User Reviews: Veebs


Top reviews

  • Great and Very Helpful App

    Veebs is a must-have for shoppers who want to align their purchases with their values. It's easy to use, informative, and empowers me to make informed choices. I use it to determine which products to buy using VBScore and where from to buy. Excellent product and great recommendations. Keep it going. Thanks Veebs.
  • Excellent app for everyone

    It’s not partisan but it does let you pick your values and gives a reasonable score on how products match up whether you are a commitard or ultra maga. It could use a few more value pack options as well as more favorite stores like wegmans and tractor supply but this is a new app. The scores so far actually line up with my own research on these various companies because I do not want to support people that hate me. This is a good tool for that.

    It however has something wrong with it. I can’t create a profile. I can’t get it to do anything now that my trial period is over. Also tried all of my emails and none of them exist according to the app. I desperately want to be a paying customer.
  • No to giving out my phone & Email

    This app is a great idea and something I wouldn’t mind paying for. But I’m definitely not giving out my personal info especially on something like this that’ll identify me as having certain beliefs. I’m not accusing the app builders of anything nefarious but if the government wants to compile a database of citizens and their wrong think this will do all the work for them and if the government wants that list they’ll just simply take it. So thanks for what y’all are doing but it’s a huge NO THANKS for me. I hope this isn’t some type of honeypot by the very trustworthy and honest intelligence agencies are using to gain a list of their next political targets once all the J6ers are freed and “convictions” are overturned.
  • More subscription choices

    I would like to see an option to pay for 12/24 months vs. monthly. Even if it’s the same price. Don’t like monthly subscriptions in today’s world. Consider this for your next update? Thanks!
  • What does my email and PHONE # have to do with shopping

    Ok i get the email. But this is a SHOPPING app. Why can’t I use it anonymously? You gona call me to check my shopping experience? Go ask a stranger for their phone number and see how that works out. Could use a burner email and I would do that. Im still a real person if i use a burner. I just want my privacy protected. Especially if I’m rating products based along political lines. And you wonder why your growth is bush league. I can’t even see what I’m getting myself into.
  • Great App

    This app boasts a user-friendly interface and impressive accuracy. In an era where many companies have become politically active, it's invaluable to know their stance. This helps me make informed decisions on whom to support or avoid.
    They also have a very responsive support!
  • If you don’t pay and give your personal data you cannot use this

    I am bummed the developers went this route. I don’t want to give my data up to be sold to marketers or main stream GOP RINO PACs. I certainly don’t want to pay a monthly fee for the privilege of having my data sold. Make it free and charge for extras and do not sell the data, who knows who they will sell it to for the right price.
  • Idk…

    This app has an interesting concept, and we all buy products based on our values and relationships to the producer. However, the way this app turns this into a partisan and identity-based feature is in some ways dangerous and further dividing America. They feature “Values” catering towards both Liberal and Conservative consumers, which to me seems like feeding into and profiting off of the growing political polarization of U.S. demographics. Instead of displaying if a company is woke” or not, they should probably focus on things that actually matter about the food like; quality, non-gmo / gmo, vegan / keto, worker conditions, production location, etc (then the app would be more likely to gain traction). Millions of people face hunger every day, boycotting products over the owner’s political or philanthropic stances makes me genuinely concerned for the future of humanity. And, on top of this, the app’s UI and software is clunky and needs to get some reworks.
  • Phone number?

    App privacy says personal identifiers are not tied to you then it asks for a phone number. If dev can answer 2 things appropriate I will change my star rating and sign up.
    1, how can phone numbers not be tied to our account if we’re required to tie phone numbers to our account?
    2, I believe you don’t sell phone numbers, but if the alphabet boys came around and asked for them, would you guys have the strength not to comply?
  • Why would you need a phone number, and email just to sign up

    Not giving this away my info to fill someone’s database. It might be a decent concept, but even the UI is not great.

    Please redo, or someone else will.

    I can only assume the privacy concerns could be even worse, tracking, selling data etc. My Crystal Ball says I would be getting MAGA messages on my phone, and email, not happening

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