Shared Grocery List User Reviews

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  • Great app

    I’ve had this app for years and have always been really satisfied with the functionality of the app. I like that I can share lists with others who also have the app, even if it’s NOT an iPhone.

    About the only thing I wish the app did was make finding group items easier. You can re-organize the categories based on how you shop but it’s a bit tedious force-touching a category & dragging it to that position. And sometimes that doesn’t work. I’ve tried re-organizing the categories based on how my store is laid out but either the app just crashes or it reverts back to the standard list order.
    I just hate that while shopping I get my fruits & veggies first but that category is almost all the way at the bottom.
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  • Nag ads and lost info

    Have used Listonic for a couple of years and found it helpful to maintain my grocery shopping list. I would have rated it more highly until recent problems:
    I agree that the recent advertiser prompt to accept/decline user info is annoying: I chose decline, then again and each day the prompt returns. I made a choice, please abide by it!
    Also, I had an long list of grocery items on my Listonic service, and recently all of the items have disappeared from my list, for the 2nd time. I have had to re-add the items as I need them. I first reported this occurrence on Dec. 14, 2018.
    This is NOT helpful. Am considering searching for a replacement ap.
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  • Life changing

    As a mom that works full time and goes to school I’m always so busy and I’ve done the paper lists on the fridge but more often than not I leave the list at home and end up forgetting the main things I need from the store but with Listonic if something comes to mind I can just type it on my list and my favorite part is being able to just tap on the item I’ve already added to my cart and not have to balance pushing the cart and marking off a paper list with a pen.
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  • Best individual and group list application!

    Love this app! Our family uses it often.
    We love the fact that if one of us adds or checks off an item we’re all notified.
    Basically a great group application! I don’t know what id do without it.
    Believe me I’ve tried every app out there and not one even comes close!!

    Thank you, for creating the best and easiest to use list/to do app on the market!
    Set up is a breeze as well! I recommend this app to families with children who can spell and up.
    If your in need of an app to help you organize shopping lists or any type of list for all the stores and places where you shop and run errands this is the app for you and your family.
    Also great for organizing items you need to pack for a trip.
    A list of chores for the kids to do. I could go on and on but I think it’s clear that I love this app!!
    I’d try it first and skip all the others that can’t do everything you need it to do without frustration.
    I hope this review was helpful in one way or another!!
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  • Removing items from generated list

    I’ve always had a problem with this app in terms of deleting items from the generated list you no longer buy. I have apples down twice. I should be able to delete from my generated list. It’s like if you put the item on the list one time you can never remove it.
  • Shared lists won’t update—useless for coordination

    This app used to work great for me and my spouse, but in the past few months it’s been failing to update lists across our devices. This isn’t just a hiccup—sometimes I’ll reload a list multiple times, even restart my phone, and it still shows the old version of the list after my spouse has checked off everything as purchased. Even this isn’t consistent, however. Seemingly at random, I’ll get multiple notifications as my spouse updates items on a list—one for every change. This was the entire reason we had the app; now we can’t ever rely on the lists being accurate and up to date, but we’ve just kept trying like lab rats getting an inconsistent reward. Clearly that’s partially on us, but I can’t believe they’re trying to sell a premium version when the basic functionality isn’t there.
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  • Indispensable

    Listonic has saved me many hours of lost time and wasted trips to the stores by reminding me what I needed to buy when I was there. No more scraps of paper lists lost in my pocket. You almost always have your iPhone with you.

    I also use it before extended trips as a checklist for what I need to bring. As said Listonic is indispensable! Thank you Listonic.
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  • Had one job

    This looked like a great option to replace the flaky, annoying Reminders app for shared lists. I downloaded it on my and my wife’s phones, transferred my lists, signed up for premium, and was pretty hopeful about it. Firstly, ads were still showing on my app. I emailed support— telling them that had signed in and hitting the premium subscription option told me I was already subscribed— and they got back to me 2 days later to tell me to make sure I was signed in. So, I sent them a bunch of screenshots and then 2 days later they got back to me to tell me it was a “server malfunction.” Ok... it happens. Less than a week later I was putting my grocery list together through the website interface. I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact that I had two browser windows open with the lists showing— my grocery list just disappears. I tried signing out and in again... still nothing. Still available in the app, so I signed in and out in the app in hopes it would re-upload it... it didn’t. I’m a software developer so I have an idea of how the back-end of systems like this work... this is either someone who doesn’t care, or has no idea what they’re doing. Someone actually charging people for a system with beta-level reliability is just sad.
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  • I used to love this app

    I had been very happy using this app on my cell phone for approximately a year and a half. Somewhere during a recent app date the app became no longer visible on my phone. Every time I want to access it, I have to go to the App Store and install it. AGAIN! My lists are still there but the convenience is long gone. I’ve asked for assistance from the company because I suspect there is a glitch here, but I’ve not been able to get a meaningful response.

    I sure would love to get my app back but I may just have to get my list somewhere else.
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  • Usually don’t like apps

    I usually don’t like using apps to keep me organized bc I try to stay off my phone and I’m better at keeping everything on paper in an agenda or calendar. However, my fiancé told me to get this app so I decided to try it out. I love how easy it is to use. I find myself making lists more on the app and getting things done more when I use this app versus making a list that gets lost in my purse and I forget it was there in the first place!
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