Moody Month User Reviews

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  • Emotions

    I can’t speak for those with irregular periods as I experience extremely regular cycles but this app has been amazing for me. It feels so comfortable to use and teaches me a lot about the way my hormones. I personally don’t handle my emotions very well as I shift from passionate to numb feelings often and it’s nice to have the extra insight, especially since I’m in a pretty emotionally turbulent time in my life right now. The astrology feature is also a fun side thing if you’re into it. First time I’ve written a review for an app and I don’t believe they even prompted me to do so like most other apps. I have not been using it for very long yet. My only qualm with the app is that it pauses my music :(
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    Developer Response

    Hey Val 👋 Thanks so much for taking the time to write this, especially since it is your first ever app review! We are so pleased that you are finding the app helpful and supportive for your needs. I've passed on the feedback about your music being paused, we are always looking for ways to improve so if you have any more thoughts please get in touch on social @moodymonth or email Thanks 🌖
  • Decent app BUT

    The major drawback with this app is that your information isn’t stored anywhere. I just got a new iPhone and none of the symptoms I’ve been tracking can be transferred to it. The developers need to allow you to create an account or use iCloud syncing or something. What happens if you lose or damage your phone? Your data just disappears?
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  • Missing Many Features

    I was very excited to try this app and see how my mood matched up to my cycle. Unfortunately this app assumes everyone has a 28 day cycle. Not me, my cycle can fluctuate from 30 to 50 days depending on when my one lazy ovary decides to work. And it needs to allow for a tracked period for more than 10 days. So many women have irregular periods, and we need an app that allows for that to be tracked.

    I deleted this app, but hopefully they make improvements soon.
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  • Missing Important things.

    First of all, I really like how the app is set up and all the things you can log, BUT it just assumes your period is the same every month. So you can’t log if you didn’t start your period that day even if the app says. This literally makes the app unusable if it’s not using important data like being a couple days late which can happen because your period isn’t exact every. single. month. and this can affect when your fertile window is. This is bad if you track your cycle to prevent pregnancy (fertility awareness). If this gets fixed I’ll definitely use this app...but for now it’s useless.
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    Developer Response

    Hey 👋, thanks for this helpful feedback. We have since improved the editing options to make it easier to change your period start date and keep the content relevant. We are also working on further developments at the moment to make the predictions more accurate. We do not recommend, claim, or promote Moody Month as a fertility tracker or a tool to support practicing fertility awareness method for family planning so while we are working on improving the accuracy of ovulation, phases, and period dates, that is for the purpose of planning and optimising your routines around your cycle. Not to be used as a form of contraception. Please do take a look at the latest updates and let us know what you think on ☺️
  • Lacking in many ways

    I was excited for an app that seemed to track lots of areas of mood triggers, however, there are lots of things that just don’t allow for accurate input with this app.
    First is the inability to input a period longer than 10 days. Sure, that might not be considered medically normal, but when you’ve had an irregular period since age thirteen that generally lasts for 9-12 days, and frequently even longer than 12 days, it would be nice to have a health tracker allow that kind of input to help you out with those conversations with doctors that have been happening for over 20 years.
    Next, you can’t log any info for a missed day EXCEPT a period on the calendar. So, you can add it a day or two late, but then how does that really help track the info accurately, might as well just use a paper journal.
    The last real disappointment for me, and the reason I’ve decided to delete the app altogether is that when my phone was damaged and had to be replaced, ALL of my input data was lost. So, they don’t keep any of it stored at all anywhere, just on the device you’re using? What’s the point? The last backup on my phone happened within hours of needing to be replaced, and a few days after my last log of info into the app. But there is nothing saved at all. 3 months of period input and physical symptom logging, and its kaput. What a waste of time. I should have just been using the calendar on my phone the whole time. Or, like I said, a paper journal.
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    Developer Response

    Hey Valerie 👋 Thanks for this detailed feedback. I am really happy to let you know that since your comment we have made a lot of improvements to the app and I will outline the ones that relate to your comments for you below: - You can now log a bleed up to 19 days in length. - We now support retrospective logging, so you can go back into previous days and add symptoms or memo logs. - We have also introduced user accounts, so you can save your data and log in on a new handset if you get a new phone. We previously did not support this as part of our data anonymity policy but after hearing that it was something our users wanted we began work to find a way to introduce it while still maintaining the highest possible standards of data security. Please do take a look at these and many more improvements we have made (and are continuing to make) and if you have any further feedback we would love to hear from you on ☺️
  • Almost perfect

    This app would be absolutely perfect if it had a birth control reminder.
  • Fantastic!

    This app is great and I absolutely love it! I track these things on my own with pen and paper, but I might switch over to the app since the UI is so good! The only problem I have with it, is that you cannot edit individual moods on a log day after you save. You have to delete the entire log, and even that was hard to figure out how to do. This is a misstep in terms of user experience. Otherwise I would’ve given it 5 stars!
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  • Some Wins, Some Losses

    I got really hyped for Moody Month because unlike a lot of period trackers, it gave you an option for “not getting a period,” which has always upset me with other apps. However, Moody Month needs some major updates if it is going to actually be as effective as other period trackers. The biggest problem is that Moody Month DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO LOG A PERIOD LONGER THAN 10 DAYS. You cannot log back to back periods to “cheat” and log more days after the 10 day limit. In addition, unlike some period trackers, it doesn’t learn your personal ovulation, PMS, and period timing to give better feedback. It assumes a constant, 28 day cycle.
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    Developer Response

    Hey 👋 Thank you for this feedback, we took it on board and have made improvements to the period logging features. Please let us know what you think.
  • Nice but needs work

    It’s almost okay. It automatically assumes you ovulate on day 14 & while some women do, a lot do not. You can’t be a women’s health app if you can’t even get that critical amount of info correct. I had it for just a few days & I was already annoyed it ASSUMED I ovulated when I really have not. Maybe improve the app so that you can input your own data if you follow the symptothermal or fertility awareness method of birth control.
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  • Love this app

    First helpful app for women that actually allows you to process how you feel and gives you helpful tips and articles as to how to feel better/why you feel that way based on your cycle.

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