User Reviews: Tracki GPS

Top reviews

  • Peace of Mind

    I am thankful for Tracki GPS and the peace of mind it gives me. I am a mom of two teenage girls. While I want them to branch out and live their individual lives, I still no the real world dangers that come along with that. Even if they are the best driver, it doesn’t mean someone else couldn’t cause an accident. And even worse, what if they got into a situation where their lives were threatened. I like the peace of min in knowing I can find their last location if needed. I think I also provides a layer of accountability because they know I can see, and that might prevent them from getting into something they shouldn’t.
    Luckily my teens are good with it. They understand. I wish teens understood that we do things because we love them and want to keep them safe.
  • Great app

    This is a great app for getting the location of a family member. We have been using it for years. It was a perfect resource when the kids played hs sports but couldn’t drive. We could track where the activity bus was instead of hanging out in the school parking lot. We use it less now that the kids are older, but is helpful to check an arrival time when somebody is heading home. The kids will also use it to track us when we are picking them up or meeting someplace. Much better than having to call to check.
  • Peace of Mind

    My family has been using Tracki GPS for 2-3 years. I have older children who are not on my plan, but I have one daughter, almost 18, who has been on the plan with us since she got a phone and especially since she began driving.
    We do not use the app to track each other, but more as a safety feature - “she made it to the stables, she’s not home at usual time but I can see her car moving slowly due to traffic, etc.”
    I also have my parent's phones on my plan - they live 4 hours away. I can see if they are on the road to doctors' appts 1.5 hrs away from their home. I can see if they have left treatment center, etc. If I'm not answering phone, my family can see I'm at work, or my phone is dead! It works for our family in a very positive way. Highly recommend this app, but encourage using it in a + manner.
  • Let’s kids roam safely

    Remember the days when we roamed all day and came home with the streetlights? It’s a different world now. This app gives the best of both worlds by bringing the freedom to roam back while making sure your kids are safe. Knowing where to get them if there’s trouble and I can be there in a moments notice is peace of mind for a parent and having the freedom to explore is worth the price of being tracked (according to the teens).

    Having a teen driver, I’m also pleased at recording top speeds and seeing recent trips in the car. It lets me have some confidence that he’s following the rules we’ve agreed to and allows trust to solidify so that I, as a parent, can grant more freedom.

    I even track grandma with the app, knowing her propensity to ignore calls and texts could possibly, at her age, be because she’s busy being out and about or she’s home and in trouble. A quick check for her location tells me why she’s not answering and whether I need to make a stop to check on her.
  • Best app I’ve used!

    This app has done so much for me and my family. Anyone with teenagers understands that we, as parents want to make sure our kids are safe. This app allows us that opportunity. There have been times that my older teenager is going into work before dawn, or driving home before the hurricane weather begins. Those moments can be nerve wracking for me. I am able to utilize this app to make sure she’s driving home or how far from home is is located. That way I am not calling or texting her which would be distracting. When my daughter first started driving to college, it was an hour away and she had to go through really rural towns. She had pulled over because the weather was so bad but she wasn't sure of her exact location . We were able to see on the app where she was located and it gave us directions to her and her vehicle. Most parents can relate, but There are times she goes to a friends house but forgets to let me know she made it. This app, once again, provides me the security of knowing she made it there so I do not worry. I will recommend this app a million times over. Definitely worth every penny!!
  • My family loves 360

    This app is wonderful. Not only does it make us all feel a little safer, my kids don’t have to take so many phone calls or texts from me! I quickly look to see if they made it to their destination and don’t need to constantly bug them.

    My boyfriend and I live three hours apart so it adds a level of trust for us as well. If something happens to me maybe they can find me faster! It’s a great app when you need it. Most people aren’t stalking their family members. It’s simply there when you need it which has become less and less often. Thank you Tracki GPS ! It makes common sense to use this app!
  • My go to app to make sure my family is ok

    This has been one of the “BEST” apps I have on my devices. It helps me check on my family members in case anything ever happens I know exactly where they are at. It’s not my intent to spy on them. It IS my intent to know that if someone is running late, I can have peace of mind where they’re at.

    Also the convenience if I know someone is near a location I need something from, I can call and let them know to pick up something I might need. I wholeheartedly recommend this app to any and all responsible folks who care for their families and friends.
  • Giving them freedom

    Tracki GPS has allowed my teen drivers way more freedom then if I didn't have this app. They would not be able to drive as far or stay out as late if I cant occasionally check in with them. They don’t have to know I am looking but I am glad I can look occasionally. Sometimes I dont check at all! I am also on the app so they can check on me!
    Love the safety it provides if needed with crash detection speed monitoring etc.
    They drive safer because they know the app is monitoring.
    Thanks Tracki GPS !
  • Life saved

    My granddaughter was in a wreck where she tried to avoid hitting a deer on a dark country road. She flipped her SUV three times and had to crawl out. Tracki GPS alerted her dad, whom I was on the phone with at the time. He said something had happened to her. I rushed to babysit her younger sisters. He followed the Tracki GPS directions to a country road where he would never have found her without this apt. It saved her life. A family stopped, called an ambulance and stayed with her until my son got there. It definitely saved her life. I highly recommend it for everyone!?
  • My experience

    I love Tracki GPS . this app allows me keep my family safe at all times. We are able to share location with each other, send each other messages and alert each other when our phone battery is low. Also it will detect a car accident. My husband is a truck driver and before Tracki GPS I was so nervous and scared as I did not know if he made it to his destination and back. Now I am able to see every time see arrives safely.

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