Artfol User Reviews

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  • Doesn’t Stand Out

    I really wanted to like ArtFol, but I just never find myself wanting to use it. Without an algorithm I feel like my art reaches even fewer people, because the only people who ever see it are the ones actively scrolling the new posts the second I post anything (which is very brief, uploads quickly leave the new posts page). Which I know their argument is I have to engage with others to see engagement on my own stuff, but the next problem makes engaging with others a pain. The load times for everything on the app is extremely slow. It takes forever for pages to load and makes using the app a pain. I’ll often find myself scrolling on similar apps, such as Instagram, but given how long it takes everything to load on ArtFol I never find myself interested enough to stay on the app.

    That being said, I really love the gallery not being limited to set size images. Being able to upload images in their original shape and the app auto sizing everything to make your gallery appealing is amazing. I also really appreciate the efforts they make to ensure the picture quality isn’t downgraded.

    All things considered, this app is mediocre. It struggles to do the one thing it promised to (encourage better engagement for artists) and it has loading times that make using it a nuisance. It may still have good features, but not enough to warrant a better review. It’s not terrible, but it’s not great either.
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  • Great potential and great space for artist!

    This app is what all artist have been waiting for. In my opinion it has potential to out do Twitter, instagram, ect. for their uses for artist. They are and will be addling new features often which are always beneficial for artist especially for artist looking to make money since they added a marketplace for commissions! It’s community is beautiful and accepting and it’s honestly one of my favorite apps! I recommend giving it a try if you’re an artist or just someone who enjoys looking at others creations!
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  • Promising!

    I love this app so far! I joined April of last year and I’ve been fairly active since. I love meeting new artists and sharing my art here!

    A few complaints I have are not that extreme and I assume are just bugs that can be fixed!

    First, the messaging system is a bit finicky. If you scroll up to the top, the messages will reset and send you back to the bottom.

    Second, every now and then the app will just crash. Mostly when I’m trying to check out my collections or edit a post I made. It doesn’t crash when I try a second time though!

    Lastly, sometimes notifications don’t work. I’m not sure why. I personally haven’t had this problem but I’ve seen a lot of people talk about it!

    Overall this is an amazing app and much better than Instagram to me! If you like a small community, doing art challenges, and a nice welcoming community, I really recommend joining! :D
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  • Great community and many updates!

    The community is amazing in my opinion, lots of really nice and supportive people and very few trolls (they are quickly reported and removed)

    No obnoxious ads, no preferential algorithm, plenty of opportunity for interaction with other people unlike other social media where its all bots, no art cropping.

    Another bonus is the text posts, which allows you to chat more and start art trades/ collabs.

    Heres a list of some nice functions
    * art challenges (if youve had framecast then you know what I mean)
    * artfol challenges (challenges hosted by the devs and you get badges~)
    * critique
    * commissions
    * save folders (so you get to sort them)
    * share function

    While I do understand the more negative reviews. It’s also good to note that the app is relatively new, and that the devs are always updating to add new features and to swat bugs.

    This is the first review ive ever left haha. So please forgive me if this makes no sense at all.
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  • Pretty good

    This app is pretty good for an art app. I wanted an alternative art app to Instagram. It is nice that it restricts and blurs out rated R art for people under 18, but it would make way more since to get rid of it completely if preferred, and if you turn it off in settings. It also would maybe be nice if it had certain sections for different art trope’s etc anime, furry. There is a big fat ad (usually the same) on the bottom of the screen which would be nice maybe if they put the ad into the feed like Instagram. The community seems pretty good and is pretty small. Overall this is a good app and I hope it does not become like Deviantart with its weird inflation fetish things.
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  • Very solid app with small complaint.

    I’ve been using this app after leaving others and have found a much more calm, small, and personally fulfilling community (which are all pluses from me). Many previous issues and bugs I have had have been fixed in recent updates, however I have been having issues with the messaging system. I am unable to delete individual messages and only able to delete an entire conversation. But even if I delete a conversation, If I go back to the account of a person whose conversation I’ve deleted and press message, the message will still be there as if it was never deleted. It has been like this for the past month or so which personally bothers me immensely. My current solution and only option has been to block the users I wish not to speak with. I believe the constant updates will slowly make this app into a great one!
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  • Great and all but

    This app is wonderful in every way but they lied on how you have to be. ( I got this app to show my artwork but I don’t understand why its for 17+ plus when you can be from 2009) this at least should be 11+ or 12+ but I understand why you put 17+ cause some people put nsfw I did find out if your under 17+ and put your right date of age on it you won’t get the nsfw stuff but you have a opportunity to have gore enabled which I was happy. Enough about me tho this app is great but need the app age date to be changed to 11+ or 12+. ALSO BEFORE I I FORGET PLEASE MAKE MORE SLIDES FOR PHOTOS AND WE CAN POST VIDEOS
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  • Can’t upload art (Edit-the issue has been fixed for now).

    So far I am enjoying this app, However, recently it’s not letting me upload my artwork anymore, I think it might be a glitch or an error because whenever I go to the option of picking a photo from my gallery, it would crash or not let me edit the post I’m trying to upload. I tried deleting and downloading the app again, but the issue is still not fixed.
    EDIT: It’s seems now I can upload my artwork, but I hope this isn’t a recurring issue.

    And just a suggestion, but I think it would be nice if we could upload multiple pictures into one post.
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  • 💫🌺Promising App; A few suggestions.🌱✨

    1. Artfol is a really great app for any artist who are willing to share there work! It’s fairly new so there are a couple of minor bugs here and there, but nothing to ruin the app as a whole (it works fine just a little slow at times). The creators are working hard to add more features to the app, but it will take time.

    2. Anyways here are a few suggestions that I hope will be added and a few bugs that should be fixed (in order):

    - the buffering/how slow the app can be should be made faster
    - videos/gifs can be uploaded (for music/animations/edits)
    - multiple photos can be uploaded (comic strips etc.)
    - stories (similar to Instagram)
    - IOS iPad format - more #’s (not necessary but would be useful)
    - group chats (not necessary but would be useful)

    3. Those are my main suggestions. I am aware that some are being worked on right now, but I hope this app will have more features in the future so it can have a bigger following for new artists. If you are reading this, keep in mind this is what the app is missing. Overall great in my opinion!

    8/10 stars! :)
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  • Lovely 10/10 would recommend

    ArtFol has been a great app for my art and the community is super supportive and fun to hang out with and ask questions.

    I’ve never felt like I had much of a community on other apps to really talk with making other apps feel like yelling into a void. ArtFol is new, and really is encouraging to new and old artists alike.

    There are some minor aspects I’d like to mention that could be improved. There’s a bug I think that when you write captions, it doubles what you said in the caption when previewing it after the fact? That’s all I’ve caught that really bugs me.

    As a suggestion I’m sure mainly have said, maybe a refresh or shuffle the categories in community? I always feels the same pics are at the top of the categories, but that’s just a nitpick.

    Anyway, overall I love this app! I look forward to any new updates as time goes on for ArtFol :3
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