Nebula. User Reviews

Standard Broadcast LLC

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  • Now 100% propaganda

    The severing of partnership from creator of second thought speaks volumes to nebulas increasing lack of integrity and mounting silencing of academics and thinker who speak up against oppression, imperialism and apartheid regime guiding as democracy and hence falsely claiming bastions of free speech. I paid for nebula even while I was struggling because some presences reflected their commitment to integrity. In some ways actions speak louder than words. Shame on rest of the nebula team. Y’all are as bad as the platforms you claim to diverge from!
    I am sad that I paid for a whole year to support the increasing lack of journalistic integrity & now full blown propaganda sponsors like Johnny Harris and countless others.
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  • Top notch

    Happy to support creators, especially when the content and platform are of such high quality
  • One of my favourite ways to support creators online

    I love nebula and the service it provides, being able to support creators I enjoy and get their videos early or with added content is great. My only issue with the nebula app is that the download function is spotty and can be frustrating to use. I’ve been in the middle of downloading a video and suddenly all of my other downloads will have disappeared or when I try to watch videos I’ve downloaded while on long flights I’ve found frustratingly that as soon as I open the app and click a video to watch I receive an error message and my downloads are gone. Besides that issue I’ve had a lot of success using the nebula app and I will continue to support content creators on the platform and recommend the service to other people I know.
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  • Great, with a few issues

    I want to love nebula. I like the idea of creator owned. However the app itself has some issues that have made it rough to use.
    First and foremost, as I’ve seen before mass downloading videos (say before travel) often leads to failure, with nearly all attempted downloads completely disappearing, requiring me to go back and select them all again. It’s really infuriating.
    Second, on the travel note, I’ve found myself getting logged out of the app on multiple occasions (and airlines) when attempting to open the app while connected to airplane wifi. I can’t log back in, leaving me stranded.
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  • Miniplayer issue. Request for feature.

    Used to be able to play a video while using other apps and after the recent update it’s gone. Tried changing the new setting about turning off the screen and that did not seem to work. Now it is working but I’m not sure what happened to fix it. Maybe a random bug that closing and reopening the app fixed?

    It would be nice if the auto play worked while the screen was locked. I know these are videos but sometimes I just listen with the screen off.
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  • Nebula has awesome content and creators, middling app

    The title says it all - and the latest version released 2023-Sep-19 actually introduced a weird bug. All content on an iPad insists on displaying in portrait mode - it simply won’t rotate to landscape.

    In addition, the inability to comment on videos or provide feedback to creators in the Nebula app is really disappointing. Again, the content is excellent, but the app as a platform still feels half-baked after years. Sequential series don’t queue properly, and catching up on your favorite channel is an exercise in pulling out of full screen, swiping down, selecting the video, then taking it full screen again. If you’re hands are full, these aren’t options, and you wind up re-watching another video, or skipping ahead from part 2 directly to part 6, since that’s the most recent, etc.
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  • Mostly Awesome!

    Fantastic array of content from a great range of producers.
    Only tweak I’d ask for is the opportunity to set a quality level, (for example, 360p, 480p, 1080p, 4K) rather than relying on what the app determines is best. Sometimes I want a small file, even if I have a great connection at the time.
  • Apple TV autoplay

    Apparently not possible to turn this off. I think you urgently need to get a competent UI person because the rest of it looks a bit My First App too.

    A shame because the video quality is excellent, it’s just infuriating to have to constantly try to avoid playing stuff I didn’t actually cue up.
  • Great content in a slick video app

    Nebula has rich and interesting content - the “discover something new” feature ensures a variety in your feed. The app itself is full-features and easy to use.
  • 95% filler, awful discoverability

    I signed up because I thought I’d be getting access to high-quality, well-researched, well-presented videos. Nope! Half the videos seem to be from TLDR - a creator I’ve learned I have zero interest in - or be about movies, TV, or video games, or be podcasts or weird clickbait in video form. There is some good stuff, but it’s hard to find amidst all the garbage, and Nebula does not make it easy to do.

    Most of my problem would probably be solved by hiding certain creators, but Nebula doesn’t allow this. Some creators are incredibly prolific and just produce noise, some have compelling topics but don’t know what they’re talking about, or don’t have anything interesting to say about the topic. Trying to find creators to follow is a long journey of “oh, this person again…”

    And finally - the video selection _really_emphasizes entertainment over depth. This is true across every category - science, history, etc. Tons of short punchy videos, very little interesting analysis or instruction.
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