X User Reviews

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  • Bad bad bad

    Twitter went from being my number one place for news that I checked every morning to a barely working, right wing capitulating garbage dump of an app. Elon gutted the number of people working for Twitter, mostly to soothe his ego, and now the website regularly breaks and has little to no support. My account was banned months ago, for a very silly reason. I sent many messages to support but each was responded to by a bot telling me they would not reinstate my account or even hear what I had to say. I’m not that hurt over it- maybe they would’ve still left me banned. The part that was insane to me was that I couldn’t reach a real person under ANY circumstance! The only people who have access to speaking to support of any kind have to be highly notable, rich, famous, etc. what kind of website is that?

    No support, little to no maintenance on the app itself that regularly breaks, constant boosting of ads that are deliberately inflammatory or mass botted, blue check marks being elevated so that the top tweets are no longer creative, interesting or popular- but simply from people who pay $5-$20 a month for an app that has always been free. A slew of horrible, dumb decisions from a guy with a silver spoon in his mouth who desperately wants you to find his boomer memes funny. Uuuugh
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  • Twitter to X

    Hello, I enjoy using the app,”X” before it was called “X”. Since I joined in high school this app has been my news source and constant connection to hobbies and topics I love. I enjoy keeping up with my EDM community and upcoming events as well as interacting with my favorite DJs and Producers. Also, when there is a very popular television or movie premiering, people interact and comment on each other’s post to share their opinions on topics they are interested in such as Game of Thrones for example. People were live tweeting and commenting each scene during the final episode. The registration process was extremely easy, and I loved picking a header for my Twitter page. Since I am a loyal user before Twitter became rebranded as “X”, recently I noticed Instagram and TikTok took the lead for most used social media app. I am currently doing a research project on this app and trying to figure out how to target Gen Z users to increase their usage on X. My group project barely uses “X” but besides me, so I guess they barely go on their which means they are not a part of a target market like me. Twitter/X has always be reliable for me and rarely crashes. The increase of Ads and lack of monetarization is dangerous but also overwhelming to look at when I did not follow those pages.
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  • A “town square”, but for who?

    Twitter was already not that great, but it feels as if it has gotten worse over the last few months. All you see now are far-right extremist talking heads, Elon’s sycophants, or the most annoying scam bots for t-shirts, porn, and crypto. Elon says this is the “digital town square”, but honestly he’s just constantly propping up known racists, conspiracy theorists, and maniacs. Now that these creators can be paid based on comment counts, ads etc we’re seeing these creators up the ante in just how insane their posts are getting in order to cause further reach. I went from using this app regularly to maybe checking once a week and have been playing with the idea of just deleting my account in general. Changed the name to X which is just stupid, changed the API policy which makes 3rd party apps totally useless, and anyone who knew what they were doing either quit or was fired. Paying for the app feels pointless as it honestly doesn’t do anything for you other than you have a check mark, which you can hide btw because they realized people were getting laughed at for subscribing to Twitter. The alleged benefits aren’t worth the money. Editing can only be done within a specific window after posting the tweet, and you get 2FA through text. All in all it just isn’t a very engaging or interesting app unless you feel like laughing at goofy people, and even then it gets old quickly.
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  • It is actually 5 stars

    Why rate it 5 stars? Because it is actually 5 stars. I’m referring to X, not Twitter, I have had some problems with Twitter. Elon Musk took over and he implemented some changes that upset the accounts that got special treatment - now everyone gets equal treatment and can contribute to X to get features while supporting the platform.

    I have loved using this platform, it has given me even further reach, less spam, less crock posts from unknown accounts, and more discussion. I like how politicians and celebrities and their accounts aren’t the main focus of attention on X. For example, on Twitter you would have like a celebrity’s post show up (even when you weren’t following him/her) and then you would hide them because they weren’t of interest, same with any other politicians, and they’d still haunt you. X actually listens and I believe that is the source of the anger of the media and the unknown accounts when they make a ton of noise about Musk and his platform.

    I would recommend this platform for anyone looking for actual communication and an equal chance - not some chance given only to those of some “social status”.
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  • Team X-Well done….from an old guy 😀

    I am a middle aged father of 6. I typically used the traditional news sources and grew up on CBS, NBC in late 70’s watching every night with my father. Then, the internet thing happens and I stayed the course but online. I learned to have a left leaning and a right leaning news source saved in my favorites. So I thought I was getting both sides of the story. I’m a conservative but try to remain open minded. I heard about Twitter but never looked at it as all I had heard in recent years was the continuous words of limiting speech on the platform. So I figured I’d stay the course of left/right two website thing. Then Elon Musk purchases and changes to X (a good move to change name), so I said, let me try this thing. Well, all I can say is, it’s been fun traditional news channels. Take care of your folks as you spiral downhill! I see very few exceptions to this. And X has community notes. I’ve asked several times for clarity on some articles I see (are they true), then a day later I get a notice of “community note” and sure enough, there is a clarifying comment regarding the article I previously read. Awesome job team X and Elon Musk!! Five stars definitely!
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  • Uncensored Beats Being Censored

    I quit using Twitter a few years ago, prior to Elon Musk taking control, because every time I left a conservative message that exposed the lies being told during the Trump presidency, the Twitter police would take it down. Nothing vulgar, just exposing their lies.
    After Elon took control, I decided to give it another try. I believe in free speech and so does Elon Musk. You will not always like what you see, but it didn’t give them the right to remove free speech. Again, never anything vulgar, hateful, or inciting violence, you know, the way liberal politicians do.
    I’m so glad we have this platform back and I look forward to many years of fact checking other posts and exposing the lies.
    For me, X has been a stable platform. Not sure where the one star reviews are coming from, unless it’s just more of those liars that are out there trying to degrade a great app for sharing free speech. I guess those people have weak minds, preferring Government censorship and thought control. That’s pretty sad.
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  • Twitter wasn’t ever good, but X is still worse

    Twitter has always been a great app for keeping up with sports, events, and people you’re interested in. It’s technically still that nowadays, but the experience has worsened so much ever since Twitter became X. More specifically, ever since you could pay $8 to boost your account and take over the top spots of replies. Spam is more visible than ever because of this, ads are everywhere whether you pay for premium or not, and there’s huge privacy concerns regarding new implementations like calls.

    I still use this app because I can still do what I always wanted: keep up with my interests. I can do the same on Reddit and Meta platforms in some cases, but Twitter serves a purpose in my routine of this. It’s not a free speech platform and there is a bunch of misinformation that is spread here (but that’s nothing new). Elon had some interesting ideas but the approach with everything has been disastrous and disappointing.

    I can no longer properly recommend this service to anyone. It’s full of spam, ads, misinformation, and bots. Not to mention that if there’s ever a case of you being harassed or if you see any other form of rule breaking, support will do nothing to assist you even if you pay for premium. That subscription isn’t worth it and this platform is not worth your time.
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  • It’s gone down hill

    I used to really enjoy this app but now it is my least favorite app. my biggest issue is the spam bots! you get atleast 100 bots following & messaging you every day you go to report them & nothing is done about it what’s even worse is they don’t even notify you when these bots follow you which makes it seem like they are apart of it which leads to you putting your account on private which decreases the amount of interactions you get on the app! also the for you page is another added feature I dreaded… very copy catish why would I want a whole page dedicated to see people’s tweets that I don’t follow??? Meanwhile they limit how many tweets you can see on the following page a day unless you have the blue check which is dumb! the amount of pornography on the app is crazy I understand they do allow it but it should have sim restrictions the premium or subscription option really took the authenticity and joy out of the app and I also don’t like that you can no longer look at your previous tweets from years ago it only allows you to go back so far noticed it happens after some update back in April of 2023 overall the app has just flopped 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
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  • Not what it used to be.

    Ever since Elon acquired TWITTER, he's been turning it into an echo chamber of hate. He claims the changes were made to promote free speech, yet the moderation favors bigotry and silences justice. All the while, running thousands of blatantly misleading advertisements, and inserting his political views into users' interests, flooding their timelines with misinformation and vitriol. The verified badge used to be a symbol, a sort of icon of authenticity, given out to only those who are trusted. However, it's now an indication of gullibility, fascism, and inability to accept the consequences of your own actions. I say that last part, because paying monthly for the verification badge literally makes you less susceptible to acts of moderation on your account now. Crazy, to be honest. Gone are the days of meaningful interactions, welcome to the new age, where scrolling down a comment section bombards you with unrelated viral videos, crypto self-promotions, and porn. Despite all of this, people somehow still try to justify these changes, because it means they get to have their political views prioritized over actual conversation. If you've read through this entire thing, congrats! You've just wasted minutes of your life that you will not get back. But if you didn't read this, and instead downloaded the app expecting sunshine and rainbows, you'd be wasting even more of your time.
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  • Great except………

    At first it seemed like this was such a great place to share thoughts and opinions then I quickly realized it was a great place for SOME PEOPLE to share their thoughts and opinions while the rest of us have their posts(tweets?)go into an “Algorithm Limbo” where you might be lucky if 10 people actually see their tweets. Tweets I may have spent more than an hr fact checking and finding the perfect photo to accompany it go completely unnoticed much of the time. I have been on X for about 2+ yrs and have about 4k followers and almost 5k I’m following. I would spend ALot more time and energy on the site but most of the time I feel like I am screaming into the wind on a rowboat on the mighty Pacific Ocean. I feel lucky if I get 4 or more likes for a well crafted, thoughtful and often clever/humorous tweet with just the right photo, then I see someone respond to the same post and just say something like “screw those guys!!” And they get THOUSANDS of likes and reposts in one day!!???? Much like FakeBook it is a bit of a popularity contest. And the more ignorant, confrontational MAGA voices seem to get amplified and ruin actual constructive, intelligent discussions.🤷‍♂️
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