User Reviews: Colgate Connect

Colgate Connect
Colgate Connect
Colgate-Palmolive Company

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • App with critical system glitch and poor customer service

    Since June 7th (and after stupid update), I could not login to my account using my email address with stupid error message of “Provider country is not supported”. When I contacted customer service through email, two representatives (Anna, Dylan) asked me if I was outside of the US (which I never did), if I bought phone from other countries (my phone is from US), and if US is my primary location (which is the case). They asked me to send screenshots (which I did). They said once I am able to login, I should be able to see my accumulated point. They said they will look into this issue further and get back to me.

    Now, it has been almost 10 days and no single follow up. I am super upset to lose 7000 points I have accumulated prior to June 7th. Most importantly, I am super disappointed of the poor customer service without proper resolution.

    By the way, for people who have similar issue like I am, try to login using new email (different from your initial email used for Colgate account). Since I was sick of this waiting game, I tried today and I could login to app. Also, it uploaded some offline brushings (Sadly, no point show up prior to June 7th).
  • Excellent app with a few hiccups

    I really love the app and toothbrush! There are a few nitpicky things that bother me. One is it seems to say “tilt your brush” for both horizontal and vertical changes. It would make more sense to say “turn” for horizontal changes and “tilt” for vertical changes. Or perhaps it is just overly sensitive to tilt changes in my small mouth. I wish the insights average changed month to month. I stopped using this brush for a few months and now it thinks my average is 0.1 times… I actually delete and set up a new account because it really bothered me. Along the same lines, I wish you could log brushing without the brush. For example, I ran out of batteries and had to use it without recording. I wouldn’t expect to get points for that, but I would like to be able to record it. The Apple watch app has only ever worked once. It has crashed since no matter how many times I reinstall. It bothers me that you have to spend $20 to get free shipping. It almost makes the points useless. I really wish I could set up a subscription for my brush heads. I wish there was a larger brush head option.

    Developer Response

    We’ll share your insights with our team.
  • Guided brushing is the most helpful part

    So far, after about a month, the Guided Brushing portion of the app has been most useful/fun for me. App seems easy to navigate (although the Pirate game seems to be too much effort—but I could see where it has a sort of “video game” aspect that could be a draw for some). I haven’t used any points yet, but seems to be a good way to earn replacement heads. I had my biannual dental cleaning just the other day, and was told everything looked great. The dentist checked me with his loupes before the hygienist completed the formal cleaning and “scraping,” per se. She had said that I was doing such a good job with such minimal plaque, she could’ve told him that she had already performed the cleaning, and he likely would’ve believed it. I generally get “good marks” at my q 6 month dental visits, but the superlatives seemed especially high this time around. Seems this could have been due to the Hum brush and guided brushing. However, although I consistently get 100% coverage each time I brush, I never got better than 20-50% correct angle—and that’s in only one or two sections. Seems off since otherwise by “objective” measure I’ve been doing so well. So, I’m not sure that the angle rating is exactly right, who knows? That’s why I subtracted one star as of now.

    Developer Response

    hum says, you think your dental visit was great now, wait till you master the 45 degree angle. They will want to hire you as a smile rep! 💖😄
  • Have been using this app since I had the Apple toothbrush

    I’ve been using this app since I have the Apple toothbrush, and now I have the hum toothbrush. I feel like it motivates me to brush my teeth, everyday. Most people do not brush their teeth for the amount of time that they’re supposed to and this app seems to help me a lot definitely with the guided brushing feature. I love that I can show my dentist how I’m brushing and the spots that I am likely to miss brushing my teeth. How do you like the rewards program but I feel like there could be more rewards and it also takes you over a month to get any of the rewards which I guess helps you be motivated to get those discounts by brushing your teeth twice a day for at least 30 seconds and 50% coverage. The only negative that I have to say is if you’re not brushing your whole mouth, the guided brushing does not work as effectively. Since they come out with Apple toothbrush, I also would like to say a possible negative about they haven’t really upgraded their app really at all since then this isn’t really a negative because the app still works if you think about it but I could see how some people wouldn’t like that hasn’t been upgraded for a couple years.

    Developer Response

    hum is all about creating a positive and fun experience while establishing healthy habits! We appreciate your feedback about the app we will be sure to pass it along. If you have any further concerns, please text us or reach out through any of our live channels here (Sunday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 PM EST)💖😁
  • So far I absolutely love this thing!

    I got 3 for the price of 2! I was beyond ecstatic to get these for my husband, son, and I. The app works very well with it! It’s great for kids learning to brush the right way, knowing that even a good power toothbrush you can still miss spots you never even knew as an adult. So imagine the amount missed without a power toothbrush. Thinking you got that spot perfect turns out you missed 2 percent! I’ve had one for awhile not this exact one or near it at all spent more on that than this one and it’s so much more informing and has a charger with it! My son started using it this evening and he likes it too. It’s like a game to get points and to do the challenges It’s really awesome. You can earn points to buy certain Colgate products which the dentist I see always prefers Colgate products. A total hit in this family and wish I would’ve gotten this long before 🥰

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for this amazing feedback on the hum toothbrush and the Colgate Connect app. The features in this app were designed to be fun and help improve that brushing routine. We will make sure to share your family's great experience with hum with the team! 😁
  • Absolutely changed my life

    My name is Sophie, I'm 16. I have anxiety when it comes to the dentist. I always had cavities and felt like the dentists would judge me when I opened my mouth. A lot of times i would neglect my teeth and I wouldn’t go to the dentist either. One day I made a conscious decision to do better. I got this toothbrush/app and started prioritizing my oral health more then any other time in my life. With this, my teeth have never been so white and clean. At my most recent visit to the dentist, the hygienist and the doctor were impressed with the cleanliness and health of my teeth. Throughout the whole appointment they made it known this was the easiest appointment they've had all day and how there was nothing to really clean. I also didn’t have any cavities anymore. I no longer bleed when i brush and floss, it’s not uncomfortable anymore. Because of this product i now look forward to dentist appointments and brushing my teeth. Thank you so much.

    Developer Response

    Hey Sophie, we would like to say thank you so much for trying out hum and our Colgate Connect app. We know how hard maintaining oral hygiene can be. We appreciate your feedback and are so happy this toothbrush has improved your smile! Keep hummin' along. 😁
  • good brushing!

    At first, im not going to lie i thought it was super silly to download an app to tell me how to brush my teeth. But after using it for quite sometime i love it! it’s almost like a fun game with yourself to see how good of a score you can get on your brushings, and all the little challenges to beat are really rewarding. the added bonus is gathering points! while it’s only a couple of points here and there, i mean it adds up if you brush twice a day daily! i can see it being really wonderful for children who don’t love brushing their teeth and parents trying to figure out a fun way to get them to develop good oral hygiene. and i think it’s a great way for adults who might struggle with better oral hygiene. overall really great app concept that’s pretty well executed! happy brushing and less cavities ✌🏻✌🏻
  • Love it!

    I love the guided brushing, and the idea of gamifying brushing teeth by collecting points over time and using them to exchange for real things.

    - the 45 degree thing seems off. I don’t always get the notification that my angle is off, and I try to tilt it the direction I think it’s guiding me to brush, but then at the end my stats say I was brushing at the wrong angle in certain spots for a large portion of time. That’s a little discouraging bc I want to do it right and the way it’s sending mixed signals makes me unsure if I am or not.

    - Having to select “collect my points” after an activity. I get that you might start a brushing session accidentally and so they don’t want to encourage collection of points to exchange for stuff unless teeth have been brushed, but you even have to hit “collect my points” after you answer the daily question. That seems petty to me, honestly—am I answering daily questions just for fun? No, I’m getting the double benefit of learning something new WHILE collecting points.

    The above cons are small and overall I love brushing with my electric toothbrush and using the app for guided brushing! Super fun and makes me feel like I’m getting a more effective brushing than when I’m just absentmindedly brushing on my own. It’s great and I would recommend to others, for sure!
  • Cool app, helps me be mindful. Great tool for Neurodivergents like me, ADHD, OCD, depression, etc.

    This app provides a great reminder to get coverage and all the areas of your teeth and kind of makes it a fun activity and helps me to remember to do it more often. I highly recommend this the only thing is, I’m not sure it actually can sense how long you’re spending on the areas of your teeth but I do like how they include tips on your brush angle and what not it’s super smart and highly sensitive. Good buy and I would recommend it to others especially if you are neurodivergent and have a hard time remembering certain daily activities, and this will encourage you and help you to develop a habit and a good routine, creating a dopamine rush when you earn those little smile points.
  • Loving it so far!

    As an adult with ADHD, sometimes brushing my teeth isn’t fun, but it’s something I know I need to do. I struggle the most to brush before bed, but this toothbrush has helped a ton!

    I love the daily reminders, earning points towards products (the dopamine my brain needs to make this exciting!) and of course getting feedback on my brushing. It feels like i’m going to the dentist every day in a good way.

    The only thing I would change is the guided brushing. While helpful, I’m a person who naturally does well brushing my whole entire mouth, so I don’t need to be told the order in which to do so - in fact that throws me off and I end up brushing worse than I would normally. I’d much prefer guided brushing to follow my lead and show me the areas I haven’t hit yet as I move the toothbrush around my mouth. Otherwise, highly recommend!!

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