User Reviews: Escape Cartoon Dog

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  • Ok about this game

    What is a great game when you first log into it the fact that cartoon dog is just standing there watching you and when I first pressed start a new game I was like why is this song in here and when I played it was fine I was kind of creeped out at first and then I said the H word because I was so creeped out and playing in a bit more and it wasn’t so bad and yes you are correct God is good God is great otherwise it’s a great game have a nice day

    Before I played this game, I was living in my moms basement and drinking rum all the time I even peed in a bottled because I couldn’t get up.
    But after a started playing this game I became buff and worked out all the time,
    My grandma tells me I need to get out of my head because I keep lifting and throwing her out windows as a way to stay buff.
    Because of this game I’ve became CEO of Nasa and kicked Elon musk out and im slowing learning to pee in the sink instead of a bottle.
    #killElonmusk #mygrandmahatesme
  • please get this game you don’t understand

    this game has changed my way of thinking. at first i was like “oh just another weird granny game” but no. the first time i played this i was transported into a universe of surprise, fear, courage, bravery, and most of all, hope. This game takes strategy. Learning every one of the enemies moves and memorizing the house. When i almost died, my life in the game flashed before my eyes but i kept trying. Once i finally beat cartoon dog (used to be evil talking ben) (i will forever cherish that era of the game) i was set free. set free from all my worries in this world. if i’m going to encourage anyone to play a game.. play this one. it will change your life. [lol thank u developers]

    This game changed my life. I used to be a divorced man, my wife took the kids. I was an alcoholic and spent my time in misery inside my car. My wife owned the house and kicked me out, and I got fired for drinking so much. Life was mortifying. I lived in the woods and angry raccoons attacked me in my sleep. I was scrolling on my phone and opened the app store when something caught my attention. The game was labeled “Escape Scary Ben” I downloaded it in curiosity and when I opened the app I was amazed. The big words “New Game” gave me hope. Did I mention that I had testicle cancer? I was in misery and pain. Once I clicked “New Game” my eyes lit up. This game was so interesting. As I played, I slowly felt my body heal from its injuries, and I was cured of my sugma. I finally caught some women, had kids, got a job, and things were looking up. My next visit to the doctor was amazing. I had been cured of my cancer. Though I was trapped in Ben’s house, something about Ben made me never lose hope. Thank you. This game taught me that God is good, God is great, God is good good, DS26RNVIE@#KD#VFD!FMV0

    update: BRING SCARY BEN BACK 😭😭
  • Thank you so much!

    This game has been a big role in my life, I played it on the plane, car, my own funeral, and more places. I think that I’m not that addicted to the game but let’s just say that I tried hooking up with scary dog! He obviously said yes… he said no! I can’t believe this, my life was ruined until I heard that you had to escape him then I knew it was game on. I say there for 148 hours no sleep no food no water no air no cat no dog except scary ben no house no life and many more. I think we should all say that this is the best game! THEY ARE IN THE WALLS GET THEM OUT THEY ARE IN THE WALLS GET THEM OUT THEY ARE IN THE WALLS GET THEM OUT THEY ARE IN THE WALLS GET THEM OUT THEY ARE IN THE WALLS GET THEM OUT THEY ARE IN THE WALLS GET THEM OUT THEY ARE IN THE WALLS GET THEM OUT THEY ARE IN THE WALLS GET THEM OUT THEY ARE IN THE WALLS GET THEM OUT! Sorry I have schizophrenia but anyways thank you for this god of a scary dog game and I hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope GET THEM OUTTTT! To see a another game. GET THEM OUTTTT OF HERE! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🦍🦍🦍🦍💯💯💯💯🥵🥵🥵🥵😩😩😩😫😫😫😫🥺🥺🥺🥺
  • My Life Has Changed Forever 👹

    GOD IS GOOD GOD IS GRE- sorry where was I. This game has changed my life around. I was living in a bunker for most of my life. My only source of water was my own pee and to take a dump was in a sand bucket. After I finally came out of the bunker I lived on the streets. A man named Jamal told me he would give me a little treat if I gave him some of my toe jam so, I did. I couldn’t resist. After, he told to download the scary Ben game. My life is so much better! I got married to Nicolas Cage, my pee is so much clearer (so now it looks so much more tempting to drink), I had 100 kids, we now live in Ben’s house. A truly inspiring game.
  • Life changing

    This game has changed the way I look at life it was educational, like never mess with Ben or he’ll come after you. It also shows you it’s ok to be alive and you should not hurt yourself. I thank you for making this game it really helps me!

    This game is GARBAGE don’t believe anything these “people” comment saying “oooh this game changed my life I lived here and here and there” they are lying. The game have bad quality and the scary “monster” is slower then My teacher having hair. First off, this game isn’t as advertised as people say to be. I’m confused by all these reviews but they aren’t anything like them. Fix the quality, and fix the gameplay. All those 5 star reviews are lying to you and they don’t mean anything they say!! AND ABUSE OR DRUGS isn’t anything to joke around about because they just tricking people to download this “game” anyways Jay and cam is out stay on the watch you Pewdepies heads 😘
  • AMAZING!!!

    I started playing this game when I was at the lowest point in my life. I lost half of all my organs and my iq was cut in half due to a tragic tree accident. This game made me turn to a monk lifestyle and I learned the ways of sorcery, and after I defeated ben my body was restored to its former glory and then some. I even got back with my girl friend, quandalious dingolus.
  • I won’t let me get the medicine box open

    I have never wrote a review on a game lol, but this game is amazing i beat the talking ben one, but the cartoon dog one I cant. The medicine box on the wall wont come off for me. So yea my first review so peace and plz fix dat peace✌🏼

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