BeReal User Reviews

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  • My BeReal

    The BeReal app is the best app that has ever come on the App Store, it’s made my life so good. In fact, it changed my life. Before I got BeReal, I was a lonely ingenuous nerd. I had this huge crush on someone in my school. His name is Trent Jackson and he is so hot. I thought he would never like someone like me. But because of BeReal he did, he saw what a quirky girl I was and fell forme. He tells me everyday that I’m not like the other girls and we kiss every day, and maybe do even more ;). I think he’s my soulmate. He has beautiful golden brown eyes, I love him. This is a conversation we had before we started dating.
    “Hey my name, i-i saw your BeReal, I didn’t know you liked football”
    “Ummm… ya.. I know it’s weird… but me and m-my dad watch it together 🥺”
    “No it’s cool, I’ve never met a girl in to stuff like that… you really aren’t like other girls.” He lets out a hearty laugh.

    I think i could fell my… you know what getting wet and hot. The way he speaks makes me totally blush.

    We started to react to each other every day and our crushes grow deeper. I started to be more confident in myself. And he started not to care about what his “popular friends” started to think.

    But there was one hook, his dump stupid blonde bimbo sluty girlfriend. Eyeroll. She started to get mad at him for reacting to me. In more then one way. One day she got she jealous that she pushed me into a locker and called my farts stinky. I was so embarrassed. I had had enough. I started singing fight song. He was so proud of me he broke up with her and kissed me so hard <3.

    The rest is history, his dumb ex was laughed out of the school his ex friends following. And Trent and I are happy. The whole school loves me know <3.
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  • Fun but getting stale

    A refreshing idea for social media and has good groundwork to be a great app, but it’s just missing some things and is getting stale quick. I just had like the 3rd night in a row where it went off at 11pm or later. App gets super slow and chunky when it’s time to BeReal since every user hops on at the same time. The discovery page is nothing intriguing and interactions with friends are kinda meh. Also it will sometimes randomly delete your old BeReals so maybe screenshot the ones you really like just incase.

    I honestly would prefer if everyone’s went off at different times. Gives you a reason to keep coming back to the app to see who’s posted and the app wouldn’t be so slow when it’s your time to post. And I don’t know how they handle time zones, but maybe this could help if they are trying to give the west coast evening post possibilities while east coast people wake up the next morning to see their time was at 2am or something.
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  • It’s good but there is room to improve

    There’s nothing thrilling about this app, but I guess that’s kind of the point. It breaks the barrier between real life and social media pretty well.

    Critiques: first, there’s no way to see who’s relied to your comment if you don’t see it on the notification, so if you accidentally get rid of the notification you might have trouble tracking down comments on other peoples BeReals. An activity tab would be useful.

    Second, the notification never goes off before 10am, but often goes off after 10 or 11pm, definitely favouring night owls over morning people. I’m assuming this isn’t just a coincidence as I have had the app for a couple of months now, and the notification has never gone off in the morning. (For reference I am in Australia so there’s probably something with time zones). Anyway, it would be possibly better if the motivation could go off at any time of day, including the morning.

    Third, it would be good to be able to see the time you posted your BeReals in your memories.

    Anyway, thanks for a unique social media experience, it’s pretty neat ✌️
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  • awesome app

    I really love be real, but there are definitely a few things I would like to talk about on the more negative side of things.

    The app is not very great if you struggle with insecurities or don’t feel so positive about yourself. This is because that when you post you may look “terrible” and literally just sitting in bed, but your friends might post a gorgeous picture of them out at a fancy lunch or on a crazy holiday across the world, etc. That’s why I think it may be kind of toxic, but now I have a lot to say about how it’s good so let’s talk about that.

    He be real is so fun and it’s a very easy way to share with all your friends what you’re up too and I love the idea of the realmojis as well to react to your friends posts without having to comment or anything. I also think the app was such a cool idea!
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  • Obvious data collection scam.

    This app has become popular among Gen-Z, some friends from school got it which convinced me to get it, but as always I was skeptical about this new trending app which seemed to pop up out of nowhere. As someone who has dabbled in hacking and cyber security it became apperent quickly that this app is simply a data miner in disguise. For example, if you cover up your face it will give you these little notices like “Your friends want to see your face”, and “where are you?”, basically a way of saying we need to see your face so we can collect data from it somehow, weather that is to train some kind of neural network idk bit it seems very sketchy to me. And finally for those of us who want to keep our privacy, when you go to delete your account it asks you questions that you entered when you first made the account, so if you came up with fake answers on the fly, you likley wont remember them and BeReal gives you no way to backtrack and get the information you entered in turn making it virtually impossible to delete your account if you enter fake personal information. It was only today that I finally had enough and tried to delete it. For your own sake please do not download this app, there is nothing on this app worth your privacy and security. I hope I have done a few of you a service by leaving this review. TLDR: Do not download, this app is likley used to mine personal data.
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  • Good but filled with bugs!

    The premise of BeReal is awesome! You have 2 minutes a day to take a picture of yourself? 0 filters, completely real. It's an awesome app that is definitely needed in a world full of "perfect" social media posts.

    However the app itself is hard to use. Updating the feed takes a minute and even sometimes you have to restart the app for it to refresh. I've encountered many times where i've taken a picture but when i go to enter a caption or just put my phone down for a second, it prompts me to take my picture again. Also, sometimes opening the app again removes my caption or reactions to other's bereals. A lot of the time it seems like a refresh and saving issue, not quite connecting to the server whenever an action is taken.

    So a really imaginative and creative app, but with a lot of issues to iron out! 🫶🏻
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  • There might be hope for social media after all

    I am really excited about BeReal! I love when I tell people of it and they’re like, “what’s the point?” But then get it and love it! 😂 But It does make you think, other than showing real life, what is the point? Maybe we can add some incentives or points for posting within the two minutes or for smiling or doing something unique when posting (since the camera recognizes when you smile and stuff).

    I also would like to have a feed or DM feature where you can connect with other users more than just using realmojis and comments. I would go talk to them on another platform if we create real connections.

    Lastsuggestion, i know we see our memories, but what if our friends could see them as well? OH and add video to posts would be hot! Especially since TikTok stole your idea and did just that 😆😂 you’re clearly onto something.
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  • Crashing/not working

    So, I’ve ran into this problem multiple times. I have a feeling it’s gonna get chalked up to having thousands of people trying to upload pictures at the same time, but I will upload my picture; it will have finished uploading (no loading sign or anything, time stamped within the two minutes) and I can see all my friends’ pictures…but then I check on the app later and it says that I never posted a bereal and I have to take one to view my friends’. So I do, I can see the pictures (some being the same ones I saw earlier in the day) but after around 10am a it goes back to the blurred pictures saying ‘take a bereal to see your friends’’. I have run into this multiple times and is becoming really frustrating. I’ve restarted my phone, checked for updates in the App Store, but nothing works or there isn’t an update.
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  • lots of bugs, frustrating

    I love this app, don't get me wrong. It's fun, engaging, and different then other social media which I really enjoy. However there is SO MANY bugs. My BeReal always takes forever to post- which I get could partially be bad wifi/service on my part, but plenty of others that I am friends with have had this issue as well. However I do not have a problem with this so much as I do my BeReal deleting. Today my BeReal posted, didn't take much time to post and I was 2 mins late. I would have been on time a common bug occurred in which I could not see on my screen that it was time to BeReal and therefore I could not post a BeReal. It worked eventually, though, and posted. When I went to check my BeReal later today it was still there but I noticed that it wasn't showing up in my Memories. I left the app open thinking it would catch up but instead my BeReal completely disappeared. When I tried to post a new one it would not work, even after refreshing many times, powering off my phone, and deleting+reinstalling the app. I don't understand how this happened and why I can suddenly not use the app. I'm also disappointed that the BeReal deleted because it was a very cute picture. I'm just hoping this issue will resolve itself somehow.
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  • Very good

    In the beginning there there were a few bugs when I switched to a new device for example it would not let me change my profile picture I was acting really strange I think it just had an updated but that problem was resolved because it let me change it and I think now it’s back to normal I’m not sure exactly what happened but I personally think you should get be real it’s a really great app and it’s really fun just for family and friends or if you want to do it with the public too. There are some perks about be real to for example you can also delete your be real whenever you want to be I’ve course you have to do it only once a day is all it allows which is fine it’s better than nothing and one last thing I do I have to point out is that it takes a long time to send…
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