User Reviews: Drive Smarter

Drive Smarter
Drive Smarter

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Has bugs and flaws to fix immediately

    App keeps saying and announcing “ over speed “ even when not driving or connected to the detector.

    When connected to CarPlay with the detector powered up in the car, I’m not able to view any gallery videos through the App taken as from my Escort Maxcam 360. This needs to be fixed quickly and it’s a huge flaw. Can’t give this any more than 3/5 stars until it’s addressed.

    I don’t know what else to do but take the SD card out and plug it into a computer to see if the camera part of the dectector even works.

    Developer Response

    Hi, we apologize for any issue you might be having but we'd love to help! Could you send details of what you are experiencing to our customer support at
  • Has 2 major bugs

    1st big is the verify alert toast message has way too short of a pop up time to verify even if you were ready to push the button. Please extend the toast message a bit longer. 2nd bug is setting the sounds to off to be persistent. It always revert back to on for the next drive. Not everyone wants to hear the radio mute for all the possible alerts so having a persistent off button for only visual alerts would be ideal as per many of us in the groups and forums.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. Please send the details to We'll pass it along to our development team and see if there is any way we can improve it.
  • Great idea. Terrible execution

    If you like hitting “not therr” 4-7 times per police spotted report for the exact say report, than this app is for you. If you prefer not to do that just don’t download this as it it not ready for prime time as I think someone forgot to do any QA testing on it.

    Update: Even after the latest update this app is unusable. Why must I get 5-7 notifications for the exact same radar warning. Only one yet the verify button come up 5-7 times. It is like you all never bother to test it in the real world. I suggest you all drive around with it to see how awful it is.

    Developer Response

    Hi, we are always looking to improve the experience for our users, and really appreciate the feedback. We will look into this further!
  • Useless map in apple CarPlay

    I’m not sure who developed this app but I can’t express how disappointed I am that THIS is the app I have to use for a $700+ premium radar detector. It’s beyond pathetic. Where do I start? (1) when using the drive smarter app in apple car play the map shows an orientation that is either North up or the only other choice is whatever direction your actual phone is facing I think, no mater how I placed my phone, still couldn’t seem to show the DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. You’d think even the dumbest software programmer would have included the option to orient the map in the direction of travel. The only time it does is when you have a destination set, which is maybe 20% of my driving. (2) doesn’t give ability to send directions to the app from other apps, like your calendar. So any address you enter has to be done manually. (3) after trying to connect the RD to wifi (had to repeat the steps multiple times before it finally worked), only shows that it’s connected to wifi, the escort servers, and Drive Smart account show red X’s which I assume to mean it’s not connecting to those even though it is connected to my wifi (green check mark). (3) doesn’t communicate with Waze which would be the better map since their programmers know how to orient it to the direction of travel. This app is really really really bad. It’s like they gave zero effort on the app to go with their really impressive radar detectors which makes no sense at all.

    Developer Response

    Hi, we apologize for any issue you might be having! Could you send details of what you are experiencing to our customer support at ? Thank you.
  • Useless map in apple CarPlay

    I’m not sure who developed this app but I can’t express how disappointed I am that THIS is the app I have to use for a $700+ premium radar detector. It’s beyond pathetic. Where do I start? (1) when using the drive smarter app in apple car play the map shows an orientation that is either North up or the only other choice is whatever direction your actual phone is facing I think, no mater how I placed my phone, still couldn’t seem to show the DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. You’d think even the dumbest software programmer would have included the option to orient the map in the direction of travel. The only time it does is when you have a destination set, which is maybe 20% of my driving. (2) doesn’t give ability to send directions to the app from other apps, like your calendar. So any address you enter has to be done manually. (3) after trying to connect the RD to wifi (had to repeat the steps multiple times before it finally worked), only shows that it’s connected to wifi, the escort servers, and Drive Smart account show red X’s which I assume to mean it’s not connecting to those even though it is connected to my wifi (green check mark). (3) doesn’t communicate with Waze which would be the better map since their programmers know how to orient it to the direction of travel. This app is really bad.

    Developer Response

    Hi, we apologize for any issue you might be having! Could you send details of what you are experiencing to our customer support at ? Thank you.

    i’m still even trying to learn this app after using it for four months I tried to delete old videos so I can have more space but I believe that they automatically after a month I’m not entirely sure I tried to delete old videos, but they just corrupt with a red triangle, and then it disconnects meand it’s almost impossible to connect back to it once it does that you have to turn it off from the phone and then redo it all just for it to fail again if the video was taken that day within a week you’ll be able to watch it, but anything that is you will not

    Developer Response

    I'm sorry to hear of your poor experience. The cameras use "continuous loop recording" and the oldest videos are overwritten with the newest ones when storage is full. Videos with the red triangle are videos that you (or the camera's impact sensor) have marked to save so they will not be overwritten by the continuous loop recording feature, helpful for example if you were in an accident. Please contact us here and we will be happy to explain in detail and assist you with familiarizing yourself with the product. Thank you!
  • Great potential

    I love the integration with Apple CarPlay. App has potential but a couple things are really annoying. First of all the Speed display is way off and jumps around wildly. I figured it would be accurate since it’s connected to my Redline radar detector which accurately displays my current speed. Secondly making adjustments via settings is very limited. I’d love to be able to set direction to Always North so my map reflects what I am seeing. Currently I have to click on the Arrow on the top of the screen each time I restart my vehicle to set the map to show that I’m traveling North.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. We are always looking for ways to improve the user experience. Please send the details or screenshots of the issues you are experiencing, along with any suggestions to We'll pass it along to our development team and see if there is any way we can improve it.
  • Great for detection but Navigation needs work

    I love this app concept and really want to help make it better. This is my first review ever. The detection and community notifications are nice. Some false radar alerts go away so fast you don’t have time to mark them as false so if there could be a 5 sec countdown timer it would be nice.

    For navigation it is painful to get the destination into the app please allow it to read the calendar and contacts so you can just tap the destination. The other problem I have is it won’t hold a route when stopped. I stop at a gas station and shut the car off then when I get going I have to put the destination back in. Fortunately it is at the top of the recent list. Another nice to have is the route covers the traffic highlights so you can’t see traffic jams until you are in them. Auto rerouting would be great.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. We are always looking for ways to improve the user experience. Please send the details or screenshot to We'll pass it along to our development team and see if there is any way we can improve it.
  • Very slow ands buggish

    The app is very slow to connect. Half the time it won’t connect to the camera at all. Trying to navigate through the options is very slow, it takes forever to load the videos. The videos can’t be accessed when disconnected from the camera, this should be a feature. Live view doesn't work. I spent hundreds of dollars on a name brand camera, I would expect the app to be flawless. You guys have some serious work to do to get this app to where it should be.

    Developer Response

    Hi, please contact us at and share your iOS version and device details. We will reach out to you with assistance so we can get you up and running. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.
  • Concerning bugs on v3.4.1

    I upgraded from an older Escort Max II which used Escort Live, to the Redline 360c. At that price tag and the 3+ years of development that Drive Smarter has had, I had better expectations. There are some significant bugs that need to be prioritized and addressed to prevent user frustrations:

    1. Repeated alert (non-stop) for a single RD detect event.

    2. Bluetooth connectivity to RD never works automatically, only manually. Thereafter, works automatically as long as the app remains open.

    3. Position of vehicle doesn’t move on map. App needs to be forced closed and reopen from phone directly. Closing from CarPlay won’t work, sometimes phone reboot is necessary.

    4. Nearly impossible to configure WiFi hotspot for RD. If successful, is also nearly impossible to remove/clear.

    5. Frequent disconnects from RD. Bluetooth radio is not disconnected, but rather the app stops communicating with the RD randomly.

    These are some major issues that contribute to alert fatigue and add too many distractions while driving, completely defeating the entire purpose of the application both on CarPlay and standalone. I hope Escort does read this feedback and at least try to get these issues resolved rather than adding more features on the next release.

    Developer Response

    We are really sorry for the trouble and we appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention. We will look into this further! Please send us a note at

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