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  • Twitter is a victim of BDE (billionaire dummy energy)

    I’ve been a Twitter user since 2010 so you can imagine I have seen a lot in the last decade, but watching the disaster that are the recent changes that El*n has made has been a wild ride. While I’m enjoying watching this fool unveil himself as the incompetent business person (if you can call him that) with a fragile ego that he is, I cannot ignore the significant damage that has been done to this app. Twitter was a great place to get real time news updates, very funny takes on current events, and a really important platform for open source data research. It is now a shell of its former self and it’s usability has significantly decreased. The disaster of these changes in terms of Twitters brand value and user experience will be studied in business schools for years to come. I, for one, will enjoy watching the inevitable crash and burn documentary that will be coming out about this whole disaster. In a way I feel bad for Elon because clearly he has no one in his life that cares enough to stop him from making insanely stupid and reputation damaging decisions. It seems that money can’t buy you everything! Despite everything, I will unfortunately be on this stupid app until the day it finally succumbs to the foolish, insane actions of the billionaire baby man at the helm.
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  • Elon is a Hypocrite (Update 2023)

    First off, Elon has managed to bring in tons of hate speech and far-right activists into the platform. He brought back Trump, Tate, and Kanye (for a brief moment), and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. He makes verification checkmarks $8/11 even though the point of the checkmark is to VERIFY YOURSELF. People with checkmarks get to have their posts be a #1 priority, which inhibits the reach of everyone else’s posts. This brings me to my next gripe. Elon says he’s bringing free speech to this platform, but all I’ve seen is him blocking certain free speech and allowing hate speech. That’s false advertising. That’s punishable in a court of law, and he doesn’t care. Time and again, Elon has proven to be a liar, a hypocrite, and an enemy of true news. Elon has caged the bird. We must free it. Nobody download this app. And if you do anyways, do not buy anything there.
    Update: Twitter is dead and is being replaced by X. He does realize that’s the reason he was fired from Paypal, right? If his goal is to steer everyone away from the app, he’s succeeding. It’s not even #1 in the News chart anymore. That’s how poorly he’s doing right now. The app is misleading at best, unusable at worst. And that’s including paying for free speech. If there was a way to give it zero stars, I would.
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  • Account Suspension since March 2023 Need Resolution ASAP

    My account is still suspended for no reason. Been suspended since March. Keep sending multiple appeals and followed on how to un suspended my account that shows on the website for my account to be active again. No resolution and after sending the appeals kept saying will notify by email for more info no email but a notification from Twitter app. Apparently the reason was that I have broken the Twitter rules. I haven’t broken any Twitter rules I read what determines the Twitter rules. Twitter says under review of my account it was suspended but can see my profile and activity that I didn’t harass anyone nor made inappropriate content nor comments. I can’t even access my previous posts for evidence if needed. I don’t know why my previous posts aren’t accessible I saw them before. There’s no Spam accounts under my account. I also asked for proof on Twitter Inc based on this decision. I want this to be escalated because I didn’t do anything wrong. I have been very patient and kept appealing for a resolution. The only notification I got from my email was that how was the customer service in June. I gave it a bad review due to not getting the required proof nor assistance of activating my account multiple times. I want my account to be active asap.
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  • Going to Utter Garbage

    I have experienced Twitter both before the Elon takeover and afterwards… And it’s the worst it’s ever been now… Between firing a significant number of Twitter’s support staff, forcing users to see content from verified accounts before the people they actually follow, only verifying people who pay for extra Twitter services, and limiting the number of posts a person can see a day, Musk has essentially rendered this app useless. That’s not even mentioning it’s technical failures over the past few months (Have you ever played a video only for it to restart halfway through or have the video’s audio play for a fraction of the video’s length? Ever get views on your private account with zero followers? It’s ridiculous.). I’ve never felt the need to leave a review for an app before this, but the people saying that this website respects free speech are simply foolish. How is it free speech when only verified accounts are able to make ridiculously long tweets? In what world is it reasonable to limit how much a user can observe in a day? If this was some sort of parental lock feature, I would get it, but Elon Musk is killing this app for the common man. Small business owners and artists will be scrubbed off the face of this website entirely, especially if the 600 post limit includes ads. Just exactly who is the app for anymore?
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  • Just deleted it after 10 years

    So I got
    Twitter, about 10 years ago when I was in high school and I didn’t really do much on it except for follow friends but also follow all the major news sites so that I can get breaking news as quickly as possible and for the last 10 years it’s worked so well I would get the breaking news is something important happening before the notification for my news app or anywhere else however, in the last year my notifications have become so idiotic and useless. The notifications I get are so dumb and don’t even come from major news sites or official journalists and all I get are just notifications of someone spreading hate, commenting hateful stuff. The site has been riddled with incels and “anti-woke” people (which that phrase is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard).
    And now even the major news sites don’t tweet anything important anymore, it all has become click bait and such. To this end, I really have no reason to keep this app. Additionally the buying blue check mark thing has really been giving people a false sense of importance and make them seem like they know everything and people just say the most horrible hateful things with no consideration.
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  • Hope lost, updates have made the application user-unfriendly

    You’d think with a new owner, the application would be better than it was, I was hopeful. The application has gotten infinitely worse. Why should we get recommended people we dislike (apolitical people getting force-fed Andrew Tate, “End Wokeness”, and “Libs of TikTok” despite never clicking like on their posts), shown interests we don’t have (getting force-fed NBA posts when we don’t even follow basketball), and taking away everyone’s verification badge so now we have to double-check everyone’s page to ensure they’re the real person? Politics aside, even both Donald Trump and Joe Biden lost their verification badges. It seems the new retention method for Twitter users now is evoking the emotion of anger, to debate and slander: but it won’t work on me. While Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat aren’t much better, they aren’t as bad as this. For users looking for an alternative or looking for something better, I’d suggest TikTok. A company who actually cares about the user experience, doesn’t hide critical political news such as the French protests and riots, and is filled with comedy-gold. That is particularly why this inept government wants to ban it, and why cringelords like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg lobby such bans.
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  • Divine Rights of People to Freedom of Expression

    Twitter as a public venue to express people’s various opinions is very valuable source of meeting different ideas that come objectively to the truth of the issues presented. Particularly at this difficult times when Political and Ecclesiastical theater showed us its bold and impudent drive to usurp power in very unaesthetic way. The major illegality and Sin of monopolistic industries of Banking and Pharmaceutical dictatorships is marginalizing people to below their human capital value, thus putting them into defensive mode, which it will not contribute to rational solving of the human condition. This present jungle competition between Nations is Lawless and Godless. If ancient people understood Divine Law as expressed in Genesis 9:13 Rainbow in the clouds as a covenant between people of this Earth and the God. The Divine Entity provided His real signature of Aesthetics, beautiful thoughts and actions of every human being is respectfully required. #Liberty of Expression is most important part of #DivineLaw it is granted upon people as their Divine and Sovereign Right that no public actor can challenge or take it away from individual actor.
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  • Littered with bugs, obvious inconsistencies, and continued issues.

    Twitter as an iOS app has had continued issues since the change of ownership. This ranges from UI to UX experiences.
    The most egregious of which are notifications within the app that do no reference actual accurate information. An example would be the horribly implemented and terribly unoptimized Community Notes. Where your rating says one thing but your profile says another. You will be suggested and recommended to begin writing notes but when you attempt to you will then be informed that your rating displayed is not the same rating internally which prevents you from writing notes. This notification error has existed for months now and has been reported by me for months. Twitter support seems to not understand what the screenshots or screen recordings indicate or are willfully ignorant.
    This previous issue extends to Twitter Blue implementation where you will see in the notifications tab that you have been approved however this does not reflect accurately to your account for upwards of 1 week or more. Against Twitter support does not seem to understand screenshots or screen recordings of this being shown/demonstrated or are willfully ignorant.
    All messages to support or confusingly misunderstood or outright ignored going unread.
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  • Take away 30-day deactivation = deletion limit

    I am a professional ceramic sculptor and have had 17 Instagram accounts deactivated on false reports, mod bias, and hackings, so to say I cherish the freedom on this platform not found elsewhere is an understatement. However, Twitter has put other restrictions on my account that arose from nowhere, probably due to competitors and their incessant spam of reports in attempts to get my work taken down so that theirs can appear like the original. Three stars because due to their 30 day policy of account deactivation prior to deletion, an account with almost 2K followers was accidentally deleted with me forgetting to re-login while overseas. It also doesn’t make the platform look good to have users who post content that gets hits elsewhere be unable to grow a following like before on their platform. I’ve been back on Twitter with a new account (post ig deactivation of an account) for 3 months, post several times a day each day, and have only around 50 followers due to my account not being searchable and the professional option removed and no way to appeal and reach support. If these issues can be fixed, naturally the app rating could be as well.
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  • *UPDATE* 2021

    -twitter has purged or cleansed 90% of its conservative users. Now it is a socialist democrat echo chamber, no longer fun at all and impossible to get unbiased news from, so disregard my previous statements below 👇 It really is the best platform for the fastest news one could want. Also, tweeps are pretty smart, for the most part and that’s the joy of it! You get to pick your audience. My one complaint is the algorithm, I’m often search banned and reply deboosted which limits my visibility to others...I still haven’t figured out what it is I do to incur the wrath and get algorithm’d. Perhaps it’s one of those mysteries that may never be solved? Overall, Twitter is great fun! 4 stars.
    UPDATE 2023:
    I don’t know what you did Elon, but it’s even worse then when the libs were running things. My visibility is almost zero most of the time, then for some reason one tweet will get noticed and gain traction. I think you want to make your $40 bill back and I do see a ‘boost’ option on my tweets now. I looked into it… it could cost hundreds of dollar$ to promote a tweet and gain visibility. Doing business with lead pipe cruelty I see. So only the rich can succeed on twitter now? It went from being biased against conservatives to being biased to poor people, way to go Elon. You fixed the politicization and proceeded to introduce class warfare. Bravo
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