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  • qqqq

    After being suspended years ago for saying things that were true while the ridiculously over the top fascists Jack Dorsey then Parag Agrawal were in charge, I had high hopes for Twitter when Elon Musk bought it and I was reinstated. Then for reasons I will never understand he hired a new ridiculously over the top fascist CEO, Linda Yaccarino. She immediately let it be known that she would not tolerate "hate speech." Hate speech of course is anything anyone says that the person with their finger on the censor button doesn't like. She said she wouldn't suspend people so easily but that she would silence them, citing her policy of "limiting the reach" of anyone exhibiting what she calls "lawful but awful" behavior. And sure enough, here we are again, being silenced for telling the truth about anything. When I was first reinstated I was getting thousands of views and retweets for posts and comments.
    Then Linda took over and I'm down to a dozen or so views for anything. It's so blatantly obvious that we have entire hashtag groups and lengthy conversations about it. Comments that have absolutely nothing to do with spam but are from accounts deemed "far right" are now behind a wall called "probable spam." Do I expect it to change? No. Because the same people who financially prop up the likes of CNN and pump money into disastrous Democrat campaigns are buying big money advertising on X. You almost had it, Elon. And you blew it.
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  • Fewer Suspensions But More Censorship

    After being suspended years ago for saying things that were true while the ridiculously over the top fascists Jack Dorsey then Parag Agrawal were in charge, I had high hopes for Twitter when Elon Musk bought it and I was reinstated. Then for reasons I will never understand he hired a new ridiculously over the top fascist CEO, Linda Yaccarino. She immediately let it be known that she would not tolerate “hate speech.“ Hate speech of course is anything anyone says that the person with their finger on the censor button doesn’t like. She said she wouldn’t suspend people so easily but that she would silence them, citing her policy of “limiting the reach” of anyone exhibiting what she calls “lawful but awful” behavior. And sure enough, here we are again, being silenced for telling the truth about anything. When I was first reinstated I was getting thousands of views and retweets for posts and comments. Then Linda took over and I’m down to a dozen or so views for anything. It’s so blatantly obvious that we have entire hashtag groups and lengthy conversations about it. Comments that have absolutely nothing to do with spam but are from accounts deemed “far right“ are now behind a wall called “probable spam.“ Do I expect it to change? No. Because the same people who financially prop up the likes of CNN and pump money into disastrous Democrat campaigns are buying big money advertising on X. You almost had it, Elon. And you blew it.
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  • Chasing the Dream on Twitter

    Like this review if you subscribed to me and helped me a little to achieve my dream of reaching 1,000 followers on Twitter 🫶 I already have 50 people 😂, but they are real! 😃 My account: “mrcryptohat”. I promise that even if I get 1 million followers, I will never sell ads on my X and won’t make money off you! It would just be nice to have someone to share my opinions with, be helpful, and discuss relevant topics, especially in the field of cryptocurrencies. If you see even a hint of advertising from me, you can immediately unfollow and tell me off, saying I broke my promise 🙏 I have no expectations and wrote this review just for fun. No one knows what result you can get from any given action, but it’s better to do it than not! Maybe the result will be unexpectedly interesting! 😉 This is a place to write reviews about X, so I’ll also share my opinion on it. People criticize Elon for various decisions made for the development of the platform, but I believe that X is still a unique and irreplaceable platform for consuming relevant content on a wide range of topics. I don’t know of any other social network where, without having an audience, I could express my opinion on a matter, and the platform’s algorithms would promote and show my message to a large number of like-minded people, and even CEOs of projects might respond to me, a response I wouldn’t even dream of!!!
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  • Moderation/Algorithmic Nightmare

    I truly don’t know what will get you banned on Twitter, I’m not calling it X. I reported posts for holocaust denial, people actively calling for genocide, hate speech, the works, I get responses 2 weeks late “___ hasn’t broken our safety policies”. I don’t care about your “Twitter hot takes” or whatever but I really don’t see how allowing flagrantly heinous content on the platform is conducive to a sight anyone wants to be on.

    Problem 2, the algorithm. I can not go 15 minutes on Twitter without seeing something that would be banned on any other platform on the App Store, I can’t go 2 minutes without seeing content from some of the worst people in politics. Why, why oh god, is Marjorie Taylor Greene on my feed??? I don’t like Majorie Taylor Greene, me liking a reply to her post calling her out on her stupidity is not me indicating I want to see more of her content.

    Twitter cares 0 for the user experience, for making a balanced platform, for protecting users from some of the vilest content you can imagine. Twitter cares for one thing: engagement. They want you on there so they can show you ads that look like posts so Elon can pour even a little money into the money pit he’s acquired. Don’t give it to him, you attention and engagement is valuable, I’m begging you, take it elsewhere.
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  • X marks the spot, charting a new course in Social Media and News

    In the labyrinth of online discourse, X stands as a beacon of innovation. Its sleek, user-friendly interface is a testament to thoughtful design, reminiscent of the early days of social media when simplicity and connectivity reigned supreme. Unlike Twitter, where conversations often felt like navigating through a crowded, noisy bazaar, X offers a serene, organized agora of thoughts and ideas. The introduction of AI-powered moderation is a game-changer, addressing the age-old issue of online toxicity that plagued platforms like Twitter. X’s algorithms deftly balance the tightrope between censorship and freedom of expression, creating a space that fosters healthy, constructive dialogues. Moreover, X’s commitment to providing a global yet locally resonant experience is a masterstroke. It manages to shrink the vast, often impersonal digital world into intimate spaces of shared interests and connections, something Twitter could never quite achieve. In a nutshell, X isn’t just an alternative to the former Twitter; it’s a bold reimagining of what social media can and should be. It’s a platform that understands the ethos of our time: the desire for connection, the need for privacy, and the quest for meaningful, respectful discourse.
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  • Pulse of America

    I left social media several years ago because conservatives were not allowed to voice themselves. But now i am back because X is a town square where each person’s truth is not held back because the MSM want it to be censored or even eradicated. We are getting news faster and we are able add comments and even articles. It is such a creative outlet for people like me that have so much to say in this historical time. If you really want to understand what is going on in the world and how people feel about these times X is the place to turn to. Spaces is another tool on X where you can hang out and listen to many different voices at all times of day. I love to see some old-time radio people hop on and enjoy this new way of getting their message out and I am thrilled when the likes of Elon Musk or Vivek Ramaswamy partake in an open debate about a current event. I feel like we have not had a true town square since our Founding Father’s days until now. Great minds can get together here and we actually get to listen and get inspiration. This App is really making a difference across the world and bringing us all closer. Just today there was a person from England posting that they were praying for America under one of my posts. That just awestruck me and it would not happen if it was not for X.
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  • Demonstrably worse since the buyout

    I have had Twitter since 2008. Longer than I’ve been an Apple user. It has gone downhill. Elon‘s politics aside. The app is far less stable than it used to be. I often have to refresh three or four times to see my notifications. I now need to pay or download a third-party app in order to use two factor authentication that I had been using for years and years. The advertisements have gotten steadily scam here and scummier.

    Worst of all from a user perspective the content is worse. Not only is there a constant flood of bot interactions, but favoring “verified” users means that every tweet you care about has 15 to 20 unrelated replies from bots that pay the $15 a month to try and chase down either more traffic or direct payouts. It’s like the algorithm has been completely reworked to favor, low value, engagement farming.

    I’ll see a tweet about some thing I care about like some Geo political event happening and then underneath it I’ll look and there will be 25 replies and 20 of them will be videos of cute animals or pictures of scantily clad girls, or stock trading advice. Then there will be a few responses to the tweet that actually matter scattered into the bottom. And finally Twitter, we’ll stop serving responses and show me tweets “that might interest you” and it will be more of the same completely unrelated content.
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  • I have no political agenda; my agenda is humanity!

    I have just turned seventy. The best of my life was not allowing anyone to tell me or try to convince me that there was something wrong with my world. My life was live and left live. I judged no one on my glance at them, or things I heard them say (even if I didn’t agree).
    Kindness begets kindness.
    Everything I have read regarding all the political statements against trump reminds me of a book I once read; “The Salem Witch Trials”. One accusation was made and then all the small minded idiots of the town joined in. Maybe they joined in so they wouldn’t be accused as well? Who knows?
    This is how I see it..Fear is a great motivator. Sometimes it’s hard to hold a thought together; the older you get. My question is this! Why doesn’t Biden ever speak to the public? As a president; isn’t it his job to keep the people informed of his progress on the promises he made while running for office. Instead he and his cronies are on a witch hunt and leaving the this country to just have to accept that inflation is harming those of us who used to enjoy buying a steak once a month and have a family get together. Where has Biden’s humanity gone? Or did he ever have any?
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  • Let’s be honest it’s great

    I don’t know what else you would want from a social media app. If you want entertainment you could find it, if you want knowledge on a business or company you may want to start you could find it, if you just want to kill time you could just go on and scroll. I think it’s my favorite social media app and it is very diverse from young to old people from people with all different intrests and hobbies educating each other on cool or interesting topics also unlike other apps it is not just a brain rot for low attention spans and it does not hurt anyone who wants to go on as long as you don’t look at the wrong stuff. That is also why X is great is it gives you a freedom to post whatever and look at whatever so if you don’t like what you see you could only blame yourself since that is what you have been looking and the algorithm is perfect if I look at something once it gives it to me maybe once more if I look up knicks game score I will get more updates on the score to knicks games and other NBA games.
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  • Highly recommended 💯 💯

    This app definitely help to keep tabs on love ones and family members but the work of such tracking apps is usually limited because you always need to access the device you want to keep tabs on in order for the tracking app to work effectively. My question is if i can access the device i want to hack, why would I need it hacked? But i understand we hack devices due to different intentions and to recover some information that must have been deleted or kept from being easily seen, the device will be required to be cloned. Being unfaithful gives rise to a whole lot of issues and situations that might be very difficult to cope with if you don't have an account of what is really going down with your partner when you are not together. If you keep getting these signs it's most likely to be true your partner is cheating. That's not the end of life anyway, you can make a choice that suits you and be to your advantage for something like that to never repeat itself. For anvone that find themselves in this situation, what you need is to contact a private ethical investigator named Kevin at (spyhackcyber @ Gmail com )to find out what has been going on behind your back, and fix it as quick as you can. His services are highly rated and affordable, regardless whether your problem is personal or beyond personal, I am certain that whatever you are passing through will be fixed in a jiffy. I am a huge testimony to his exploits and I highly endorse that you write to him.
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