User Reviews: Tracki GPS

Top reviews

  • Not just for monitoring your kids

    I am so thankful for this app. I have a job that requires lots of travel. I travel all over the world, mostly alone, and lots of times I am driving from an airport to small towns everywhere. When Tracki GPS came out, my husband and I got the app, not for my kids, but for me. While some couples may balk at the idea, this gave us a sense of security, knowing if he could not get up with me or if something happened he would be able to see where I was last, especially in the case of an emergency. I am extremely thankful we have never had to use it for this specific scenario, but it has given us great comfort over the past several years. So much so, that we have also put my mother in law in our circle in case we cannot reach her for some reason. She still drives and it’s a comfort to know we can find her location if needed. Thank you so much for all work work and effort you have put into this app! Our family loves it !!!!
  • Helped locate my sick husband!

    My husband was a truck driver and got sick in Arizona the end of last year. I had spoken to him the night before but couldn't get him to answer his phone the next morning. I was able to give the dispatcher at his company the exact address of where his truck was parked using this app so they could send emergency personnel to him. We live in SC so it was nerve wracking for me being so far away. They got to him in time and he/we spent a month in Arizona in hospitals and rehab. This app was a God send for me!
  • excellent

    This app is amazing. We put it on our aging fathers phone when he first began showing signs of dementia. As the disease begin to get worse he would attempt to run away from home and dangerous areas. Multiple times we were able to track him down. Our entire family use this app now. It has helped me keep an eye on my teenage grand daughter. She does not like it but it was part of my bargain when she got a cell phone.
    told told her I would pay for the phone totally if she just got this app. Probably explains why teens do not like this app
  • Peace of mind for all involved

    Tracki GPS is insensible for our peace of mind, as a family (with twin high school students). While other smartphone apps provide tracking/location services, Tracki GPS provides a degree of precision that is above and beyond the others. Its features serve to give our family a level comfort that, if there ever were an issue such as an accident or disabled vehicle of one of our teen drivers, we could very quickly respond and get them help/assistance on scene.
  • Awesome App that helps keep your family safe

    This is an awesome app that helps keep your entire family safe. This isn’t for those who are trying to spy on your kids. This is a safety tool. Use it to keep track your family members when they cannot be located otherwise or as a teaching tool to help teens understand their driving habits when they’re not lining up with what they have been taught. You can also get notifications in case of any member being in a collision. Seriously consider this app.
  • Worth it...

    I was turned onto this app a few yrs ago by another Mom. My kids weren’t thrilled about it at the time & still aren’t sometimes, but my teenage son was at a party a couple months ago & the cops came to break it up & all the kids scattered. My son ran & called me to come pick him up, but he didn’t know where he was. I followed him on Tracki GPS & was able to pick him up safely. I then took the opportunity to talk about how important this app was to keep his location on at all times because you never know what could happen. Thanks Tracki GPS .
  • Terrible Experience

    The app is unusable. I was unable to add another device in the app. Pressing the button did nothing. Pressing other buttons produced expected behavior so it wasn’t frozen.

    After I added one app, the location it reported for that device was a house down the block! So if someone takes your stuff you might not be able to track them down to a house but to a neighborhood. Is that useful? I don’t know. Is that good enough? Absolutely not. Not for $20 a month per device!

    I immediately requested they cancel my subscription and to not charge me the $20 for 2 hours of frustration trying to set up more than one device.

    I’ll be returned the devices tomorrow!

    Look elsewhere. This is not it.
  • Fantastic Tracker!

    I have been having some ups and down with my husband of 8 years. He took a break and went to stay with his mom in Ohio. We always spoke at night and I noticed that he started to be distant with me and being so far away; I didn’t know what was going on. I came across Kevin, a tech guy through customer reviews online and I mailed him at WizardKevinHacker@ Gmail com. He really showed me the clear road. He was able to get into his phone and I got to see what my husband was really doing. I was able to move on after this. If there is anyone who has any issues regarding infidelity, I recommend Kevin , he’s a super legit investigatory professional. I mean, in just a couple of hours after I paid for his services, he was able to open up my husband’s phone. Such a life changer and saver! I’m really thankful to Kevin for helping me out of my situation and doubts…. All these other apps are a waste of money.. don’t even bother. I recommend that you write to him at WizardKevinHacker@ Gmail com.
  • Highly recommend!

    I have been having some ups and down with my husband of 8 years. He took a break and went to stay with his mom in Ohio. We always spoke at night and I noticed that he started to be distant with me and being so far away; I didn’t know what was going on. I came across Kevin, a tech guy through customer reviews online and I mailed him at WizardKevinHacker@ Gmail com. He really showed me the clear road. He was able to get into his phone and I got to see what my husband was really doing. I was able to move on after this. If there is anyone who has any issues regarding infidelity, I recommend Kevin , he’s a super legit investigatory professional. I mean, in just a couple of hours after I paid for his services, he was able to open up my husband’s phone. Such a life changer and saver! I’m really thankful to Kevin for helping me out of my situation and doubts…. All these other apps are a waste of money.. don’t even bother. I recommend that you write to him at WizardKevinHacker@ Gmail com.
  • Highly recommend!

    I have been having some ups and down with my husband of 8 years. He took a break and went to stay with his mom in Ohio. We always spoke at night and I noticed that he started to be distant with me and being so far away I didn’t know what was going on. I came across Kevin, a tech guy through customer reviews online and mail him at WizardKevinHacker@ Gmail com. and really showed me the clear road. He was able to get into his phone and I got to see what my husband was really doing. I was able to move on after this. If there is anyone who has any infidelity problem I would recommend him , he is legit súper investigatory professional and in just a couple of hours after I paid for his services, he was able to open up my husband’s phone through information collected from mine. Life changer and saver! I’m really thankful to Kevin for helping me out of my situation and doubts…. All these other apps are a waste of money.. don’t even bother. I recommend that you write to him at WizardKevinHacker@ Gmail com.

Alternatives to Tracki GPS