User Reviews: Catalyst by Therapy Brands

Catalyst by Therapy Brands
Catalyst by Therapy Brands
DataFinch Technologies, Inc.

Top reviews

  • Loving the new app

    New app is fast and the design is a huge improvement.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for providing feedback about the Catalyst app. We are glad you are enjoying the new app experience. If we can be of any additional assistance, please reach out to us at
  • Wasn’t this supposed to be better?

    Nothing functions on the new app. Somehow, it is drastically worse than the previous version. I cannot fathom how Catalyst thought this was a finished product. Let alone ready for launch. I have entire weeks of behavioral data missing, despite being put in. Data collected from three weeks ago still show on all frequency counters and do not reset to zero for a new day/session. Some are visible to me at 150+ all-time and zero day of. I’ll input data for frequencies and then go back five minutes later and the counters all read zero. What is going on???

    Developer Response

    Thanks for providing feedback about the Catalyst app. We've resolved issues related to frequency counters not resetting on a new day as well as data syncing issues in our recent releases. If you haven't already, please be sure to update to the latest version available in the App store. Please rate and review the app again based on your experience with the latest version so we can continue to improve. As always, you may reach out to if you need any assistance.
  • Can’t see

    This app literally updated right now, while I was working in it. 3-19 at 1:50 P.M. CDL.

    Every time this app is updated,
    It gets formatted further off of my screen, where I can barely touch the buttons- or read descriptions. I have an iPhone SE. Pleased fix so that the user interface works with iPhone SE. I can’t do my job if I can’t push the buttons. Thank You!

    Developer Response

    Thanks for providing feedback about your experience with the Catalyst app. In our most recent release, we made several design updates in the app based on feedback like yours. Please be sure to update to the latest version in the App store, and if you're still experiencing any issues, let us know by emailing We would also appreciate if you would rate and review the app again based on your experience with the latest version.
  • Glitches and for every new day the behaviors do not show up.

    The app is super nice and modern. Love that so much! I wish the app was able to display the full text of the behaviors instead of it being cut off. For example: Physical aggression (contact) or physical aggression (red mark). They get cut off and only display the text of physical aggres.. On the other hand the app is super nice and super convenient. I just wish that i don’t have to delete my clients everyday just to have their behavior recorded and displayed on the bottom of the screen with the number of times that they present behaviors. THIS REALLY NEEDS TO BE FIXED.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for providing a review of the Catalyst app. We wanted to let you know that we've read and acted on this feedback. In our latest release, we've increased the size of the frequency tally buttons and allowed text to wrap onto multiple lines. For very long targets and behaviors, you can also click on the circle portion of the tally button to open a popup displaying the full name. We've also resolved the issue with progress bars and tally buttons not resetting on a new day. Please be sure to update to the latest version on the app store. As always, you can reach out to if you're still having any issues with the app. Feel free to update your rating and review to let us know about your experience on the latest version.
  • Not a fan

    Frequency count goes negative, doesn’t reset each day, doesn’t sync with WebABA, screen is to blinding, doesn’t work with chrome books.

    Developer Response

    We appreciate you taking the time to write a review, and wanted to follow up to let you know we've resolved many of the issues you mentioned. The frequency counters are now working as expected and resetting each day, and we've resolved an issue we were seeing related to syncing. We've also made many design updates to improve readability and usability. Please be sure to update to the latest version on the app store if you haven't already. As always, you can email if you need any assistance, and you can update your rating and review to let us know about your experience on the latest version.
  • Theme and buggy

    The app is fast and efficient! Although it strains your eyes with the color theme. Basically, making it harder to navigate and look at. Hopefully, dark mode is an option or had other colors.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback! We've made some updates to the design of the app based on comments like yours. If you haven't already, please be sure to update to the latest version in the app store. As always, email us at if you need any assistance.
  • Hard on the eyes

    This new app makes it challenging to distinguish/read targets and descriptions. Font isn’t as bold and the all white color without color coded sections really makes it unpleasant to work with. Does work faster but definitely prefer the theme from the last app.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your review. We wanted to let you know that we've heard you and we've resolved many of these concerns with our latest release. We've introduced a background color on program names in the target list so you can more clearly differentiate between your targets and programs. We've also darkened and bolded the font in several places throughout the app, and improved readability on the frequency tally buttons. Please be sure to download the latest version from the app store, and feel free to submit a new rating and review to let us know about your experience.
  • Faster than old app, still pretty buggy

    This Catalyst app definitely runs faster than the previous Catalyst Client app. However, frequency targets/behaviors don’t reset at the end of the day. Documents don’t load. Every day I find another bug. The potential to be good is there!

    Developer Response

    Thanks so much for your review! We wanted to let you know that we've heard your feedback and resolved the issues related to the frequency target and behavior tally buttons not resetting each day, as well as issues with documents loading. Please be sure to download the latest version on the app store, and let us know at if you're still having any issues.

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