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  • Bad app for a great service

    I LOVE Twitter as a service and have loved it for over a decade. The Twitter app, however, is just bad. It stutters when scrolling, jumping between lists does not save my position at the last read tweet, and the app tries to force annoying accounts/others’ insignificant interactions down our throats. Third party apps were of great benefit to the service and made it better - additionally many third party features were eventually copied by Twitter (Twitter even bought a third party app called Tweetie and rebranded it as their own app many years ago).

    Elon has decided to ban third party apps like Tweetbot, which unlike Twitter’s app was a marvelous piece of software. Twitter thinks this decision will push users to their sorry software but really, at least in my case, I will be using Twitter significantly less.

    I know that many small developers’ and companies’ livelihoods depended on these apps and Elon decides to unilaterally bar these innovative apps from accessing Twitter entirely. I will truly miss using innovative software and navigating Twitter in a coherent way. I continued hoping for the best for Twitter since Elon purchased the company but I’m beginning to see these big, rash decisions are not conducive to longterm success.
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  • Our freedom of speech is so important!

    I went off big tech because I couldn’t trust them when fact checkers was kicking anyone off that didn’t go along with the left on all their craziness. I think Elon has done good putting truth out and proving what we was all saying was 100% true. We was being silenced and that’s our Constitutional right to have freedom of speech. It was so bias and still is on Fakebook and Instagram is still pretty bad, and Utube a little too. I got on Truth, Gettr, Rumble, Telegram and seen what I was missing! It’s nice getting facts and truth and open discussion! I’m coming back to Twitter hoping it’s a fair platform now and things will be so much better when truth isn’t being fact checked as untrue. Somebody needed to shut the fake fact-checked down. Thank you, Elon for all you do to make social media better for all! Oh and when you wanting to know if you should stay on as CEO, I tried to vote for you too, but it wouldn’t let me:( Hope there aren’t still enemies around in Twitter that aren’t good honest people.
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  • Terrible since new management

    I loved Twitter for years, it’s been an integral part in helping me find like minded ppl when I’ve struggled to find them in real life. It’s a platform that has truly helped me transcend country barriers to find lifelong connections. But since Elon has taken over, I’ve been using it so much less, the least I’ve used it ever since I’ve had it as a late teen. I’m almost 26 now. He consistently shows he doesn’t listen to the populous and what we actually want/need from this platform. Every change he’s made, for ex), this Twitter blue fiasco and now making views known for every tweet is ridiculous. Twitter blue divided all of us not to mention caused other problems which led to him getting rid of it for a while😂 How he couldn’t anticipate those issues from arising is beyond me, but you do you man. The tweet views thing is actually mentally draining, I’ve come across so many tweets where ppl have said they feel alone, with so many views and no likes for ex). Don’t you realize how damaging this narrative is? At least make it optional, but we all know he just does things like this as a power play, if he actually cared about ppl’s preferences, it would be optional. Not to mention the interface is messy. I will probably deactivate soon, barely tweet at all anyways now.
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  • Opinions w/o Full Blown Censorship

    It’s taken forever it seems, but twitter has opened up, and it’s no longer seems to be just a one sided opinion marketplace. We as a “the” people at least get opinions without obvious censorship of ideas, even from people we don’t agree with. Can’t stand Trump, nor Pelosi, but Intelligent people want opinions from opposing ideologies, we actually crave them. If only to understand other views of people with obvious intelligence (however politicians are exempted from this group). When ideas become seemingly one sided it’s gets boring, oh so boring. This is why media outlets have drastically had declining followers. From conservatives or liberals it doesn’t matter, it’s just boring. If information platform give us both sides, we as a people will make our own decisions - right or wrong. We at least aren’t fed psy-ops campaign, as it was with twitter in the pre-Elon period. Give me the information, let me make my own opinion, please don’t try to make my opinion for me.

    Twitter has become interesting again - Thanks
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  • Elon ruined Twitter

    I used to use a good amount but slowed down a few months ago prior to Elon acquiring it. And let me tell you when I went back on I was left w an awful taste in my mouth. This nepotism baby that has bought his way to any recognition and has grifted on his so called “ intelligence” and influence has single handedly ruined an app that has been a major campus of pop culture for more than a decade now. He’s shown how much of an imbecile he actually is and how most of his money he makes of the work and backs of other people much more intelligent and capable than he, and how narcissistic he is to not be able to run a platform like Twitter in a way even resembling unbiased. He claims to be for freedom of speech while suspending people he doesn’t agree w and he’s so out of touch he doesn’t even know what Twitter users want. Do us all a favor and slowly back away from mainstream media because every time we here ur name an “ugh this guy” follows. I have never been one to encourage bullying but it clearly would have done him some good to humble that narcissistic ego he’s got going on and I pray for his kids that making a public fool of themselves isn’t hereditary. Deleting the app or probably never coming back thx for ruining it Elon.
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  • I tried to like it.

    I have always used Twitter for news and general comedic relief. It’s has its downfalls over the years, but in general provided a legitimate site for me to find information and a reprieve from life’s day to day stuff. Ever since the purchase, I’ve remained hopeful the app would stick around. I really tried to continue liking and using the app, but I just can’t anymore. I can no longer trust any news from the site because of how much impersonation there is. There’s also so much political rhetoric that it’s frustrating. Elon, I don’t care about your political views. You misguidedly been trying to use this app as a way to push your political agenda. You’re not different than the last head of Twitter - you just simply have a different political agenda you push. I normally wouldn’t care about one meaningless billionaire’s opinions… but all I see if Elon’s tweets all over my page. Even after I muted him, my whole feed was just people talking about him.

    Maybe in a few years once things calm down and Elon gets rid of Twitter, I’ll come back. But right now, I don’t trust the content on the app, nor the verified user strategy. At the end of the day, I don’t care what Elon thinks. I just want news and comedy. I can get that on Tik Tok and the news apps for now. :)
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  • iPad Version = Limited Features and Musk = Hate speech

    Update, December 2022: Full disclosure: I have abandoned my Twitter account after Musk’s takeover, which opened the flood gates to hate speech and far-right influencers, chief among whom is Musk himself. But technically, for those inclined to join the fray, one thing remains constant: The iPad app has fewer features than other iterations for different OS. Fleets (when they existed), downvotes, and Spaces, their audio conferencing, are among the things absent from the iPad app. It also renders poorly, often overwriting itself. Unfortunately, Twitter doesn't accommodate the iPad OS better. Twitter Blue, the “checkmark” add-on, adds nothing to the user experience except a 30-minute window during which you can edit a Tweet. This editing feature does not apply to replies to others’ original posts, just your own. It buys you a 60-second delay in posting anything, during which you can stop the post from being uploaded and re-think, proofread, and edit, but the same is accomplished for free by simply not sending it until it is proofed. The long-sought-for edit button is still an elusive feature. Its political leanings are a matter for an individual to ponder—de gustibus. Twitter remains a big social media player. But the playground can be treacherous.
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  • “Blocking” Thanks Elon

    In my opinion a “Tweeter” should not be able to “Block” someone just because someone challenges their tweet. Example: I was following Larry Sabato, UVA Center for Politics a few years ago (I had a child who was attending UVA). I disagreed with many of Sabato’s statements and opinions regarding politics and I said so without threat or offensive language, just my opinion. He “Blocked” me because I challenged his narrative. He never bothered to challenge my opinion or thought, simply eliminated any challenge by Blocking. Some say Sabato is a smart fellow, if so, you would think he could have easily taken me to the intellectual wood shed, told me how I was wrong, and others could have learned from the exchange. On the other hand, perhaps my thoughts and opinions had validity and others could have learned from my challenges (I mist assume that was Sabato’s primary concern). By allowing a user to block a follower just because they are challenging someone’s tweets obviously limits debate. I don’t have a solution, just identifying a problem or concern. Thanks. Jim
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  • Twitter is dead and Elon Musk is to blame.

    If you have an active social media presence or have been online at any point in the past few weeks, you are probably already well aware of the absolute dumpster fire of an app that Twitter has become. Since his takeover of the company, Elon Musk has already made some pretty controversial decisions, including but not limited too: laying off nearly half of all Twitter employees, requiring Twitter users to pay a monthly subscription fee, to obtain the little blue verification symbol on their profiles, and reinstating the Twitter accounts of various people who where given lifetime bans due to repeat violations of Twitter’s community guidelines. At this point most, of Twitter’s employees have either resigned or been laid off, so I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised if nobody at Twitter HQ ever saw this, but honestly for me, the straw that broke the camel’s back was when Elon Musk made the decision to reinstate the twitter account of notorious misogynist Andrew Tate. For this reason I have decided to deactivate my twitter account and I will be deleting the app from my phone. I would like to encourage other women to do the same. This man does not deserve a platform to spread his ideology. I cannot in good conscience support a company that allows the kind of hate speech that Andrew Tate is known for. RIP Twitter. It was nice while it lasted. I fully expect the company to go bankrupt.
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  • Need to be apolitical

    No matter your political leaning, and no matter how hard you try to avoid politics you will be inundated with ideology that only cleans One Direction. No matter who you follow.I don’t go to Twitter to discuss politics. I am politically independent. hi follow people on Twitter because I want to see things about history and funny Memes and the like. But it’s nearly impossible to avoid the politics. additionally, there are people that moderate the information is posted. These people have no background in science or medicine yet they try to play God as a relates to what information is allowed to be seen by the public. A perfect example are all all the people who were suspended or banned or “shadow banned“ by moderators for questioning the safety of Covid vaccines. of course, now many of those concerns have been proven valid. Pfizer has now admitted that nearly 44% of pregnant women who received the vaccine miscarried. But open discussion on that topic this time last year or two years ago would’ve gotten you banned or suspended. It might even to this day. Anyway, the platform is fine as long as you don’t expect genuine open discussion any contentious or politically sensitive topics.
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