My go to radio station
My only gripe is the constant McDonald’s advertising that the station permits. Especially after discussing topics such as the state of Britain’s health and rising obesity/ diabetes etc. only to be followed by McDonald’s advertising their awful junk food which is not only terrible for health but also contains the meat of cruelly treated factory farmed animals and the eggs from caged hens etc.
Seems at odds with the LBC’s messaging no?
Still not good
Also, podcast content search could be improved… if I start typing the exact first letters of a talkshow
Host I wish to listen to, I get less relevant results appearing first. As a software developer I know you have to work hard to make things this user unfriendly. Or, show recently listened podcasts in a separate list for easy access.
They are now heavily pushing ‘Global player’ for some reason so expect to see this app disappear shortly as and when the corporate overloads see fit.
Adverts injected into talk show podcasts!! Just stop this, you have already made your advert revenue when you first broadcast it. If not, at least wait for a pause in the speech so the advert doesn’t simply steam roller over the original content.
But what do I know, I’m just a user!