

The guardian owls

⭐️2.6 / 5
📼3 vids & 6 scs
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All Versions of Baldo


September 29, 2023

Update 3 + minor fixes


January 6, 2023

New adventure Elemental Temples Minor fixes


April 25, 2022

- minor glitches/bugs fixed


March 31, 2022

*Update 1* - minor glitches/bugs fixed - New Adventure


December 14, 2021

*Patch 1c* - minor glitches/bugs fixed - Arabic


November 20, 2021

*Patch 1b* - minor glitches/bugs fixed


November 2, 2021

*Patch 1* - Indoor improved Dungeon Maps - Outdoor improved Maps - Moving Block inside Savoca Prison - Balanced difficulty level - No death in water/heights - Quests and Sidequests points of interest on maps - Stamina bar - minor glitches/bugs fixed


September 11, 2021

*Hot Fix 2* - Galleon , red tentacle - Abandoned mine, missing stone - Sewers, lever not working - Rodia Town, blocked behind the girl - Savoca Prison invisible walls on cells with skeletons - Sewers invisible wall - Circus, end game chest - Savoca Prison blocking torch statues - Asian languages buying items denied - Some collisions - Missing Tentacles inside the Galleon - Missing Pot inside underground of Rodia - Moving Block inside Savoca Prison - Falling Block in the Castle - 3° ghost inside the Castle - Stucked crate inside Basement - Rat boss not respawing - Key inside Bobo Pit - Ice house - Cat Pendant - Owl tower (Leone Highs) - Swapped Maps from Minisio - Colored blocks of the Owl Towers


September 1, 2021

HotFix 1


August 23, 2021

minor fixes

Price History of Baldo

Description of Baldo

Journey through a magical land teeming with mysteries to unravel. Baldo: the Guardian Owls is full of challenging puzzles to solve and intricate dungeons to explore. Traverse this captivating open world as Baldo, and meet a host of quirky and unforgettable characters, as you struggle to decipher the cryptic prophecy, and thwart destiny. From delightful whimsy to thrilling adventure, discover new towns and their distinctive inhabitants, fight ferocious foes, locate hidden temples, and collect objects both magical and mundane to obtain powerful new weapons, or to help unveil the myriad secrets of this strange land.
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Baldo: FAQ

Is Baldo available on iPad devices?

Yes, Baldo works on iPads.
Naps Team snc is the developer of the Baldo app.
Your iOS device should have iOS 13.0 or later installed to run the app.
With an overall rating of 2.6 out of 5, Baldo has some room for improvement but is not terrible.
The Baldo App Relates To The Games Genre.
1.4.0 is the most recent version of Baldo.
June 30, 2024 is the date of the latest Baldo update.
Baldo was introduced to the market on February 5, 2023.
This app is rated for ages 9 and up, and may contain some mild violence or suggestive content.
Baldo can be used in Arabic, Dutch, English and 11 more.
Absolutely! Baldo is on Apple Arcade.
No, Baldo does not allow for in-app purchases.
Sorry, Baldo is not specifically engineered for compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

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Reviews of Baldo

  • This game needs a lot more improvement

    Played it 10 hrs, game control really bad, if you press running or dodge button while moving, it often have no response. Running button and dodge button are too close together that makes the players often press the wrong one but you can’t customize them. Outdoor puzzle is great but dungeon design is poor, lots of rooms are dark, I can barely see . You have to avoid the spikes in darkness that makes the game look like the Binding of Isaac than Zelda. Game UI, map and describe text are too small in iPhone. You can’t pinch the map to zoom in and out. Enemies can easily kill players in one or two hit even outside the sereen, way too hard in a touch screen device. I wonder if the developer ever played this game and beat one of the boss on cellphone. Sorry for my bad English.
  • Don’t play

    Started off fine until you have to actually get somewhere or fight something. Can barely run or roll to get away from the bosses and half the time you click the sword and it does even work. Tried from phone and even MacBook and it’s the same! So freaking annoying! Developers did okay with graphics and everything else but you have very little to see on the map, can’t zoom in far enough, controls are wonky, and enemies are faster than the avatar so all and all you fail almost every time unless you somehow get lucky and make it to the next round. You don’t get many lives and with crappy controls you can’t do anything but die over and over again until you’re lucky enough to have them work.
  • Yay - New Adventure / Boo - Can’t finish it - BUG!

    I really enjoyed this game and can truly see the extensive amount of work out it into it, so thank you developers for that. I don’t like to complain… so I didn’t when I played through the entire Guardian Of Owls. When I saw an update with a new adventure, I thought: it was enjoyable BUT also maddening to play with the glitches but I’m sure they’ve got it handled by now. But still, no. I can’t complete the Three Fairies because as soon as I have all 3 of what’s needed and go to the enter the enchanted forest , the game shuts down. I’ve done everything on my end I can to be sure it wasn’t me or my phone. I even deleted my save and played the whole thing again all to get to the same. exact. issue.
    I can’t finish it because a huge giant bug that makes the new adventure legitimately unplayable is there.

    Releasing a game that has that huge of a bug… is a bit much for me. Don’t play Three Fairies until they fix it folks, or maybe, not at all.