EVE Echoes User Reviews

EVE Echoes
EVE Echoes
Hong Kong Netease Interactive Entertainment Limited

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  • One request

    You should make a button where you can select a game save and delete it
  • Waste of time

    This game is a legit waste of time for new comers. If you didn’t start from the day the game servers opened you will have to wait actual years with no way around it in order to catch up to those who started playing before you. Then after playing catch up for months or years you will simply not be able to enjoy your late game achievements or advancements as other players will wait in extremely large groups at the only exits and entrances to a safe space to kill you, destroy what might have taken you weeks or months to acquire in a matter of seconds with no counter to it. To top it off he Devs consider this “pvp” so it is allowed and even if you see these camps coming there is nothing you can do to get away from them as the players waiting have popped multiple items called “bubbles” that render you unable to escape and you cant stop before entering these bubbles because there is no way for you to stop moving mid warp so literally everyone is currently in a dire need for late game items and the only players who were able to farm for said items are all beginning to quit as they can’t even return to sell these items or put these items into storage without being killed and looted. Long story short unless you have 9 hardcore friends which play this game religiously for years like you and you all do the exact same thing at the exact same time this game is pointless
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  • Made by idiots for idiots

    The definition of pay to win. Game freezes ALL the time.
  • Huge time commitment and unfun mechanism for a mobile game

    I feel like the devs don’t know what most mobile users want in a game. What’s the point of an Eve online clone that’s exactly like it? Many people liked the initial version where you weren’t required to stare at your phone for 20 minutes while just traveling to different site doing nothing. Even if you are doing that, you can get gate camped and die instantly before the game even loads. How is this fun? Oh I should’ve created a second account to scout for me? This is a mobile game and it’s one of the mechanism in Eve Online that caused severe burnout. If people wanted that kind of hard core mechanism, go play Eve online. Where is an alternative that we were promised with a mobile version?

    The alpha accounts are also so severely gimped when it comes to trade that it’s unplayable and many corps don’t even accept them.

    The game can still be fun and I enjoy it but I will definitely burn out soon. If the game keeps favoring the vocal minority of hardcore players, it will tank. There is a perfectly good alternative of Eve online for those players so I don’t know why the devs always cave to them.
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  • Great game, major drawbacks

    If you’re willing to pay to play, this is an outstanding game. You will not enjoy this game and you will not have a single ounce of fun if you don’t pay to play. The level of detail and immersion is second to none. This game allows you to create an experience for yourself that is hyperrealistic and completely immerses you in the idea of intergalactic exploration. However, your success in this game is directly correlated with a level of risk that you are willing to take - in trying to make enough money to make the game playable, on several occasions I lost over half the in-game currency I had farmed, ruining weeks worth of work because a ship was destroyed by a group of players. It takes days, weeks even to truly earn enough IGC to make meaningful purchases that make the game fun. But when time and time again you are set back to 0... it’s not fun. The game is truly ruined by the requirement that to make it playable, you have to pay for it, and that literal weeks worth of work will be destroyed as you’re simply trying to play the game.
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  • "Do what you want", "player run"

    When people say you can do what you want, what they mean is this game is a gank-fest like open world PvP WoW, minus NPC except the few guards, the terrain is replaced by a star field, lose everything you carry on death, all quests are run to other side of the map and either kill all the space murlocs, or loot fifty resource nodes.

    You can grind, and get ganked. You can mine, and get ganked. You can run in any direction for hours, and you will get ganked. But this is no FPS, respawn and jump into the fray, this is MMORPG-like as in it will take you many many many hours to get things back again. You lose everything you carry.

    That's all this game is, run around and kick other players in the balls, in space. Make players feel invested enough so that getting kicked in the balls really hurts, in space. You're not a pirate, you're just PvP flagged a few minutes. It's that shallow. "Player-run", as in use your imagination. And it looks pretty.
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  • Waste of time trying to play now

    Barely 2 months into launch, the DA devs have decided to ignore massive requests for ease of use options and instead decided to implement one of the most over powered, no skill required, unbalanced abilities from Eve Online. Bubbles. This was supposed to be the casual players version into Eve. Instead they’ve fast tracked one of the WORST aspects of EO into a fresh scenario. Bubbles are literally only a few hours old and nearly EVERY gate into/out of low-null is camped with these no skill required, no way to combat, no negative to operate void traps. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I played for 3 weeks, had a great time. Knew the dangers of low/null, was still able to navigate them and enjoy the game. Then they decide to implement bubbles. Literally after outcry to wait, the game is to new. Nope, let’s let all the as*holes go ahead and start ruining your experiences now. The Devs literally set the app on fire and walked away. If you want to enjoy a gaming experience, look elsewhere. Do NOT bother with this. There literally isn’t a point anymore.
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  • Learning Overload

    The learning curve is way too steep and the tutorials are just not helpful or legible. Would help to play on a large screen, not phone.
  • Best Mobile Game.

    This game has many many many flaws, pretty much for every positive you’ll find 2 mistakes. With that said, and knowing this game is pretty much Eve Online 2008 and has nothing but a bright future ahead, I can confidently say without a shadow of a doubt this is the best mobile game today, and will hold that title for years to come. There’s a cluster ton of negative feedback, mostly from a community raised with a hand supporting their every move. This game isn’t easy, it takes time and patience just to understand the basics. But for every ounce you give it, it returns it back 10 fold. The satisfaction of flying around New Eden and knowing exactly what the heck you are doing whether it be running encounters, mining, pirating, or even buying and selling living the merchants life over at Jita... you’re filled with an unexplainable confidence and excitement that only other fellow vet. pilots can understand. So download the game, fly safe, and hopefully none of you will be on the other side of my guns over at null sec. o7.
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  • Echoes? More like small shadow!

    So much has changed since I played Eve online, in which I played for over Ten years. I left then due to many Ninja Nerfs, and too much Time demands that didn’t go well with RL. I was excited for Eve Echoes, as something I could hop in from time to time each day and do something. But, this game is a small shadow of the glory days of when I played. Half the game with ships and weapons systems aren’t even in game... quite frankly the half I preferred, and then you have the Omega clone paid content that locks another quarter of the game... which is well overpriced for a mobile game. So really there’s not much for me to get excited over, plus changes in game mechanics that really pull away from the very theme of Eve... high Risk = High Reward, and Criminal actions = dire consequences in high sec... but no, people can steal from your wrecks and no penalty or flagging occurs. It just all equates to a hot mess... and this long time fan of Eve Online, deleted this App in frustration and sadness in just a few short weeks. What a dissapointment.
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