Shared Grocery List User Reviews

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  • Helpful to have ingredients for recipes in one place

    I have lists that list ingredients for my favorite and new recipes I’d like to try. I have another list for “staples,” for items that I will always need when I go to the farmers market or grocery store. Not having to re-write my grocery list every time is helpful. Titling recipes and listing their ingredients is helpful too; it’s like have a recipe book but without the instructions - which I usually can find on my history or saves tabs.
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  • Easy App with TONS of uses

    I started using this as a grocery list a few years ago. I have over 20 lists now, from groceries to specific stores, like Costco and Home Depot, i use it each year for kids’ Christmas lists, I have a Today list where I put just things I need to accomplish in a day, my wife and I stated a movie list where we put movies we want to watch but haven’t gotten to yet... the sharing feature is great because my wife will add items to the grocery list while I am out and I get notification that there’s more on there.
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  • Flawed user interface

    The basic shopping list functionality works fine, including sharing. The main problem I have is with the UI for adding items.

    In particular, there is no way to specify weights or volumes of items, at the same time as you add the item. You can increase the “count” of an item, but you can’t say how many pounds, kilograms, liters, etc, and you can’t specify fractions. You also can’t fix spelling mistakes, etc.

    The workaround is, after adding an item: exit the adding screen to return to the list screen, hunt through the list to find the item you just added, and then tap on it to edit it, then return to the adding screen. This is super annoying the nth time you do it while updating your list.

    At one point in the distant past, the app did allow you to edit items as you added them, but this feature was lost during a UI refresh years ago. It’s been broken ever since.

    There’s also no way to add additional details or clarifying information to items.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, thank you for your feedback. We're sorry if you feel that the app has declined in its functionalities. One solution you can use is to add the units immediately when adding an item. So, for example, "milk 1l" will add as an item and its unit next to it. Then, you can come back to it and add extra information. I'll forward your concern to our tech team, and we'll see what we can do to improve this option. Thank you for your understanding.
  • The only shopping companion you will ever need

    This is the best shopping list app I've ever used and always wanted someone to implement for ages. It adds the power of spreadsheets to your shopping lists, you can add photos of products, prices and notes. The app will literally sum up everything and you will know how much you're spending on your groceries. It's even got a list sharing feature so you can sync your lists instantaneously with your family, friends or colleagues. It doesn't have instrusive ads but I paid for Premium just to support the team. It's an amazing app you won't regret having.
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  • Helpful

    I enjoy that my family and I can all be on a shared app to create a grocery list. This allows my kids as well as my spouse to add to the list if they know I’m going to the store. I also like that you can categorize items which makes it easier to find them in the store.
    We do occasionally have a problem with items that one person added not showing up on everyone’s list. This is just once in a great while, but is frustrating when it happens. Overall the app has been helpful though.
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    Developer Response

    Sorry, something definitely doesn’t sound right. Unfortunately, the app store doesn’t give us enough data about this issue… Would you mind reporting it via “Help & feedback” in the app menu? This way, we’ll automatically receive details that are necessary to track and solve it. Thanks ❤️😊
  • Has a bit of trouble syncing

    Update: still has trouble syncing, but now I've seen they have almost 1000 trackers on this app. Ridiculous

    We like this app to coordinate shopping between household members. It's quite useful in that you can add items as they run out (ie no more post it notes) we also use this for Christmas lists and packing. We have noticed a few quirks: The app doesn't seem to always sync. It would be nice to be able to push a sync through manually by pulling down the list. The app icons could use some more categories like: Deli or Desserts The sponsored content icons are troublesome and probably designed to fool the user into unknowingly adding it to a list. Do we really need to trick users? Probably not. Maybe scannable coupons are a better model for free service? Overall it's a great app
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    Developer Response

    Sorry, something definitely doesn’t sound right. Thanks for reporting it! Would you mind contacting us via “Help & feedback” option in the app? This way, we’ll automatically receive more details about the app version etc. that will help solve it much faster.
  • Great Way To keep on Track!!

    This is app is fantastic. Before I go food shopping I list all of the things I will need. I share my list with my family that way we won’t duplicate items. Once it is on the cart we check it off - it’s that easy!! I also create a list as I notice we are low on something or we’ve ran out. For the first time, I am able to complete a holiday grocery shopping list. I wrote down my menu, what ingredients I would need to create this menu and begin to cross off item that I already have in my pantry. There is a icon where you can delete all of your crossed out items and what you are left with is you shopping list! This was a good find!
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  • Super useful!

    My whole family uses this app. We have shared lists (groceries, destination ideas for vacations, etc.) and individual lists too. We use it every. Single. Day. It’s very simple to use, which is useful with certain family members who are a little tech phobic. And it doesn’t have a zillion features that we weren’t going to use anyway and that get in the way of the list feature. This app does lists. Period. And we love that about it! I highly recommend Listonic. Five stars for sure.
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    Developer Response

    5 new stars to our collection 😎 Thanks! We’re so lucky to make an app for such a lovely community 💚
  • Needs some work

    Concept is good but needs more flexibility updates. I created, customized and saved a list. It is a master list of grocery items and I would like to select the weekly items and create a copy for the current week. However when you create a copy, the customized categories default back to “other”. Ideally, I want to create my items by aisle. The number icons available are 0-9 but most grocery stores have up to 16+ aisles. I will continue using the app as I do like it and will hope for more iOS flexibility in the future. The online version currently offers more flexibility than the iOS app.
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    Developer Response

    Sorry, something definitely doesn’t sound right. Unfortunately, the app store doesn’t give us enough data about this issue… Would you mind reporting it via “Help & feedback” in the app menu? This way, we’ll automatically receive details that are necessary to track and solve it. Thanks ❤️😊
  • Very intuitive list app

    I had a list app that I really liked but after upgrading my phone that app was not supported by the App Store anymore so I had to go out and find a new one. So after trying many I came across Listonic and it was by far the best of all the list apps. Doesn’t bombard you with extra features as it just does a great job of creating lists. Don’t miss out on trying this if you’re looking for a list app. You won’t be disappointed!
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