Great concept, but could use a few tweaks
We have had some issues with my 5 year old BRUSHING and not receiving stars, which causes frustration and tears. I noticed a few feedbacks from the developers and i am going to try these tips.
Where i feel there can be improvement- when they don't do a good job brushing their teeth in certain areas the teeth are yellow. When they're all done it just stays yellow and they get to move on. I make them go back and brush those areas better. I wish the app would make them redo the spots that they didn't get done, before they are allowed to move on and get their stars and gems.
At the end, there is a reminder to brush their tongues. I also wish there was a reminder/can't move forward until
They floss their teeth (or maybe it can be an option, like the pause to spit).
But overall, my boys really like the app and it HAS really helped them brush their teeth on their own