X User Reviews

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  • Gore and racism problem??

    I have had two accounts. The first one I deleted because it was flooded with gore no matter how many times I reported it. And on top of that, there are many racist pages dedicated to tearing people down based on something that is not changeable. This whole platform is horrible all together and very disturbing. I also looked online to see if there was a way to stop this type of thing coming on my page and found that lots of other people are having the same problem as me. It’s not very inclusive or kind to have a huge platform like this but decide not to care enough about the things people are putting on it. There is so much blatant racism and slurs being thrown around it’s genuinely surprising! There are pages just spewing hate and sharing that they wish a lot of races would die (very horrible gory deaths might I add) because they feel that they don’t deserve to live because of their race. There is no censorship of any sort and gore should not be this accessible? It’s being thrown in your face whether you like it or not. And I say that because again, no matter how many time I reported, more gore would show up. In all honesty, it feels like the more I reported it, the more it would show up. And the gore is definitely not any better. I was scrolling and then saw a man get stabbed repeatedly by another of those gore accounts and it’s never any warning either. You scroll and just see people being murdered. This platform might as well go on the dark web.
  • On Mac this app is horrible!

    This is a great example of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. The Twitter app for Mac was working really well. It was a Mac app, not an iPad app. The decision to kill the dedicated Mac app without first making the iPad app fully capable of running well on macOS was stupid. One major problem I have is that when I am typing something in a tweet, the auto complete will try to guess what I am typing and it will often start replacing what I am typing before I can finish a word. This screws up what I was typing. I have to backspace over it and start again and again just to get something typed out. I also don’t like how when I am viewing another X user’s profile, I have to scroll right and left to see things like posts, replies, media, etc. The Mac app had all of these things available in the window without the need to scroll. The Mac app was responsive to the size of the window on the screen. This crappy app is not! It’s total laziness to make us use the iPad app on Mac instead of giving us a dedicated Mac app. X should either bring back the Mac app or start all over and do this right. macOS and iPadOS are essentially the same operating system, but they have different user interfaces. The app should be responsive to the interface of the device it is installed on. It should not force us to use an interface that was not designed for macOS.
  • Simply satisfy

    Only Notify when responses to my tweets are made Make it possible to just delete a tweet that is in my stream when I don't care to BLOCK everything a person writes
    - I JUST want to delete certain tweets- DON'T Delete/edit for us - ITS AMERICA -
    TREAT THIS like what it IS- freedom to express - LEAVE THE LEFTISTS WAYS IN THEIR COUNTRIES - Those of us who don't want to see something like nudity etc - CAN BLOCK IT YOU ARE NOT BIG BROTHER AND NOT OUR PARENTS EITHER ( presuming you ARE
    American) End of suggestions
    I like (the name is a little odd, but not the point) Elon seems to be a very personable human being and wants to reach out and offer us the ability to express ourselves freely. Looking at Canada, UK and so many other countries, you can see their rights to free speech disappear; it is our responsibility to the world to be the guiding light, the lighthouse!! praise you, father, thank you and glorify you for Elon. Guide him, protect him, and bless him going forward. Guide us to a victory in November that we will have freedom of speech and a renewal, even a golden age for America to shine her light upon the word
  • Simply satisfy

    Only Notify when responses to my tweets are made Make it possible to just delete a tweet that is in my stream when I don’t care to BLOCK everything a person writes - I JUST want to delete certain tweets- DON’T Delete/edit for us - ITS AMERICA - TREAT THIS like what it IS- freedom to express - LEAVE THE LEFTISTS WAYS IN THEIR COUNTRIES - Those of us who don’t want to see something like nudity etc - CAN BLOCK IT YOU ARE NOT BIG BROTHER AND NOT OUR PARENTS EITHER ( presuming you ARE American ) End of suggestions
    I like X(the name is a little odd, but not the point) Elon seems to be a very personable human being and wants to reach out and offer us the ability to express ourselves freely. Looking at Canada, UK and so many other countries, you can see their rights to free speech disappear; it is our responsibility to the world to be the guiding light, the lighthouse‼️ praise you, father, thank you and glorify you for Elon. Guide him, protect him, and bless him going forward. Guide us to a victory in November that we will have freedom of speech and a renewal, even a golden age for America to shine her light upon the world‼️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • T

    I don't know what else you would want from a social media app. If you want entertainment you could find it, if you want knowledge on a business or company you may want to start you could find it, if you just want to kill time you could just go on and scroll. I think it's my favorite social media app and it is very diverse from young to old people from people with all different intrests and hobbies educating each other on cool or interesting topics also unlike other apps it is not just a brain rot for low attention spans and it does not hurt anyone who wants to go on as long as you don't look at the wrong stuff. That is also why X is great is it gives you a freedom to post whatever and look at whatever so if you don't like what you see you could only blame yourself since that is what you have been looking and the algorithm is perfect if I look at something once it gives it to me maybe once more if l look up knicks game score I will get more updates on the score to knicks games and other NBA games.
  • Fresh Up to Date Info But Hard to Avoid Politics

    X is easily the best platform for getting the most up to date information about your favorite topics and areas of interest. I will also say that Elon has done a good job reducing the amount of spam bots.

    My main issue with X is how hard it is to avoid divisive politics. It seems like no matter how many times I block them or mark their posts as “not interested” divisive political pundits and commentators seem to find their way into my feed. It is at the point where I have been forced to mute ALL political news including the words “president,” “trump,” “democrat,” and “republican” (amongst many many others). I wish I did not have to do this as I would like to follow legitimate journalists and actual politicians but if I don’t mute those words then my feed will get completely flooded with super divisive opinions from really annoying political pundits whose posts mostly get high engagement from bots which is why they end up in everyone’s feed. I want a healthy mix of sports, finance, and BALANCED NON DIVISIVE political news in my feed and unfortunately, with X I can only have 2/3 of those subjects.
  • Muted The it’s Don’t Even Work Anymore

    I am sick of this app. Since Twitter was bought out, the app and the general community on it has gotten worse and worse. I keep trying to tailor the app to show me things I’m actually interested in and it doesn’t seem to matter what I do. I have multiple eating disorder related terms muted because I’m in recovery, yet I keep being shown “thinspo” and having dangerous behaviors like taking hard drugs to lose weight promoted to me. I never even looked for this content in the first place, so why is it all over my For You page? I’m constantly being promoted scams through ads because Elon scared off big advertisers. Load times for videos has somehow gotten worse. Autoplay on videos just shows me weirdly disturbing and unrelated garbage. Helpful features keep getting removed without warning.
    I love that I have to go to someone’s profile to block them now so the algorithm thinks I want to see MORE hate speech, spam, eating disorder posts, ect. I genuinely don’t have a positive thing to say about this site. I don’t understand how Twitter can crash and burn so hard within the span of 2 years. It takes a real genius to take a social media platform that was already struggling to turn a profit and completely ruining everything remotely enjoyable about it.

    As stated above, this is easily the worlds best and easiest way to self torture! It’s absolutely just the best!… why slam your finger in a car door repeatedly when you can log into X and see what’s on Elon Musks mind about politics today? His tweets.. I mean excuse me.. “posts”… are always at the top now because his likes and shares are artificially boosted by an algorithm, because “free speech!”… Too lazy to get up and fall face first onto shards of glass? No problem! Just log into X and see what conspiracies conservative congressmen and women have been cooking up! Why waist time stepping on nails, or hot coals when you can argue endlessly with people you’ll never meet in real life!?… X doesn’t even hold a candle to all the top modern forms of torture! Now you can more easily throw yourself head first into the lions den metaphorically rather than literally, and it’s all completely free!

    *may cause brain damage, severe headaches, nausea, loss of self confidence, loss of self esteem, loss of brain cells or motor function in hands and in some severe cases, death!*
  • My only app to the world

    The exclusivity was gradual but total and complete now. I’ve been along for the ride, the transition to X. I know Elon gets incredible criticism but I don’t understand. The platform has real people, reporting from the community, as well as the media. Elon, himself, is a wealth of info. Plus community notes is an equalizer, you see the original info, the correction, and the verification. I couldn’t find that anywhere but here. Yes, there are players providing interesting perspectives but you can easily mute, block, and eliminate those voices. This platform allows you to dial in different settings, like different radio stations, for you current interest, ie current news, space, education, entertainment, etc. I wasn’t able to achieve this on any other apps. Yes, you can subscribe to a news app or a social media app but this app has all of it in one place. Facebook was overly curated n felt more n more juvenile as time progressed. Instagram is an advert platform and I could go on about other apps but we all know the evolution of each one. At this point in my life, I don’t need someone else to curate my news, information, or track every little thing. I believe in free speech n support opposing views that are counter to my own. With the option to dial in any station that you prefer, this is the only app to have. I love the connectivity to the world, not just my city or state, and the immediacy is critical. Thank you X team and Elon.
  • Support X

    With so many platforms I will always have an X account and don’t mind paying for t either…X is the only platform I would pay for! Why? X is not a communist platform and allows it’s users to post content that they want. X has the sensitive content warning which is what they all should have. I don’t post my penis pics, but I like knowing I can if I want to. We are adults and parents should be more careful with their children and be held accountable for what they do and what they see! The sensitive content warning is the way to go. I appreciate the effort the people at X do for allowing their platform be used for all purposes and not a communist platform! I really hope to see X be more creative like have reels, be able to post more , broaden their audience and make it more interesting for its users and audience. I love X and I want to see more and see them grow to be more successful. Whether one likes who owns the platforms is irrelevant- their ability to run an open non communist platform is! Way to go X - I hope to see you grow!

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