident by the snarky response to my review)

    Ya’ll. Is 2019. I’m seriously tempted to build a fixed model and just use that. Plus then I could at least be trusted with my own color theme choices.
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  • One of the most comprehensive productivity tools I’ve come across

    Like most folks, I've spent more time than I should trying to find an app (or bundle of apps) that allow me to easily manage my time. Reminder lists, to do lists, note taking apps, calendars, etc etc. I’ve been using Agenda for nearly a year now, and can verify that not only has it met my somewhat lofty productivity and time management needs, but it continues to grow and develop new ways to integrate with more tools and into more of my regular tasks- making it a one stop shop app for nearly everything productivity related. Plus, it’s lightweight enough to work on any device efficiently and effectively, from a MacBook to an iPhone.

    Great tool and a great app. Thank you!
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  • Agenda was built for business owners with TONS of notes

    I came from Bear app. I was a power user. Sorting notes by hashtags seemed great.

    Until I had collected over 1000 notes in 2 years.

    Until I needed a structured process for not just taking notes, but thinking forward.

    Have you ever had that one idea, which you quickly noted... but never followed through on? Here’s probably what happened - that note got buried. Never to be seen again.

    Agenda changes that. Create an idea, set a FUTURE date. It’ll show up on your date based “newsfeed”, aka Agenda.

    P.s. I LOVE the payment model. Pay once and you OWN the app + and get free updates for a year. A year later, YOU choose if you want another years worth of updates. This is a beautiful model compared to making users “rent” apps that rarely get any updates.

    Keep it up Agenda team, you 💯!
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  • Great!

    This app is awesome. It’s EXACTLY the kind of app I need— a notes app synced with my calendar and reminders, with capabilities to add images, links, and even tags within the note.
    That being said, it would be really nice if this were available for Chromebooks and Windows. I don’t have a Mac, and I’m probably not taking notes on my phone in class or a professional meeting. That extra feature— along with the ability to sync all those notes— would make this app pretty much perfect. I would be willing to pay to have universal device syncing.

    All in all, this app is an amazing versatile tool that anyone could use, and I highly recommend it.
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  • Pretty great, but usability + readability dealbreakers

    I’ve really wanted to like this 100%. The calendar integration is really cool, the formatting is quick and easy, and iCloud sync is great. I use it for short university papers, so I’ve even considered buying premium. However, it seems that my subconscious has rejected the design of this app–I keep switching back to Simplenote (which is actually a bit too minimalist).

    There’s something off about the font. I think it’s the kerning and spacing. Words such as “picture”, “systemic”, “privileged”... just don’t look right. Skimming paragraphs is very difficult because of the weird visual font spacing. This is also unfortunately true on Mac.

    The UI feels a little bit *too spacious* in my opinion. Elements have lots of padding, and the general text size is too large. It might be the heavy UI font weight, which is a bit much (compared to Bear and Simplenote).
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    Developer Response

    You can change the spacing in the preferences (one of the premium features) if you like Agenda but not the spacing we picked as the default. Down the road we plan to allow for different themes with different fonts but that's still a while out.
  • Lots of promise but keeps crashing in multitasking/side-by-side view

    I’ve downloaded and used a ton of note-taking apps, I just heard about Agenda last night. I love the premise of this app - linking notes to calendar events and then being able to quickly see associated notes, a timeline of information and even upcoming agenda items that need to be discussed. There’s huge potential with this app. I like that it’s free to try and that instead of a subscription option, there’s a one-time fee to upgrade premium features.

    After using it in one meeting I was ready to purchase the premium version but then I opened my e-mail in split view on my 2018 iPad Pro 12.9 (3rd gen) and the Agenda app started crashing. It doesn’t seem to matter what is open next to it, when in split-screen view Agenda keeps closing. I’ve gotten unexpected crash warnings and I have submitted crash logs to the developer. I work predominantly in a split screen view - it’s the reason I bought the larger iPad. Until this bug is resolved there’s no way I’m purchasing anything. Sadly I may have to go back to a more stable alternative - even though I love the premise of this app.
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    Developer Response

    Did you check whether these issues were resolved in the 6.0 update? And if not, could you report them through
  • Good but needs work

    It’s a very powerful app but the formatting UX is really quirky and kind of frustrating to use. Bullet points delete when they shouldn’t, context menus close unexpectedly, the indicators for the slide out menus are hard to see. It feels like the devs don’t actually use their app sometimes.

    Also as a side note, your request for review popped up for me while I was in the middle of typing a note, closed the keyboard and made me lose my train of thought. Rating requests should happen when the user is at a natural stopping point, not in the middle of trying to use your app.
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  • Maybe in a year it’ll be ready for iOS

    Just seeing some of the other posts, plus my own 1-year experience, Agenda is an app with wonderful potential but not currently for the iOS version...maybe in another year.

    My personal hang up with it (plus many of others’ issues with UI, images, and styling) is the poor-to-none state of iOS Share functionality. If I need to clip webpage content or grab excerpts from an email to add to a note or task, Agenda has no option within Share to accomplish. If I have a PDF reference file to include, no way to use Share.

    Again, it has good potential and many unique features. A bit of a different workflow paradigm but one that can be easily learned. Yet there is way too much difficulty/work needed for daily usage as a serious iOS note-taking tool. See ya next year, Agenda!
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback, we hope to bring a share sheet later this year, it requires some significant changes under the hood, which is why we haven't added one yet. Stay tuned!

    Revised... upgraded to 5* simply because of their superb customer support. Additionally, after emerging myself in their product description screens and checking out the feature set, this should quickly become my go-to tool for all the massive note taking that I do. Great concepts and I’m hoping to soon report how much it improves the existing tools I use today.

    Evernote and Dropbox users pay through subscriptions to get basic vanilla ice cream without the toppings. I personally have been a less-than-satisfied paid user for both Evernote and Dropbox apps for about a decade. Time will tell, but I can imagine using Agenda with ICloud storage to replace both Wherevernote and Dropbox because of Agenda’s generalized organizational, time-stamping and tagging capabilities.

    And to those looking for organizational ideas like I always am, if you haven’t checked out the online following on their support page, you’re in for a real treat!

    Thanks again, Alex, appreciate the help!

    Cannot login to post my issue on the blog. It says it cannot verify my login

    Paid for app premium features, but app features will not load. Keeps asking me to login. After logging in, asks me to pay for premium features (which I’ve already done), so I click restore purchase. Then it asks me to login. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat.
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    Developer Response

    Really sorry about that, can you please contact us through if you haven't done so already?

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