User Reviews: Don't Miss This

Don't Miss This
Don't Miss This

Top reviews

  • Great Concept …But Needs Lots of Work

    Hopefully, with time you guys will figure this out. Just a simple thing like updating content weekly so far alludes you. Good luck.
  • Always outdated

    I paid more than I thought was reasonable, but really wanted the content, so bit the bullet. It is great when it is current but it doesn’t update often enough. Update weekly please.
  • App doesn’t update

    I love the concept and having everything located all in one place but…. It hasn’t updated in a few weeks. Get that fixed and it’ll be great!
  • Please fix bugs

    This app has a lot of potential. I’ve been a follower since shortly after you started with the video/podcasts. There are just a couple of bugs I would like fixed. I agree with the other review about having the new view out the week before it’s the week to study, like it is on YouTube. Also instead of having the videos, etc go from oldest to newest, can that be switched so the newest videos etc are seen 1st so we don’t have to scroll through them all to get to the new one?

    One of the bugs I’m struggling with is that my app has not had any new material added since the Genesis 18-23 was added. I sent in a fix it ticket but never got a response. I deleted the app and I’m not in the process of reinstalling it to see if that fixed the issue. If it’s still a problem I’ll send in another fix it ticket.

  • Not worth the money

    I wanted this to be an easy way to bring all of the Dont Miss This weekly stuff together but I really wish they had just stuck to a weekly newsletter with everything in it. Apps should make life easier - especially if you are paying a premium for the content. This just complicates everything. Don’t waste your money until they figure out how to make it work.
  • It’s not current

    I haven’t gotten any of the update material for 3 weeks now. A little frustrating. I was just getting into the habit and now I’m waiting for them to catch up to date with loading the content.
  • Doesn’t automatically load content

    Content is great but I have to delete the app and reload it each week or it won’t load the new lessons.
  • Lesson update late

    I wish each weeks lesson was updated the Sunday before (so the day before that week begins). It’s frustrating to pay a monthly fee for an app that isn’t updated when it should be. It’s Tuesday and there still isn’t new content for the current weeks lesson. I understand life is busy but if people are paying for the app it should be updated on time. That would be my only complaint otherwise I’ve enjoyed it!
  • Thank You!

    You two are wonderful (and those who literally created the App). This has so much content and they have put amazing thought into all that is on here to help us all draw closer to God and our Savior. I look at and use this app daily.

    My ONLY complaint is that it was a bit of a pain initially to figure out how to sign up to get into the app. Maybe just add on your website (and on here? Maybe it’s on here now?) explain clearly to go to your Don’t Miss This website, click on the app to download on your computer (?), and then walk through the login setup. THEN go back to the app to login with newly created username and password. At first I could not find the App info on your site, but it seems to be clearly there now. Do not let this deter you from getting this app!! It’s so worth it…

    It is worth the $3.99 /month due to how much information and help-tools is on here. THANK YOU again!
  • App

    I’m really amazed by this app. It has everything I need. From having daily study to sharing spiritual thoughts with my family it’s just amazing

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