User Reviews: Jumpspeak | Language Learning

Top reviews

  • Removed text from writing lessons

    I’m not sure why the text of what is said was removed in the writing lessons. When I first started using this app the words which were spoken were there to read. Now they have been replaced with an visual of audio track. Being able to read what was said was far more usefully to internalize the content of the lesson. I now find it a bit frustrating to use the app and have not been as interested in using it as a result.

    Here’s a story for your developers… As a user, I would like to be able to read the words of the conversation being taught in the lesson, so I can reduce anxiety about not understanding what’s being said and internalize the conversation better.

    I hope you take this seriously and will agree the app is much less daunting to use when the words are there for people to look them over while trying to learn them.
  • Not for me and poor service

    I tried jumpspeak for a month and it’s not for me. The app doesn’t teach what individual words mean when following the lessons but rather just whole phrases. I’m an English speaker learning German and the grammar rules are very different between the two languages. So for me, learning each word and the grammar is very important, but not offered in the lessons on jumpspeak.

    The ads I saw focused hard on the AI portion of the app but that was also lacking for me. I know this tech is new and maybe it will be better in a year or two.

    After a month I decided this method of learning is not for me and cancelled, requesting my $70 back as part of the 100 day gaurantee. They cancelled my service but have given no refund. They also stopped responding to emails so I had to open a dispute with my credit card company.

    I signed up for the free trial of the lessons and the AI tutor with the intention of trying the app “risk free.” I signed up on the website on my phone. My phone saved a password that I made when signing up. I used the app a few times and found it wasn’t what I was looking for.

    When I tried to sign in to my account to cancel before the free trial ended, the password my phone saved did not work. I clicked ‘forgot password’ and a message came up saying that if there was an account associated with my email they would send me a link to reset my password. No email came through, in either my inbox or spam folder. I tried the forgot password link several times, to no avail.

    Today my trial period is up and I was charged for both the subscription and the AI tutor. I knew the program was advertised as 100-day money back guarantee so I wasn’t too worried. I was able to cancel my lesson subscription and I expect to be refunded. HOWEVER I was informed that I could not receive a refund for the AI tutor ($99) because I didn’t cancel within the trial period. WHAT A SCAM! I wasn’t able to log in to my account to cancel!!! I’m beyond disappointed and upset. I doubt I’ll ever get my money back but I’m going to try!!!
  • Do not purchase. This is a scam.

    Saw an ad on Instagram to try this 100 days for free and fell for the bait. Ended up being charged on my credit card less than 5 days after signing up. It might’ve been fine if the app was good, but it doesn’t work well at all. Just opening the app will sometimes cause it to freeze at the home screen or time itself out and close automatically. Additionally, when you are able to login, the app doesn’t always pick up what you’re saying and the responses are strange.

    I should’ve read reviews first but trying to get a refund for the fraudulent charge and cancelling the membership is a nightmare. You’re constantly rerouted to an automated response. Other than the billing support person that threatened to ban my account and fight the dispute I put in with my credit card company with all their might, I don’t know if any actual person works at Jump Speak, it all seems to be powered through AI in the worse way possible.

    I’d recommend using Duolingo, Babble, italki or even ChatGPT instead.
  • This app needs a lot of work…

    Let me tell you about my very short experience. I’m trying to become much more fluent in Japanese, and I saw this as a really great tool as I only have few speaking partners and they are all sleeping when I’m awake and want to practice. Enter Jumpspeak. I saw ads for this app and was excited to give it a try. I thought the price was a little steep for essentially an AI practice partner, but if it got me speaking more, I was all for it. Boy was I wrong. The conversational topics seemed forced and limited. Almost as if they didn’t know what else to include in the app to talk about. There were no apparent conversation choices about more relevant topics, making me feel disengaged. Often times the AI would catch itself in what I call a “compliment loop” where you both are saying the same thing over and over add infinitum. Other times, I get the SQL database information (that I shouldn’t get) and in a JAPANESE accent but in ENGLISH the bot reads the DB info. This happened to me 3 times, and each time broke the flow and immersion of the experience. This was enough for me to request a refund. While this app does have massive potential, it’s isn’t there yet. For it to be in release and still have major bugs appear so frequently, but charge so much and for support to be so shallow is unacceptable for me. If things improve, I could potentially be back, but for now, this was a massive waste of my time, research, money, and energy. Unfortunate.
  • Really wanted to like this, but…

    (Language: Japanese.)

    1. The first bit of the conversation was fine, then it got stuck in a loop going back and forth with thanking each other over and over. Did the same thing upon saying goodbye. I thought it was maybe trying to offer different ways of saying the same thing, but it became repetitive.

    2. It often corrected things I said correctly. For example in English, if I said “the street is busy,” it would tell me “the sentence is incomplete, instead of saying ‘the street is busy,’ it would be better to say ‘the street is busy.’” I slowed down and enunciated more clearly, but that didn’t help. Then I knew I had said the wrong word at one point and it didn’t correct me at all.

    3. The conversation text is in romanji, but the corrections and suggestions use kanji with no furigana. So if you can’t read Japanese text at all, it’s useless and if you can, but don’t know a lot of kanji, it’s not very helpful.

    4. Many of the AI’s messages were in textbook formal Japanese and a lot of the vocabulary and phrasing typically aren’t used in regular conversation, formal or not.

    I really wanted this so I could get over my speaking stage fright, but if anything, I think it would teach me to say things that will sound weird and awkward during real life conversation and make me listen for phrases no one uses. Sadly disappointed.
  • Good potential, but it’s a mess right now.

    Jumpspeak is a fun immersion-ish app where you end up listening and speaking right away. It’s full sentences at first, so trying languages with alternate alphabets … there’s no tutorial so I wouldn’t say it’s a beginner app.

    (I’m messing with French, Italian, Spanish, and German, and because the pronunciations are decipherable from my English background—French being the most challenging—they’re ok but I’m still not sure it’s a Day 1 option for many learners.)

    But the app is a mess. My first day in the app, my “day streak” displayed as 2 rather than 1, went back to 1 the following day, and after a week of use still won’t go beyond 2. There’s a “how was your lesson” question at the end of each one, and even with a frowny face response, there’s no feedback I can find on the app or their site to report bugs. Some lessons switch to the wrong speaker so the same person asks the other person to two different parties when you can tell by context it should be swapped. And some lessons the voice recorder just doesn’t pick up on what you’re speaking aloud, but then in the next lesson it’s fine with the exact same phrase.

    I would love to see this be a solid resource, especially for people who would benefit from speaking and listening practice. But for now, I’m not keeping my subscription.
  • Buyer beware

    Purchased a ‘lifetime’ membership, a master class, and w/o understanding the additional charge, ‘live tutoring’, but all the while keeping in mind that there is a 100-day ‘risk-free’ trial.

    Somewhere in there I apparently missed that the live tutoring only has a 7-day trial and is also ‘non-refundable’, at $295month

    Before I knew this, on day 5, I tried and was unable to log into the live tutoring app because I was prompted to pay. I let it go and tried again a few days later w/same results.

    Frustrated w/the experience I wrote to cancel and was informed that my live tutoring purchase, which billed $295 on my card w/o my knowledge, was nonrefundable. Through back and forth I ended up canceling everything. I had to implicitly ask for a refund on my my original $249 lifetime membership and the $59 masterclass.

    $599 purchase, where I was led to believe I had a “100-day risk free trial’

    To date I have not received my refund although I got an email saying the $245 & $59 refunds are ‘in process’. Apparently I’m out $295 for a service I never was able to access or use.

    Clearly Jumpspeak banks on customer misunderstanding. I’ve never experienced a business that would not refund a product or service that was not accessible or used, when cancelled days after purchase.

    Developer Response

    Hey Capt, sorry to hear you've had this experience. Could you please email us at so we can take care of this and expediate it for you?
  • All smoke and mirrors, NO substance and probably all paid or fake reviews

    Wow. If I wanted to spend the absolute minimum amount of time building an app just so I could promote it as an affordable option and then just flood unwitting victims with up sells costing several times more than the original offer, which after skipping and bypassing reveal only a shell of an app with horrible voice detection, no formal instruction or guidance, just a bunch of AI chats that will jumble languages together you aren’t even trying to study, not recognize even basic spoken words in the language of study, and ZERO of the promised value, THIS IS THE APP I WOULD BUILD.
    You will get ZERO guided instruction, ZERO videos onto watch, ZERO constructive feedback other than the AI ‘critique’ of the horrible speech to text feature that got more of the spoken words wrong than it got right.
    PLEASE don’t waste your time on this app or this company. Their objective is to extract the maximum amount of money from you as possible and no focus on providing actual value - at least if you’re not independently wealthy and can’t afford to pay - I’m pretty sure all the upsell attempts added up to well over $1K/year. Possibly multiples of that.
    We’ll see how ‘risk free’ their refund offer actually is.
  • Needs some improvement

    I just did the 3 free lessons. I do like the conversational style of learning. I’ve been using “the other app” for years and learned words in these 3 lessons I’ve never seen or heard before. Maybe it’s different when you pay for it, but there was no way I could find that would assist you in learning how to say a new word so I was essentially left to guess. Several times I’d have to skip something because it wasn’t registering what I was saying. The words would turn green except one or 2 then when I’d go back to say them, words that were green would change back and I’d never make it through the whole sentence. When I clicked review to learn how to say what I missed it didn’t register a single word I said, so I’d have to listen to the sentence then hit skip to make it to the next one. I’m not really interested in paying $80+ for an app that doesn’t work well.

Alternatives to Jumpspeak | Language Learning